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Location: home page  —  Android software  —  application  —  System Tools  —  decompression


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Permissions: viewing

The following important permissions need to be called
360 reinforcement
Internet<Access network>Access network connection, GPRS traffic may be generated
READ_PHONE_STATE<Read phone status>Access phone status
ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE<Get network status>Get network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
ACCESS_WIFI_STATE<Get WiFi status>Get current WiFi access status and WLAN hotspot information
READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE<Access to External Storage>Access to External Storage
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE<write to external storage>allow programs to write to external storage, such as writing files on SD card
CAMERA<photo permission>allow access to the camera to take photos
SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW<Show System Window>Show System Window
WRITE_APN_SETTINGS<Write GPRS access point settings>Write network GPRS access point settings
PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS<unknown permission>unknown permission
MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE<unknown permission>unknown permission
REQUEST_DELETE_PACKAGES<unknown permission>unknown permission
GET_PACKAGE_SIZE<Get app size>Get app file size
ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION<Get the wrong position>Get the longitude and latitude information of the user's wrong position through WiFi or mobile base station. The positioning accuracy is about 30~1500m
REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES<unknown permission>unknown permission
GET_TASKS<Get task information>Allow programs to get current or recently running applications
ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION<Get accurate position>Receive satellite positioning information through GPS chip, and the positioning accuracy is within 10 meters
WAKE_LOCK<Wake up lock>Allow the background process to still run after the phone screen is turned off
MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS<Mount file system>Mount and unmount external file system
VIBRATE<Use vibration>Allowable vibration
CHANGE_WIFI_STATE<Change WiFi state>Change WiFi state
DOWNLOAD_WITHOUT_NOTIFICATION<unknown permission>unknown permission
BLUETOOTH<Use Bluetooth>allows the program to connect paired Bluetooth devices
GET_ACCOUNTS<Access account Gmail list>Access GMail account list
READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE<unknown permission>unknown permission

Unzip 5.1.8

Special area
Software size 23.1 MB
Software language Simplified Chinese
Software scoring
Software type Domestic software
Software Licensing shareware
Update time 2024-04-28
Application platform android
Software classification System Tools
edition 5.1.8
Record No E ICP B No. 20011043 - 21A
Software manufacturer Wuhan Shengmi Information Technology Co., Ltd

Software Introduction Related topics common problem Other versions Download address

Basic Introduction
 Decompress the section header LOGO

ZArchiver decompression tool for Android It is a powerful compression and Decompression software , support rar , zip, 7z, and so on. Unlike androidzip, it decompresses 7z errors. It also supports rar compressed files with passwords and Chinese file names (which is the only one on Android). It supports rar, zip , 7z decompression, also supports decompressing files with passwords, and also supports volume splitting decompression , speed and success rate are absolutely better than other decompression software.

Similar software
Version Description
Software address

 Extract screenshot

Features of ZArchiver decompression tool software

       Compress and decompress compressed documents with password protection;

Edit document: add and delete documents in the document (zip, 7zip, tar, apk, mtz);

Support the creation and decompression of multi volume documents: 7z, rar (decompression only);

Support multi volume compression package decompression operation;

Support direct opening of documents in the compressed package;

Supports opening compressed documents from mail applications.

       ZArchiver supports the following document format operations:

Create compression type format: 7z (7zip), zip, bzip2 (bz2), gzip (gz), XZ, tar;

Support decompression type format: 7z (7zip), zip, rar, rar5, bzip2, gzip, XZ, iso, tar, arj, cab, lzh, lha, lzma, xar, tgz, tbz, Z, deb, rpm, zipx, mtz, chm, dmg, cpio, cramfs, img (fat, ntfs, ubf), wim, ecm, arc (freearc);

View the document type format: 7z (7zip), zip, rar, rar5, bzip2, gzip, XZ, iso, tar, arj, cab, lzh, lha, lzma, xar, tgz, tbz, Z, deb, rpm, zipx, mtz, chm, dmg, cpio, cramfs, img (fat, ntfs, ubf), wim, ecm, arc (freearc);

 Extract screenshot

How to use the ZArchiver decompression tool

Step 1: Download and install the [Zarchiver Decompression Tool] software.

Step 2: Prepare a [7z] compressed file.

 Extract screenshot

Step 3: Open Zarchiver to find the file location.

Step 4: click the file and then click [Extract to compressed file name], and enter the file [Password] to extract.

 Extract screenshot

Step 6: If the decompression is successful, you can view it in the source file directory.

 Extract screenshot
Frequently asked questions about the ZArchiver decompression tool

       Question 1: How to use the Android version of the ZArchiver decompression tool to process compressed files?

Answer: First find the compressed file, and long press the compressed file.

 Extract screenshot

Select Open as Compressed Document.

 Extract screenshot

Click the decompression icon in the lower right corner.

 Extract screenshot

Select the path to save the file.

 Extract screenshot

Click the icon to unzip here.

 Extract screenshot

The document was decompressed successfully.

 Extract screenshot

To extract multiple files, click the [┇] icon in the upper right corner.

 Extract screenshot

Select the Multi Select function.

 Extract screenshot

Select the file you want to unzip.

 Extract screenshot

Click the [▦] icon in the upper right corner.

 Extract screenshot

Select [Unzip].

 Extract screenshot

Extract the icon here.

 Extract screenshot

The document is decompressed successfully. Save the file here.

 Extract screenshot

Recommended Similar Software of ZArchiver Decompression Tool

       1、 Document decompression : is a file manager application with file compression and file extraction functions! The Android phone's built-in file manager can only handle regular files and operations, and the supported file formats are quite limited. It is very inconvenient to view, share, and store files when using them; Document decompression can not only be used to compress or decompress files, but also directly open, copy, move, delete or rename various files, including all functions of file management applications and file compression applications.

    Download address: https://www.onlinedown.net/soft/10019239.htm

       2、 ZIP decompression king : is a small tool that integrates decompression/compression and file management. Support decompression and compression, encryption compression, encryption decompression and other functions. Is a professional compression and decompression file management tool.

       Download address: https://www.onlinedown.net/soft/10023974.htm

Recommended by the Chinese military editor:

Believe me, as long as you use the ZArchiver decompression tool, other system tools can be uninstalled, which will absolutely meet all your needs. Xiao Bian has also carefully prepared for you Decompression expert ZIP decompression king File decompression Decompression almighty king

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Unzip 5.1.8
