The Practice and Innovation Base of Cryptographic Rule of Law was inaugurated

Date of issue: 2022-06-02 Source: State Password Administration
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two thousand and twenty-two year six month one The practice and innovation base of password rule of law was unveiled The ceremony was held in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. Relevant responsible comrades from the State Password Administration and local password administration departments in Jiangsu, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Tibet, Shaanxi, etc., representatives of local commercial password associations and the commercial password industry, experts and scholars in the field of network security and passwords, and password practitioners across the country eight thousand and six hundred More than people participated in the activity through a combination of online and offline methods. He Liangsheng, Deputy Director of the State Encryption Administration, attended the event and delivered a speech. Leaders from Jiangsu Provincial State Password Administration, Suzhou Research Institute of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Suzhou Industrial Park Management Committee, and Suzhou Municipal State Password Administration Attended the event, signed the cooperation agreement on joint construction of the base, and jointly unveiled the base.

two thousand and twenty-one Year Approved by the State Password Administration, four units including the State Password Administration of Jiangsu Province, the Suzhou Research Institute of Xi'an Jiaotong University, the Suzhou Industrial Park Management Committee, and the Suzhou State Password Administration jointly prepared to build a practice and innovation base for the rule of law in Suzhou. Base on With the theme of "Practice and Innovation of Cryptographic Rule of Law", it integrates relevant academic and industrial, technical and industrial resources in the field of cryptology, and carries out research on policies, regulations and strategies related to international and domestic cryptology. It is the first think tank and service platform in China that specializes in the study of cryptographic rule of law and promotes the application and innovative development of cryptology. After more than half a year of careful preparation, the successful holding of this event marks the official establishment and operation of the base.

Comrade He Liangsheng pointed out that the construction of the base is a pioneering and long-term work, which requires the joint efforts of all parties concerned to gather strength, wisdom and aspirations for the long-term development of the base. It is hoped that under the guidance of the overall national security concept, the Base will make full use of the advantageous resources of all parties involved in government, industry, university, research and utilization, take serving major decisions on password work as the purpose, take password policies, regulations and strategic research and consultation as the main direction, focus on improving organizational forms and management methods, and base itself on intellectual support, platform channels, and bridge and link positioning, We will strive to improve our comprehensive research and strategic planning capabilities, play a supporting role in national password strategy, planning, layout, policy research and formulation, and become a new type of password think tank that the party and government can trust and use.

The contracting parties said that they would strengthen overall coordination, improve the working mechanism, improve management measures, implement work responsibilities, constantly improve the quality and level of the base construction, make full use of the research results of the base, and actively contribute to promoting the construction of the rule of law and the development of the password cause.





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