Kaiyuan Daily | Kotlin 2.0.0; The compressed data in simplified Chinese is only 6TB; AI is not a nuclear bomb; The world's first open source large-scale "NoC IP"; What capabilities does Huawei have that cannot be replaced at present?

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2024-05-23 18:26:00

Welcome to read the Open Source Daily produced by OSCHINA editorial department, which is updated once a day.

# 2024.5.23

Today's key points

Kaixin Institute released the world's first open source large-scale "NoC IP": Wenyuhe

Beijing Open Source Chip Research Institute ("Kaixin Institute" for short) officially release It is the world's first open source large-scale network on chip (NoC) IP - R&D code "Wenyuhe", marking its important progress in the development of data center server chip technology.

It is reported that NoC, as the core basic IP for server chips facing the data center in addition to high-performance processor cores, is currently the only supplier of ARM in the world, and the use of RISC-V processor cores is limited to a certain extent.

Since the establishment of the project, the Open Core Institute has successfully completed the development and verification of NoC IP supporting 64 core interconnection after 18 months of intense development. At present, the NoC IP deliverable enterprise has been evaluated, which further promotes the development of RISC-V ecology.

Kotlin 2.0.0 stable version released, K2 compiler has been stabilized

Kotlin 2.0.0 has no new features at the language level. It mainly introduces the K2 compiler, which improves the performance. According to the official introduction, the front end of K2 compiler is not only a reconstruction of the old compiler front end, but a complete rewrite based on the new architecture from scratch.

The development team said that they had minimized the number and impact of disruptive changes, so they would "consciously avoid introducing any new features in Kotlin 2.0" during the development phase, and "try their best to minimize the impact of code migration from Kotlin 1.9 to Kotlin 2.0".

This MCU AI software is all open source

Since the advent of the AI boom, the AI computing power of MCU has become more and more powerful. For MCU, TinyML is an ongoing change. Its biggest advantage is portability. Running on a cheap MCU with a small battery and low power consumption means that people can easily integrate ML into almost anything at a cheap price using TinyML.

SensiML, as the pioneer of TinyML, announced two days ago that it plans to contribute core IP and SensiML Analytics Studio as the basis of a new open source community collaboration project, thus taking a bold step on the open source road.

Observation today

Social observation

Less than 500 yuan! I bought the world's first "serial handheld"

Before the debut of Nintendo Switch, NVIDIA actually made many interesting attempts.

When NVIDIA's graphics card business was not in full swing as it is today, they tried to carry out multiple businesses at the same time, including the Tegra processor based on ARM architecture. Unfortunately, because of power consumption, heat and other reasons, the Tegra processor has never become the mainstream in the mobile market, and even was once dubbed "high score but low energy".

Then, at a certain time, Old Huang suddenly had an epiphany.

If Tegra series chips are abandoned by manufacturers because of their high power consumption and heat generation, what will be the result if we build a game handheld computer and equip it with active cooling?

This is the story of NVIDIA Shield, Nvidia's first Android device.

- Lei Technology

Simplified Chinese compressed data is only 6TB

Common Crawl Chinese data has been extracted and de yellowed. It is found that the compressed data in simplified Chinese is only 6TB, about 30TB after decompression, and 6TB in traditional Chinese. The Chinese data reached a maximum in 2019, and then fell back. I don't know what happened in 2020.. Chinese web page data is still a bit withered. Are some websites not maintained? ​​​

-Weibo Liang Bin penny

Top 10 learning principles for software developers

There are many popular books on brain science on the market, such as Fast and Slow Thinking, Flow of Heart, Lifelong Growth, etc., but few books combine brain science with specific industries to teach you how to learn.

This article belongs to this category. It lists 10 learning principles that software developers must know

For example, the process of understanding concepts: from abstract to concrete and back to abstract. The semantic wave is mentioned. Through the "semantic wave" learning method, you will frequently switch between abstract definitions and various examples.

The higher the diversity of examples, the better. Even wrong examples can help you understand the mistakes when compared with the correct ones. For example, when you are learning what a constant is, you see a variable that is incorrectly marked as a non constant. This learning process is called "unpacking".

Through these different examples, you can re-examine the abstract definition and form a deeper understanding of the concept. This deep understanding comes from how you relate each detail in the example to the abstract concept in the definition. This process is called "repackaging".

