Intelligent release of Eurux-8x22B open source model facing the wall - it can be called the "science champion"

Edit: game
2024-05-06 17:17:25

Facewall Intelligence recently released the open source big model Eurux-8x22B, including Eurux-8x22B-NCA and Eurux-8x22B-KTO, which focuses on reasoning ability.

The official said:

Compared with the acclaimed Llama3-70B, Eurux-8x22B was released earlier, with comparable comprehensive performance, especially stronger reasoning performance—— Refreshing the reasoning performance SOTA of the open source big model can be called the "science champion" of the open source big model.

Eurux-8x22B surpassed Llama3-70B in LeetCode (180 real LeetCode programming questions) and TheoremQA tests, and surpassed closed source GPT-3.5-Turbo in LeetCode tests.

It is reported that the Eurux-8x22B model activation parameter 39B, which supports 64k context, is aligned from the Mixtral-8x22B model and trained on the UltraInteract aligned dataset.

Eurux-8x22B model+aligned datasets are open source:

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