The server, also known as the back end, is the core pillar of data and logic. Explore the deep mystery of the back end, pay attention to today's popular methods, and master the core of the server.

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05/29 16:00

Windows Tip: Easily connect one of the multi process windows

👆 If you are interested in private cloud, you can enter the public account and reply "private cloud". 1、 Foreword When connecting Windows windows, some students will encounter an application but open several different process windows. But what should we do when there is only one AirtestIDE search window or when the search window names are unified? Let's discuss this problem today~II. The way to obtain information about Windows application process. When we need to obtain information about Windows application process, we need to ensure that our python environment contains the following libraries. It is recommended to use the local python environment

05/22 16:30

Poco Framework Practice: Operations that can be implemented on nodes

👆 If you are interested in private cloud, you can enter the public account and reply "private cloud". 1、 Before the preface, we introduced the Poco node relationship and some methods to obtain node attributes. For details, please click to view our historical tweets~today, let's see what else we can do with Poco nodes! 2、 Details of Poco Node Operation 2.1 Modifying Text Class Attribute Values: setattr (typename, val) In daily testing, when some text class attributes need to be modified, you can use the setattr (typename, val) method by entering the attribute name and the content to be modified. But

05/16 15:30

Open, close, switch apps and clear app processes, so easy!

👆 If you are interested in private cloud, you can enter the public account and reply "private cloud". 1、 Foreword When writing automated test scripts, many novice students still use the most basic way to open, close, and switch apps. Some students ask in the exchange group many times whether there are ways to open, close, switch apps, and clear app processes, or interfaces. Today, we will talk in detail about how to open, close Switch App and clear App process operations. 2、 How to Open, Close, Switch Apps and Clear App Processes 2.1 Open App: start_app() There are many ways to open an App

04/24 16:54

Poco Framework Practice: Efficient Techniques for Obtaining Node Attributes (I)

👆 If you are interested in private cloud, you can enter the public account and reply "private cloud". 1、 Preface In the last tweet, we introduced the node relationship under the Poco UI tree and the method to find the node we need through the node relationship. This week, let's share what information we can get when we find the node we need? How to get it? 2、 Attribute operation of Poco node 2.1 Obtaining control text attribute: get_text() In UI automation testing, it is a common requirement to obtain node text information. Poco framework provides get_text() method, which can easily extract the text of specified elements

03/21 15:30

Here comes the fishing tips. Come and watch

👆 If you are interested in private cloud, you can enter the public account and reply "private cloud". 1、 Foreword In the daily test, many kids still choose to use USB to connect devices for running test. When multiple devices need to be connected, there is no way to insert so many devices into the computer, so they can only choose to use wireless connection for connection test. Get this detailed wireless connection device tutorial. 2. Tips for remote connection to Android phones. 1. First, set the address of the adb.exe provided by AirtestIDE to the address of the environment variable adb, which is generally XX: AirtestIDE Airtest core android stat

02/21 16:00

[Update announcement] AirtestIDE updated to version 1.2.17

👆 If you are interested in private cloud, you can enter the public account and reply "private cloud". 1. Preface This update is AirtestIDE, AirtestSelenium library update. AirtestIDE was updated to version 1.2.17, Airtest, the built-in library of AirtestIDE, was updated to version, Poco was updated to version 1.0.94, which mainly supported selenium 4.0 and above, ADB was changed to version 41, Airtest added click and slide relative coordinate support, Poco fixed the problem of slow running efficiency of 1.0.93, etc. See below for more updates. 2. Update content 1) AirtestIDE is updated to version 1.2.17, the new version of IDE main

03/27 16:00

What about time controls? Don't panic, I will teach you to take it easily

👆 If you are interested in private cloud, you can enter the public account and reply "private cloud". 1. Preface Many students will always encounter a variety of small controls that need to be tested in the test scenario, including the Android side, the web side, and so on. Today we will see how we should conduct automated testing when we encounter time controls. 2. Processing time controls on Android devices Time controls on Android terminals will have scroll wheel selection, as well as clock mode, calendar mode, etc. It can be seen that scroll wheel selection and clock mode are used above. Poco can identify and click, but note

04/17 16:00

Poco node relationship is open!

👆 If you are interested in private cloud, you can enter the public account and reply "private cloud". 1、 Foreword In the practice of automated testing, we found that many students did not understand the relationship between nodes deeply enough when using Poco framework to locate controls. This week, let's explain the child&children, offspring, sibling, parent and other node relationship location methods in Poco framework in detail. 2、 Relationship Analysis of Poco Locating Nodes 2.1 children&children Literally, it is obvious that children and children represent the acquisition of child nodes under the node. If you need to get multiple children

04/10 16:00

How to implement your own touch in the way of overlay function?