-Weibo dingtingli

High end processor chip contains two core IP

The high-end processor chip contains two core IPs: one is the CPU core responsible for computing, such as the V1/N1/V2/N2 core of ARM Neoverse series; The other is the NoC (Network on Chip), which connects tens of hundreds of processor cores. It can be seen as a bridge within the chip, such as the ARM CMN-600/700 series IP.

The "Xiangshan" high-performance RISC-V processor core is the first class IP, which has developed to the third generation, and its performance can reach ARM N2. It was just released in Zhongguancun Forum some time ago. D However, for the second type of NoC IP, especially the single chip 100 core NoC, currently only ARM CMN series are available in the world (there is no instance of the Arteris FlexNoC series), and the single license price is up to hundreds of millions of yuan, and there are many restrictions.

- micro-blog Bao Yungang

Why Wenxin charged us so much when it was free

Finally, the brothers in the factory have to ask why Wenxin paid us so much for free, which can only be...... "Demand stratification based on the Red Sea industry, build ecological barriers against brand edge effects, analyze the irrational changes of ToC customers, catch the pain points, and open up a differentiated iterative path. Simplify user access costs through cognitive folding, stretch and align traditional industries to achieve business model closed-loop " [Melting] ——generated by yiyan.baidu.com

- micro-blog   Rachel____Zhang

What capabilities does Huawei have that cannot be replaced at present?

Huawei cannot replace industrial software and various software tools. Huawei led its partners to solve more than 80 industrial software such as EDA, and also developed a large number of software development tools. Before Huawei, the domestic market was either sparse or empty, and was occupied by European and American companies, especially American companies. In this case, in case of a situation similar to that of Russia, our relevant fields will be in a mess and the losses will be incalculable. That is to say, Huawei has led the industry chain brothers to fill this field quickly.

- micro-blog Former HR himself

Media observation

Yang Likun responded to the "deep learning" battle among the three giants: Sinton is wrong, AI is not a nuclear bomb

"It (AI) is not a bomb, it is not used to kill people, AI is to make them (human beings) smarter. So, I don't understand this analogy at all. Also, AI is not that dangerous. I think these systems are much smarter than they really are. Now the question of AI is whether the future power is enough, and do you think it will also destroy something? We can reach the system of human intelligence, and we can consider how to make it more secure. " Yang Likun said.

Yang Likun stressed that open source (AI technology) is very important and a very meaningful technical contribution.

- Titanium Media

Liu Tieyan of Microsoft Research Institute: AI for Science, looking forward to a future where everyone can participate in scientific discovery

"AI for Science indicates a new paradigm of scientific discovery. By building a unified scientific base model, AI for Science will eliminate barriers between different scientific fields and achieve the goal of solving many scientific problems through one model. It is also expected to promote a more popular paradigm of scientific exploration, so that everyone can participate in the process of scientific discovery by interacting with the base model. In order to realize these visions, we must let the scientific base model go beyond the limits of human language to learn and understand the language of nature. "

- ScienceAI

Xiaomi pursues intelligent driving, and Wang Naiyan, former CTO of Tucson, will join

Wang Naiyan, former Tucson's future CTO of China, will join Xiaomi Auto and report to Ye Hangjun, chairman of Xiaomi Technical Committee and head of Xiaomi Auto's automatic driving. Previously, Wang Naiyan led Tucson's future research and development and management in China, and was responsible for the development and implementation of L2 auxiliary driving and L4 automatic driving programs.

Earlier, Dr. Wang Naiyan graduated from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He is good at deep learning and is the core developer of the deep learning open source framework MXNet. He has published more than 40 papers on top conferences and journals of computer vision and machine learning.

-36 krypton

The UK regulator ICO investigated the working method of Microsoft "Recall" using NPU screenshots

The UK data watchdog said it was "asking Microsoft" about a new feature that can take a screenshot of a laptop every few seconds. Microsoft said that Recall will store encrypted snapshots locally on the computer, which is a unique feature of the upcoming Copilot+PC.

However, the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) said that it was contacting Microsoft to obtain more information about the security of the product, which was called a potential "privacy nightmare" by privacy campaigners.

- cnBeta

Who is DeepSeek, the initiator of "cabbage price" and the big model "price butcher"?

