If you want to use software, go to Huajun Software Park! Software release

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Location: home page  —  Android software  —  application  —  Learning education  —  Know


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Permissions: viewing

The following important permissions need to be called
uses-permission:'android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD', Allow programs to disable keyboard locks
uses-permission:'android.permission.RESTART_PACKAGES', Allow the program to end the task through the restartPackage (String) method, which will give up externally
uses-permission:'android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW', Allow programs to display system windows
uses-permission:'android.permission.REORDER_TASKS', Allow the program to reorder the tasks in Z-axis operation of the system
uses-permission:'android.permission.WAKE_LOCK', Allow the background process to still run after the phone screen is turned off
uses-permission:'android.permission.BLUETOOTH', Allow programs to connect paired Bluetooth devices
uses-permission:'android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN', Allow programs to discover and pair new Bluetooth devices
uses-permission:'android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION', Allow the current application to change the configuration, such as positioning
uses-permission:'android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS', Allow programs to modify sound setting information
uses-permission:'android.permission.VIBRATE', Allow program vibration
uses-permission:'android.permission.INTERNET', Allow programs to access network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic
uses-permission:'android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE', Allow the program to obtain the network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
uses-permission:'android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE', Allow the program to obtain the current WiFi access status and WLAN hotspot information
uses-permission:'android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE', Allow programs to change WiFi status
uses-permission:'android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION', Allow the program to receive satellite positioning information through the GPS chip
uses-permission:'android.permission.CAMERA', Allow programs to access the camera to take photos
uses-permission:'android.permission.READ_LOGS', Allow programs to read system underlying logs
uses-permission:'android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION', Allow the program to obtain the longitude and latitude information of the user's error through WiFi or mobile base station
uses-permission:'android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE', Allow the program to change the network status, such as whether it is connected to the network
uses-permission:'android.permission.FLASHLIGHT', Allow access to flash
uses-permission:'android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO', A microphone that allows programs to record sound through a phone or headset
uses-permission:'android.permission.GET_TASKS', Allow programs to get task information
uses-permission:'android.permission.READ_CALENDAR', Allow the program to read the user's schedule information
uses-permission:'android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR', The program is allowed to write the schedule, but cannot read it
uses-permission:'android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES', Allow access to installed applications from unknown sources
uses-permission:'android.permission.EXPAND_STATUS_BAR', Allow programs to expand or shrink the status bar
uses-permission:'android.permission.GET_PACKAGE_SIZE', Allow the program to get the file size of the application
uses-permission:'android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE', Allow programs to change WiFi multicast status
uses-permission:'android.permission.KILL_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES', Allow the program to call killBackgroundProcesses (String). method to end the background process
uses-permission:'android.permission.NFC', Allows programs to perform NFC short-range communication operations for mobile support
uses-permission:'android.permission.READ_SYNC_SETTINGS', Allow programs to read synchronization settings, and read Google online synchronization settings
uses-permission:'android.permission.READ_SYNC_STATS', Allow the program to read the synchronization status and obtain Google online synchronization status
uses-permission:'android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS', Allow programs to access additional location provider instructions
uses-permission:'android.permission.TRANSMIT_IR', Allow the use of the device's infrared transmitter, if available
uses-permission:'android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER_HINTS', Allow programs to set wallpaper suggestions
uses-permission:'android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS', Write Google Online Sync Settings
uses-permission:'android.permission.BROADCAST_STICKY', Allow the program to quickly receive the next broadcast after receiving the broadcast
uses-permission:'android.permission.MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL', Allows an application to know what is playing and control its content. Not used by third-party applications.
uses-permission:'android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS', Allows programs to read or write system settings
uses-permission:'android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER', Allow programs to set desktop wallpaper
uses-permission:'android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS', Allow programs to mount and unmount external file systems
uses-permission:'android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE', Allow programs to write to external storage, such as files on SD card
uses-permission:'android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE', The program can read files in the external storage space of the device (built-in SDcard and external SDcard)
uses-permission:'android.permission. BLUETOOTH_CONNECT'
uses-permission:'android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE', Allow programs to access phone status
uses-permission:'android.permission.CALL_PHONE', Allow programs to make calls from non system dialers

Know 5.0.1

Special area
Software size 175.5 MB
Software language Simplified Chinese
Software scoring
Software type Domestic software
Software Licensing shareware
Update time 2024-08-30
Application platform android
Software classification Learning education
edition 5.0.1
Record No HUICPB No. 10007183 - 14A
Software manufacturer Shanghai Zhuoyue Ruixin Digital Technology Co., Ltd

