Kubernetes 1.24 officially released

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2022-05-04 18:18:00

Kubernetes 1.24 has been officially released, which is the first major version update in 2022.

1.24 There are 46 functional changes in total, including:

  • 14 enhancements have been upgraded to stable status
  • 15 enhancements are entering the testing phase
  • 13 enhancements are entering alpha phase
  • Two features have been marked as deprecated
  • Two functions have been deleted

Major changes

Remove dockership component from kubelet

Dockership components have been marked as deprecated in 1.20, and the latest version 1.24 has officially deleted them. Starting from this version, users need to use other Supported Runtime (e.g. containerd or CRI-O). If you rely on the Docker Engine as the runtime, you need to use cri docked. See Guide for details

API in Beta status is turned off by default

By default, the new beta API will not be enabled in the cluster However, the existing beta API and its new version will continue to be enabled in 1.24.

Signing Release Artifacts

In 1.24, publishing artifacts will use cosign   Sign, It also provides experimental image signature verification support. The signature and verification of the released artifacts are Part of improving Kubernetes software supply chain security

OpenAPI v3

Kubernetes 1.24 provides beta support for the OpenAPI v3 publishing format of the API.

Storage capacity and storage volume expansion function GA

Storage capacity tracking via   CSIStorageCapacity object Exposes the currently available storage capacity, and enhances the scheduling of pods with later bound CSI storage volumes.

Storage volume expansion Added support for resizing existing persistent volumes.

NonPreemptingPriority officially enters a stable state

This function Added new options for PriorityClasses , you can enable or disable the pod preemption mechanism

Migrate storage plug-in

Currently, the plug-in stored in the tree is being migrated to implement the CSI plug-in while maintaining the normal operation of the original API. Azure Disk And OpenStack Cinder Wait until the plug-in has completed the migration.

GRPC probe upgrade to beta version

In 1.24, GRPC probe function It has entered the beta testing phase and is enabled by default. Users can now perform the Locally configure startup, activity and readiness detection without exposing HTTP endpoints or using additional executables

Upgrade Kubelet Credential Provider to beta version

This component was released as Alpha version in Kubernetes 1.20. Kubelet's support for this component has now been upgraded to Beta version. This allows kubelet to use the exec plug-in to dynamically retrieve the credentials of the container image registry instead of storing the credentials on the node's file system.

Contextual Logging Enters Alpha Phase

This feature enables the caller of the function to control all the details of logging (output format, detail level, added value, name, etc.).

Avoid conflicts when assigning IP addresses to services

This is a new optional function that allows users to allocate reserved ranges for static IP addresses of services. By manually enabling this function, the cluster will automatically obtain addresses from the specified service IP pool, thus reducing the risk of conflict.

So the service ClusterIP It can be specified in the following ways:

  • Dynamic allocation, which means that the cluster will automatically select the idle IP within the configured service IP range
  • Static allocation, which means that the user will set the IP within the configured service IP range

Serving ClusterIP It is unique, so when you try to use the assigned ClusterIP If you create a service, an error result will be returned.

Delete dynamic kubelet configuration from Kubelet

The dynamic Kubelet configuration was marked as deprecated in 1.22 and has now been officially deleted. This function will also be removed from the API server of Kubernetes 1.26.

Kubernetes version 1.24 is named after "Stargazer", and the logo is a The telescope looks at the Pleiades star cluster in the sky, which is called the "Seven Immortals" in Greek mythology. "7" is the lucky number of Kubernetes. After all, its project name was “Project Seven”。

Release Announcement | Changelog

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This wonderful review
The K8S's own website explains:
"Kubernetes is not a single system"

Do you want to run K8S directly on bare machine? Also "full function local source"... If you really want to "source", the official K8S website has all the source code.

I've seen you comment on "full component ISO" for various operating systems many times before. I guess you may be a fan of iso image collection of operating systems.
2022-05-05 20:17
one fabulous
Can k8s produce a full component ISO like Debian Gnu/Linux, so that users can build a full function local source first, and then play with others!!! Popularization is a problem. If the popularity is not enough, the market will never do well!!!
2022-05-05 16:29
one fabulous
Finally removed the docker
2022-05-05 07:57
one fabulous
four comment
eight Collection
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