When many AI applications flooded into the market in a daze, AI company DeepSeek announced last week that DeepSeekChat has been filed through Beijing's generative AI service, or will soon open its service to the public.

DeepSeek was founded in April 2023 by the well-known private equity giant Magic Square Quantification. Unlike AI start-ups such as the Dark Side of the Moon, Zhipu AI, Minimax, and Baichuan Intelligent, which have received investment from large manufacturers, DeepSeek has no direct relationship with technology giants. However, this company is still regarded as a "dark horse" that may change the domestic AI market pattern.

At the beginning of May, DeepSeek announced the open source of the second generation MoE model DeepSeek-V2. It is reported that this model is comparable to the GPT-4 Turbo in terms of performance, but the price is only 1% of the GPT-4, which also makes DeepSeek gain the reputation of "more AI than ever".

-Blue Whale TMT

Recommended today

Open source project



Timeshift is an application that provides functions similar to the system restore function in Windows and the Time Machine tool in mac OS. Timeshift protects your system by periodically taking incremental snapshots of the file system. These snapshots can be restored later to undo all changes to the system.

A daily blog

How to write cache code gracefully

Therefore, what cache is and how to choose a cache are not the focus of this article. Today, we will write about how to separate cache code from business code in the actual coding process to make the code more concise and easier to read.

Event comments

Meta sets up a new AI committee, and the all white male lineup is questioned

Meta announced on Wednesday the establishment of an AI advisory committee with only white male members, which will meet regularly with Meta's management team to provide guidance for the company's AI and technological progress.


Meta's decision has been widely questioned because it clearly lacks gender and ethnic diversity. In an increasingly globalized and diversified world, a team composed entirely of white men cannot fully represent the needs and perspectives of all user groups.

The development of AI technology needs to take into account the issues of ethics, prejudice and fairness. A team of consultants lacking diversity may not be able to fully identify and solve these problems, because they may not fully understand the experiences and challenges of all affected groups.

As a world-famous technology company, Meta's decisions and behaviors have an important impact on public trust. This decision may weaken the public's confidence in Meta's fair and responsible decision-making in the AI field. Diversity is one of the important driving forces of innovation. People with different backgrounds and experiences can bring different views and ideas, which is crucial to promoting technological innovation. A homogeneous team may limit this innovation potential.

This decision may damage Meta's brand image and reputation, and also provides a warning to other technology companies that diversity and inclusiveness must be taken into account when establishing key decision teams to avoid similar disputes and negative impacts.

Windows 11 will install Microsoft Computer Manager on equipment in China

Microsoft recently released a beta update for Windows 11, in which a change was mentioned: PC Manager will be installed on devices in China.


This may be a measure taken by Microsoft to better serve the local market and provide more localized system management tools. There are many computer management software in China. Microsoft may be trying to gain a place in this competitive market by preloading "Microsoft Computer Manager".

Preinstalled system management software may have a positive or negative impact on the user experience. On the one hand, it can provide convenient system maintenance and optimization functions; On the other hand, if the user feels compelled to use a certain software, it may cause dissatisfaction. Any software that is deeply integrated with the system may cause users to worry about data privacy. Microsoft needs to ensure that the "Microsoft Computer Manager" is transparent and secure when handling user data.

This move may be part of Microsoft's efforts to build and consolidate its position in China's software ecosystem. By providing officially recognized system management tools, Microsoft can better control software quality and user experience. It is worth mentioning that in China, compliance with local laws and regulations is an important part of enterprise operation. Microsoft may need to ensure that its "computer steward" complies with China's network security and data protection regulations.

ChatGPT was seriously down, and was rumored to be "invaded by Russian hackers"

ChatGPT has a major outage accident, involving ChatGPT web end and mobile app.


The downtime of ChatGPT highlights the importance of ensuring the stability and reliability of services for high traffic online service platforms. Downtime not only affects the user experience, but also may affect the reputation and financial status of the enterprise. Faced with service interruption, OpenAI's crisis management ability was tested. They need to quickly locate the problem, fix the fault, and report the situation to users in time to mitigate the negative impact.

Through effective problem solving and communication strategies, enterprises can build trust among users. On the contrary, if handled improperly, users may lose their trust and support. The downtime of ChatGPT also reflects the dependence of users on AI services. With AI services playing an increasingly important role in daily life, any service interruption may have an impact on users' work or life.

