Fraudsters use TeamViewer to transfer 3.98 million yuan! What should a remote desktop vendor do?

Source: contribution
Author: RustDesk
2024-05-15 17:06:00

Just saw the news, 3.98 million yuan was transferred! Hangzhou Police Urgent Reminder The fraudster used TeamViewer to remotely control the victim's mobile bank and transferred 3.98 million victims!

Considering the article we published last week, RustDesk suspended domestic services due to rampant fraud Many people are very confused about our behavior, and even suspect that it is deliberately hyped GitHub It is said that this is racial discrimination, because it is only shielding China.

Under pressure, we narrowed down the scope of shielding last weekend. At present, only domestic mobile phones are being blocked, and desktop computers are no longer affected.

One of the most common questions is why other remote desktops do not have this problem? The fact is that not only Chinese people have this problem, but also foreigners asked this question when I took the initiative to remove the Android app half a year ago.

We didn't explain at that time, because everyone was used to it. If you didn't report, you didn't hear, you didn't even get hurt. But we should think about it. There are old people around us. They are our close relatives. They are all vulnerable groups under the current wave of technology and may become victims at any time. Please explain to them the new type of fraud facing remote control of mobile banking. It is more effective to set their mobile phones to the elderly mode and prohibit the installation of new software.

As the saying goes, if you see a cockroach, there are countless others you haven't seen. Now that the news has come out, it is enough to show that the fraud facing the remote control of mobile banking has become popular. Should all of our remote desktop vendors do something? At present, what RustDesk can do is to shield domestic mobile phones from being charged.

Anti fraud has a long way to go. Remote control is just a tool they use. Even if there is no remote control, they will have other ways. However, remote control has improved the efficiency of their fraud to some extent.

We don't expect all manufacturers to shield mobile phones from being charged as we do, because this way is too extreme and harms the interests of normal users. But I hope to see other manufacturers put forward their own solutions, even organize security alliances, and develop standardized anti fraud technical standards.

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This wonderful review
I transferred tens of thousands of yuan to my own account, which was under risk control. How did I do this? The bank should be responsible for this 😂
2024-05-15 17:23
twenty-nine fabulous
What does the bank do? It's blamed on the remote desktop. Persimmons really pick up soft pinches~?
2024-05-15 18:31
sixteen fabulous
The bank is strongly required to be responsible for
2024-05-15 17:36
twelve fabulous
The news should be read continuously. I'm waiting for the third news besides rustdesk and teamviewer. Localized remote desktop software is far ahead.
2024-05-20 09:58
six fabulous
Screen capture is prohibited in domestic financial APP, and remote operation is black screen. How do they operate the APP remotely?
2024-05-15 21:24
five fabulous
thirty-nine comment
six Collection
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