ChatGPT plug-in is online! Open source API management tools can be used directly!

Source: contribution
2023-03-09 11:14:00

Update highlights

Postcat New ChatGPT plug-in The original ChatGPT can be used directly without registration.

How to use

Visit to log in or register directly with the github account:
At the top right corner [Plug in Plaza], find the Chatgpt plug-in and install it
After installing the plug-in, a dialog box will pop up automatically
When I try to ask it the first question:
The operation is so simple. You might as well try it yourself~
This project is open source. If you are interested, you can give it to Star and fork

About Postcat

Postcat is an open source API management tool with API related core functions and a rich plug-in plaza to help you quickly complete the API publishing and testing functions.

Core functions:

  1. API Document management, Visualize API design and generate API documents
  2. API Testing, Automatic generation of test parameters, automatic generation of test cases, visual data editing
  3. Mock, Automatically generate mocks according to documents, or create custom mocks to meet complex scenes
  4. Plug in expansion, Many plug-ins extend product functions to create an API development platform for you and your team
  5. Teamwork, Both API sharing and cloud space collaboration can be created


  1. You can test without login, Eliminates tedious login verification operations
  2. The interface is simple, No redundant features and complex options
  3. Open source, Free, suitable for individuals and small teams
  4. Rich plug-ins, Support up to 22 plug-ins such as data migration, theme, API security, etc
  5. domestic , can better understand the needs of domestic users, and communication is barrier free
  6. Perfect user documentation, Follow the operation to get started quickly
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