This event may prompt OpenAI and other AI service providers to strengthen the redundancy design and disaster recovery plan of the system in the future to improve the robustness of the service. For those who spread false information, there should be corresponding legal and moral constraints. This is not only a respect for the affected enterprises, but also a necessary measure to maintain a healthy network environment.

Voice of Open Source

Media opinion

Will ChatGPT kill the school

Some traditional theories will also be challenged. Taking the "bucket theory" commonly used in talent training as an example, the traditional view is that how much water a bucket can hold depends on the shortest board. However, in the era of generative AI, Liu Xiaoguang put forward a new view - how much water a bucket will hold in the future depends on the longest board, "what about the other short boards, others will make up".

China Youth News

Big model price cut, a war without winners

The essence of price reduction is to accelerate the implementation of large models. The big model should not only write poems and paintings, but also "go to the grassroots". Behind the price reduction is the cooperation case of reaching thousands of industries and obtaining a larger sample size, from which common characteristics are extracted to form a reasonable and efficient industrial standard of large model.

Photon Planet

AI entrepreneurship, chasing the wind, but not believing in "dividends" -- an exclusive interview with AI human-computer interaction expert Ji Xiaobai

In the long run, image generation AI must cooperate with human brain, rather than replace human photography and image creation. Photography is not only the capture of objective things, but also the expression of the photographer's emotions and thoughts. I like painting and photography very much. Although AI technology is evolving, the subjective expression of human active creation can never be replaced.

Yangzi Evening News

Wang Xiaochuan: The price war of the big model will accelerate the bubble cycle, so don't mix it with what we do at the C end

When talking about the recent price war of the big model, Wang Xiaochuan said to the titanium media app that free price is an advantage, but not necessarily a competitiveness. To C is a part of building influence. Having both super models and super applications is an important condition for the success and failure of commercialization. In terms of market size and coverage, the C (consumer) end of China's market is 10 times larger than the B (enterprise) end, and ToB is a particularly good business in the United States.

- Titanium Media

User perspective

Windows 11 will install Microsoft Computer Manager on equipment in China

  • Viewpoint 1: I have installed this device twice. The first time it crashed and restarted, the second time it was stuck as PPT. I don't know what it is doing
  • Viewpoint 2: win11 ad
  • Viewpoint 3: It has already been installed. But it doesn't feel useful. Like 360's software
  • Viewpoint 4: Except for Laotan pickles, nothing else is considered. The installation of software for Win11 is very slow since 23h2, and I haven't seen anyone say that I am the same for several machines. 22h2 has no such problem. The leaked Win11 pickles also have the problem of slow installation of software
  • Viewpoint 5: I have been installing and using it for nearly half a year, but I haven't found anything useful. In addition, some parts of the UI are very unreasonable, such as being unable to drag and drop, and the path and name are not fully displayed. Some functions do cause the cpu to soar. For example, if you want to find duplicate files or large files, you can only select very frustrated files. The first suggestion for each optimization is to lock the homepage of edge, but is the homepage locked to Baidu Pinyin. com? Dg=xxxxx, so it is said that it is an advertising version, a domestic special version, and it is not wronged. It may not be as good as a digital security guard fast version 😀

ChatGPT was seriously down, and was rumored to be "invaded by Russian hackers"

  • Viewpoint 1: The service without DOWN machine is not good
  • Viewpoint 2: Let ChatGPT fix the problem by itself^_^

Report: In the past decade, a quarter of web pages have disappeared

  • Viewpoint 1: I registered a decentralized domain name in Unstoppable Domains for $4. Once registered, there is no renewal fee. Then upload a page on the ipfs space website and resolve the domain name. The page will always exist.
  • Viewpoint 2: It's also a cost to put it there, so It's gone
  • Viewpoint 3: When the waves wash away, the useless ones will be eliminated
  • Viewpoint 4: The operation cycle of small sites (personal sites) is short, and the revision of large websites may lead to the permanent "disappearance" of some pages. As for the content on social media, the operator will set the visible time, delete, block the account, or even actively block and lower the power of blog posts in some languages~
  • Viewpoint 5: Do apps disappear more

Kotlin 2.0.0 stable version released, K2 compiler has been stabilized

  • Viewpoint: kotlin has been working as a backend for two years, and the biggest feeling is that it is more fluent than java


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