Input method in mobile phone

For the majority of Android users in China, when Apple fans are overjoyed by the launch of the Jiugongge input method by IOS, we are laughing on the side. Android is different from Apple. Jiugongge is similar to the daily home cooking and has nothing new. Now for Android users, is there a unique input method or a more beautiful and practical input method, It became a topic we talked about after dinner. Today, I summarized a number of commonly used input methods for Android. I wonder if there is one that you haven't used

Baidu input method for mobile phone

Baidu mobile phone input method is a powerful smart phone input method. With accurate vocabulary and comprehensive functions, it greatly improves the input efficiency and is the best choice for mobile phone users.

Mobile QQ input method

The Android version of QQ input method adds a variety of practical functions on the basis of traditional input methods, so it is an indispensable input method product.

Sogou input method for mobile phone

The new Sogou voice, the cloud word bank has been upgraded again, achieving a leading word preference rate. At the same time, Sogou pioneered to send multimedia content such as voice and pictures directly in ordinary short messages, making input methods follow the trend and no longer out

iFlytek Input

The iFLYTEK voice input method is developed by iFLYTEK based on the "iFLYTEK voice cloud", which integrates voice, handwriting and pinyin input. The unique advantages of rapid recognition of voice and handwriting bring a new mobile phone input experience.

Google Pinyin

Google Pinyin IME is an intelligent IME application that allows you to input traditional Chinese on Android phones and tablets. We support multiple input methods.

Touchpad input method

Still worried about the touch screen message and pressing the wrong key? Can't stand turtle speed input in English? Always expect keyboard and handwriting to work together? What are you waiting for? Touch the treasure input method, taking you to experience the creativity of Yingdong fingertip.