👆 If you are interested in private cloud, you can enter the public account and reply "private cloud". 1. Foreword In the daily test work with Airtest, we sometimes want to enhance the function of an interface, or add some error handling and retry mechanisms, but we don't want to directly modify the Airtest source code because we are afraid that updating the Airtest library will overwrite the source code modification. At this time, we recommend that you use python to overwrite functions. Changing the behavior of functions by overwriting functions is a common programming skill, which can not only keep our code flexible, but also avoid directly modifying the source code library

03/13 16:00

Airtest's new upgrade is compatible with Selenium 4.0. Come and see the updated content

👆 If you are interested in private cloud, you can enter the public account and reply "private cloud". 1、 The preface mentioned in the update tweet last week that Airtest Selenium has been updated to version 1.0.6, and the syntax supporting Selenium 4.0 has been added. Let's take a look at the new content of Airtest Selenium after the update What are the new functions of selenium 4.0? The most important thing of selenium 4.0 is to update the method of locating elements. There are some differences in the code writing method between selenium 4.0 and the old version, which makes it more concise and clear. 1. Update of positioning single element method First, let's look at the update of positioning element method, A

04/16 15:32

AutoMQ Hits the Top Hacker News: The First Bucket of Gold in Open Source Project Traffic and Experience Sharing

##* * 01 Event Review * * At noon on April 8, 2024, with a brief title of AutoMQ: Show HN: AutoMQ - A Cost Effective Kafka Disto That Can Autoscale in Seconds [1], we successfully reached the top of Hacker News (HN), and we welcomed a large number of high-quality and accurate overseas users' attention. In just 24 hours, the attention of our open source project [2] has exceeded 1K, and we have accumulated 200+high-quality Stars. For a startup company or a new startup project, the initial publicity is a huge challenge. Hacker News provides a fair

01/05 15:35

How fast is it to build a static file server with Spring Boot 3.2 virtual threads?

Spring Boot 3.2 will be released in November 2023, marking a critical moment in the field of Java development. This breakthrough version introduces a series of revolutionary functions, including: - Virtual Threads: use the virtual threads of Project Room to release scalability, thus reducing resource consumption and enhancing concurrency- Native Image support: Compile and produce extremely fast applications through Native Image to reduce startup time and optimize resource utilization- JVM checkpoint: use the JVM checkpoint mechanism of the CRaC project to achieve rapid restart of applications without lengthy restart

2023/12/12 17:23

AutoMQ Community Biweekly Selection Phase II (11.20-12.01)

##In the second two weeks of open source, as a growing open source project, AutoMQ has done a lot of optimization and restructuring. The following is a summary of relevant key developments. AutoMQ Kafka: write link time-consuming optimization, fast and slow read isolation, Spot instance forced recovery disaster tolerance. AutoMQ RocketMQ: optimizing the cold reading of historical data, optimizing the time consuming of LogCache reading and writing, publishing v0.0.3-alpha version, publishing Helm Chart, and publishing document stations## AutoMQ Kafka Selected Dynamic # # # Write Link Time consuming Optimization All writes and callbacks will be put into a single threaded thread pool for processing to ensure

2023/11/24 10:53

Spring Boot 3.2 release: a large number of Java 21 supports go live, improving observability

Just this morning, Spring Boot 3.2 was officially released! This version is an important supported version after the official release of Java 21, so it contains a lot of optimizations for Java 21 support. Next, let's get to know the new content brought by the latest version of Spring Boot 3.2 through Spring's official blog and Josh Long's 80+minute introduction video- Official blog: -Josh Long's video:

2023/11/23 17:43

Java 21 enhances the processing of Emoji emoticons

Now an interesting thing in Java 21! In ` java The Lang. Character 'class adds an API to determine whether a character is an Emoji emoticon, which mainly includes the following six new static methods: ` ` java public static boolean isEmoji (int codePoint) {return CharacterData. of (codePoint). isEmoji (codePoint);} public static boolean isEmojiPresentation (int codePoint) {return CharacterData. of (codePoint) .isEmojiPresentation(codePoint); } public static boolea...

2023/04/12 14:24

Be careful, lost message! RocketMQ delivery strategy helps you solve the problem! Wild architect of erudite valley

##RocketMQ message delivery policy! [img]( )- * * Author: * * Wilderness Architect of Boxue Valley - * * GitHub: * * [GitHub address]( )(There are 130 e-book PDFs that I have carefully prepared)>Only share dry goods without blowing water, let's work together! 😄 ### Preface The message delivery of RocketMQ can be divided into two types: one is that the producer delivers messages to the MQ broker; The other is MQ broker

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