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Location: home page  —  PC software  —  systems software  —  Pinyin input  —  2345 Ace Input Method
 2345 Ace Input Method

2345 Ace Input Method 7.9 Official Version

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  • Software license: freeware
  • Software size: 54MB
  • Software rating:
  • Software type: Domestic software
  • Updated: 2024-04-25
  • Application platform: Win All
  • Software language: Simplified Chinese
  • Version: 7.9 Official version

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Basic Introduction
 2345 Ace input method section head LOGO

2345 Ace Input Method It is a Chinese input software suitable for PC terminal. 2345 Ace Input Method has comprehensive functions and is simple to operate. It can be used normally after installation. It not only has fast input speed and high accuracy, but also provides users with a large vocabulary and brings users a pleasant experience of input. Huajun Software Park provides you with official download of 2345 Ace IME.

2345 Ace Input Method Software Features

1. 2345 Ace input method supports massive thesaurus and classified thesaurus.

2. It supports full spelling, simple spelling, mixed spelling and fuzzy sound.

3. 2345 Ace input method supports traditional Chinese input and English candidates.

4. Support Sogou Pinyin input method and QQ Pinyin input method to automatically import the user's thesaurus.

5. It supports user's thesaurus export, word frequency adjustment, and pinyin error correction.

6. 2345 Ace input method supports easy to read error correction and soft keyboard input.

7. It supports user-defined phrases, numbers followed by English punctuation, and the number of candidates.

 Screenshot of 2345 trump card input method

2345 Ace Input Method Installation Steps

1. First, download the official software package of 2345 Ace Input Method on the website. After the download is completed, the exe installation file is obtained. The user clicks the exe file with the left mouse button to enter the installation interface. The software installation interface is simple as shown in the figure below. The user needs to read and agree to the user's use agreement before continuing the installation.

 Screenshot of 2345 trump card input method

2. The user can directly click the one button installation option on the interface, and the software will be installed in the system C disk by default or click the custom installation option below, and then the installation location selection interface will pop up at the bottom of the interface, and the user can click the change directory to select the appropriate installation location, There are also options to read and agree to the user experience plan and lock as the default browser at the bottom of the interface. You can uncheck them and click one click to install them.

 Screenshot of 2345 trump card input method

3. 2345 Ace input method is being installed, as shown in the figure below. The user needs to wait until the installation progress bar is completed. The installation speed of the small editor's personal test is very fast, and it won't take long to complete it.

 Screenshot of 2345 trump card input method

4. After the 2345 Ace IME is installed, the interface shown in the following figure will appear, which means that the 2345 Ace IME has been successfully installed on the user's computer. There is an option to open the setup wizard at the bottom of the interface. If the user is downloading for the first time, he can check the setup wizard, which will provide guidance for the user when opening the software after the installation is completed. After selecting, you can click Install Complete to start the experience.

 Screenshot of 2345 trump card input method

2345 How to use wild card input method

    1、 2345 Ace Input Method How to add a custom phrase?

In daily work and life, input method user-defined phrases can be said to be very popular. Using it can not only improve work efficiency, but also complete the input work quickly and well. However, some kids don't know how to add user-defined phrases when using 2345 Ace input method. I bring you detailed usage methods today. Let's have a look.

First, we need to download and install 2345 Ace IME on our website. After installation, we can right click the input method skin on the desktop, and select the setting option in the pop-up menu bar to enter the setting interface, as shown in the following figure. We can click the advanced option on the left, select Enable Self defined Phrase, and finally set our own customized phrase.

 Screenshot of 2345 trump card input method

 Screenshot of 2345 trump card input method

       2、 How to play special symbols in 2345 Ace input method?

1. Many users will use special symbols when chatting, but they don't know how to use the 2345 Ace input method to display special symbols. The editor brings two methods for everyone. The simplest method is to directly input "V1" through the 2345 Ace input method, as shown in the following figure. After input, the special symbol will be seen in the options below.

 Screenshot of 2345 trump card input method

2. Some users will find that there are few symbols in the prompt book using the first method, and they can't find what they want. Users can also right-click the status bar of 2345 Ace Input Method set on the desktop, and then summarize the special character options in the pop-up menu bar and click to enter the special character interface.

 Screenshot of 2345 trump card input method

3. After entering the 2345 Ace Input Method Special Characters interface, we can find many special characters. There must be one you need. After finding it, left click the symbol to use it successfully. It's not easy. Come and try it.

 Screenshot of 2345 trump card input method

2345 Frequently asked questions about ace input method

       1、 2345 How to switch between Chinese and English?

1. 2345 Ace Input Method By default, the user can switch between Chinese and English after clicking the "Shift" key. To put it simply, if the user is now in Chinese, pressing the "Shift" key will turn into English input, and pressing the "Shift" key again will turn into Chinese input. The operation is simple.

2. The user can also control the mouse to operate. Click the Chinese or English icon in the status bar of 2345 Ace Input Method to switch. In short, when the status bar is Chinese, click Chinese to switch to English input, and click English to switch to Chinese input.

       2、 How to uninstall 2345 Ace IME? How to delete?

       Method 1: Use 360 Security Guard Uninstall software such as QQ computer butler

1. First, we open 360 Security Guard on the computer, and then enter the main interface of the software. We find the Software Manager option on the top of the interface and click to enter the Software Manager interface.

 Screenshot of 2345 trump card input method

2. Enter to 360 Software Manager After the interface, we find the uninstall option at the top of the interface and click it. The applications installed on the computer will be displayed at the bottom of the interface. We find the 2345 ace input method and click the uninstall button at the back to successfully uninstall.

 Screenshot of 2345 trump card input method

       Method 2: Delete in the control panel of the computer

1. First, we use the control panel shortcut key [win key+R], input [control panel], click OK to open the computer control panel, and then open the "Uninstall Program" function inside;

 Screenshot of 2345 trump card input method

 Screenshot of 2345 trump card input method

2. After entering the uninstall program interface in the control panel, we can see many installed applications. We find the 2345 Ace Input Method, and right click to pop up the uninstall/change option. We can directly click to uninstall.

 Screenshot of 2345 trump card input method

       Method 3: 2345 Ace Input Method comes with unloading program

1. We find the language bar in the lower right corner of the computer desktop. After finding it, right click the mouse to pop up the menu bar. Select the setting option and click Open to enter the setting interface.

 Screenshot of 2345 trump card input method

2. As shown in the figure below, we find the option of 2345 input method in the general options. After clicking, there are fields, deletion, attributes and other options in the right column. We can directly click Delete to uninstall and delete the 2345 input method.

 Screenshot of 2345 trump card input method

The above is the detailed method of unloading and deleting 2345 ace input method brought by Xiaobian. The operation is very simple. Users who need it can try it.

2345 Ace Input Method Update Log

1. "Picture expression" is newly launched, which can send pictures and hold your tongue;

2. Cloud input supports intelligent error correction, cloud language model updates, and the accuracy of cloud results is greatly improved;

3. Several technologies are optimized and the product structure is more concise.

Recommended by the Chinese military editor:

2345 Ace input method is very simple to use. Users can input the text they want freely. It is a very practical input method with fast input speed and high accuracy. Xiaobian recommends it for everyone to try. Users in need should download and use it immediately. Xiaobian has also carefully prepared authentic stroke input method, Sogou input method, Google input method, Sogou five stroke input method, etc. for you to provide users with more choices.

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