Software Introduction Related topics common problem Other versions Download address

Recommended for you: - Know Online learning tools

Basic Introduction
 Know the section head LOGO
Know app It is an app with comprehensive knowledge and content, which can be learned anytime and anywhere. Zhizhi app is committed to providing users with a high-quality credit service platform, which can effectively carry out relevant curriculum operate. Know app You can also view information about relevant teaching and education materials. Massive high-quality courses in universities can be learned efficiently wherever they go, with complete knowledge classification and free access to famous teachers' teaching live broadcast , interact with famous teachers. Huajun Software Park provides you with free download of Zhidao app 2024. Come and experience it!


Know the common use problems of app

       Is it known that app split screens can be checked?

No, I know that split screen display of app does not support split screen, but small windows can be used.

Know how to withdraw from the app?

       Knowing that the app does not have the function of dropping out, it needs to be operated on the web page Find the left menu on the official website, click Expand to find the course affairs, click to find the transaction application, drop down to select the rejected course, fill in the reason, and click OK.

The way of selecting courses is different, so is the way of changing courses. If you select courses in the educational administration system of the school park or offline, you can only withdraw classes in the educational administration system of the school park or offline operation, and you cannot withdraw classes through the knowledge platform.

Users who are aware of course selection in the app can display the time of course selection and withdrawal on the exclusive page, and operate within the specified time.

Know how to brush lessons?

1、 Computer steps:

1. First, download and install an old version of the travel browser on your computer. After installation, open the web page of the online course, click to enter the browser settings, and set the advanced settings to the forced speed mode.

2. Click the online course video that needs to be flashed quickly, and put the mouse into the video box. At this time, a horse like icon will appear in the upper right corner of the video box, and then move the mouse over the icon. It's many times faster. Adjust the playback speed, and then click Play.

2、 Mobile phone steps:

1. Download online course learning software in mobile app store.

2. Open it after downloading, and then click the human head logo on the upper left corner of the page.

3. Enter the login interface and fill in the personal information correctly, including the name of the institution, student number, password, etc.

4. After filling in the information, click Login to enter the software home page again, and click to enter the learning page to start learning.

Understand the significance of brushing lessons:

1. Know that the smart tree course brushing app can save you valuable time. Its course brushing speed is extremely fast, and you can adjust its course brushing speed by yourself. In this way, you can complete your courses more easily and efficiently.

2. Know that the smart tree course brushing app can also help you improve your academic performance. It can automatically complete the learning progress of the course, and can provide comprehensive examination guidance when you take the exam. In this way, you can better cope with the exam and achieve better results.

3. The Zhizhi Smart Tree course brushing app is a very practical learning tool. It will allow you to spend less time to complete the course, while also helping you improve your academic performance. If you are using the Wisdom Tree learning resources, it will be a wise choice to use this app.

Know App software functions

Aware that app originates from college classroom and is committed to promoting the socialization of high-quality educational resources share , knowing that apps help users become better themselves.

Knowing that Wisdom tree app, You can enjoy a large number of high-quality courses, communicate with masters face to face, and become an MVP in the school.


Know App software features

       1. Interaction with famous teachers

The discipline masters and education experts constantly optimize the course content to help you better acquire knowledge.

    2. Face to face communication and learning

Study together with famous schools, interact face to face with famous teachers in famous schools, ask questions, and get in-depth answers.

    3. Efficient learning anytime, anywhere

The Wisdom Tree continues to explore better and more effective learning methods to help you easily complete online reading, homework and exams anytime, anywhere.


Know the recommendation of app software of the same type

Know to provide accurate, standard and beautiful formula theorem search and view. This function will enable you to get twice the result with half the effort. Cross device data synchronization enables you to learn anytime, anywhere. It is rich in content. In the future, I know that the formula content will continue to increase.

       Download address: https://www.onlinedown.net/soft/10119302.htm

       Jianzhi: exam question bank and simulated real exam for three categories of construction safety personnel in that year. Regularly update the content of the question bank of three types of personnel. Special exercise for abc test questions, special test. Fully simulate the real exam situation.

       Download address: https://www.onlinedown.net/soft/10128730.htm

Update log

1. Optimization of live teaching components to improve the stability of live broadcasting

2. Security upgrade of group files, regular cleaning of group chat files

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