PicList 2.8.6 Performance optimization of publishing map bed management and uploading tools

Source: contribution
Author: Cute Hero
2024-05-26 21:37:00

PicList is an efficient cloud storage and map bed platform management tool. After in-depth secondary development on the basis of PicGo, it not only retains all the functions of PicGo, but also adds many new features. For example, photo albums support synchronous cloud deletion of files, and the built-in graph bed adds WebDav, local graph bed, SFTP, etc. PicList also adds a complete cloud storage management function, including cloud directory view, file search, batch upload and download and delete files, copying file links in multiple formats and pictures/markdown/text/video preview, etc. In addition, there are more powerful albums and multiple functions added or optimized.

Open source address and software official website

Download address


PicList-2.8.6-arm64.dmg PicList-2.8.6-x64.dmg PicList-2.8.6-universal.dmg


PicList-Setup-2.8.6-ia32.exe PicList-Setup-2.8.6-x64.exe PicList-Setup-2.8.6.exe


PicList-2.8.6.AppImage piclist_2.8.6_amd64.snap

Contents of this update

✨ Features

  • Now the log when deleting cloud pictures from the album is recorded in the log file, rather than printed to the console
  • Now when the manual and the drawing bed manual are opened in the software window, the language will be automatically set according to the software language
  • Now it will take effect immediately after setting the custom mini window icon and keeping it set to the top, and there is no need to restart the software
  • Optimized download speed for synchronous configuration
  • Optimize the performance of the function of listening to the clipboard

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the problem that when entering the page for the first time, the default value displayed by the drop-down selection is the background value instead of the label
  • Fixed the problem that the trace page listener was not removed correctly


  • Optimized Official website Loading speed of, added Profile Structure Description of
  • The mac packaging platform is migrated to macos-12
  • Removed code related to obsolete configuration items
  • Removed unused reagent in management configuration currentPicBedConfig Configuration Item


  • It retains all the functions of PicGo and is compatible with most existing PicGo plug-ins, including the combination with Typora, Obsidian and other software
  • Several built-in graph beds have been added, such as WebDav, local graph beds and SFTP. The original built-in imgur graph bed additionally supports login account upload
  • The cloud pictures can be deleted synchronously in the album, and all built-in picture beds and multiple plug-ins are supported
  • Advanced search and sorting, batch URL modification and other functions are added to the album
  • Built in watermark addition, image compression, image scaling, image rotation, image format conversion and other functions, and support advanced renaming
  • Support configuration synchronization to Github or Gitee warehouse
  • It supports the management of more than ten kinds of map beds, and can view cloud directory, search files, upload, download and delete files in batches online
  • It supports previewing files in various formats, including pictures, videos, plain text files, markdown files, etc. Please refer to List of supported file formats
  • Batch cloud file renaming with regular expression enabled
  • For private buckets and others, copy pre signed links for sharing
  • It supports automatic software update, multiple startup modes, and more functions and details
  • The PicGo interface is optimized, the window size limit is unlocked, and part of the interface layout is beautified
  • The installation package of the mac platform has been signed, which solves the Nikkei problem of the damaged installation package on PicGo from the source

Software screenshot

 image.png  image.png  image.png  image.png

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