In 2023, Google Play rejected 2.28 million risky Android applications

Source: contribution
2024-04-30 14:18:05

Google presentation It said that in 2023, the company prevented 2.28 million Android applications violating the policy from being launched on Google Play. And 333000 Google Play accounts that uploaded malware, fraudulent applications or repeatedly violated the policy were found and blocked.

In contrast, in 2022, Google banned 1.5 million "bad" applications and 173000 developer accounts that seriously violated store policies.

The company emphasized that their review and security initiatives are based on the SAFE principle, namely: (S) protecting users, (A) advocating developer protection, (F) strengthening responsible innovation, and (E) promoting platform defense.

On this basis, this year has also made improvements and introduced new measures to strengthen the ability to identify malicious submitted content and delete existing dangerous content on Google Play, including:

  • More stringent developer registration and authentication process.
  • Introduce independent security reviews and gadgets for Android VPN applications.
  • Add real-time scanning function to prevent malware execution.
  • Firmware enhancement makes it more difficult to use SoC level defects.
  • Expand the SDK index (now covering 6 million applications) to help developers choose secure SDKs for their projects.

In addition to blocking nearly 2.3 million applications and blocking 333000 illegal publishers, Google also rejected or corrected requests submitted by 200000 applications to ensure the correct use of sensitive permissions such as background location or SMS access.

In addition, Google works with 31 SDK providers to ensure that only the smallest amount of sensitive information is collected and shared from devices that have installed applications using these SDKs. The technology company said that this move directly affected 790000 applications on Google Play, covering tens of millions or more potential users.

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