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Location: home page  —  PC software  —  Network software  —  Website promotion  —  Web soft local portal system
 Web soft local portal system

Official version of WebSoft local portal system

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  • Software license: shareware
  • Software size: 22.75MB
  • Software rating:
  • Software type: Domestic software
  • Updated: 2024-05-23
  • Application platform: Winxp/vista/win7/2000/2003
  • Software language: Simplified Chinese
  • Version: Official edition

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Basic Introduction
 WebSoft local portal system section head LOGO
1、 System introduction: The official version of WebSoft Local Portal System is a flagship commercial website project system of WebSoft. The system has been designed and developed by the network software team for one year. After careful project investigation, analysis and planning, the system functions are professional, powerful and easy to use, and adopts a humanized interface design. The technology adopts Microsoft NET2.0 (C #)+SQL architecture, and integrates a large number of WEB2.0 elements and concepts. It has successfully absorbed many experiences from the previous work, making the system more powerful Mature!

The official version of WebSoft Local Portal System is a flagship commercial website construction system tailored for local portal projects. The system consists of eight main functional modules, including life information, talent recruitment, online shopping in the same city, group buying activities, reputation merchants, article information, online navigation, community forums, and many practical auxiliary modules.

The Official Version of WebSoft Local Portal System will provide investors preparing to operate local website projects with an efficient, fast and professional website construction solution, which will effectively save time and capital costs, greatly reduce project risks and thresholds, and enable them to spend 90% of their financial resources and time on website operation.

Portal source code, download version of portal source code, official version, for each advantageous local government, telecom company, Internet enterprise unit, individuals to establish a comprehensive local information portal, release domestic and foreign news, provide information about various industries, do local Sina, appropriate to establish local online websites, window websites.

2、 System features:

Thorough planning and project first

"Project guidance technology, technology is subject to the project", which is our consistent principle and the essential difference between us and other system developers and website construction companies! Each of our system works must go through thorough market analysis and research, feasibility study, and project planning. For us, the feasibility of the project is above everything!

Professional function and rigorous layout

Take the project scheme as the blueprint, take the existing successful local websites as a partial reference, and fully combine the characteristics and business model of local websites for functional planning. The system is composed of eight main functional modules and many practical auxiliary modules, which are professional, powerful, practical and easy to use. Scientific and rigorous layout gives users a perfect image!

Cutting edge design, pleasing to the eye

Knowing that "face" plays an important role in the website, this system is jointly designed by several web designers. All pages go through three major links of layout planning - page and UI design - art design. The structure and layout are clear, the interface is elegant, clean and tidy, and attention is paid to the user experience of each detail. Let your website shine in front of users!

Leading edge technology, safety and stability

Use C #+ASP strongly recommended by Microsoft NET2.0+SQL2000 as the basis for development, so that the security, stability, and load capacity of the system can be reliably guaranteed; Reasonably apply a large number of new WEB2.0 technologies to make the system have a first-class user experience

The code is simple and efficient

The real DIV+CSS unified construction page, the most concise and standardized code design, so that the running speed of the website is greatly improved. The whole station adopts pseudo static support, which not only avoids the cumbersome operation of manual static and the disadvantage of untimely data, but also achieves the same beneficial effect of manual static on search engine inclusion.

Template mechanism, easy revision

The new template engine mechanism completely separates the interface from the core program. The website interface can be easily designed and modified through template management or webpage editing software

Powerful, flexible and easy to use background

With the consistent design concept of powerful functions and easy use, every corner of the website can be flexibly set up and managed through the backstage. The backstage design is beautiful and easy to use. As long as you can operate the computer, you can manage the website, truly achieving full intelligent management!

International standards, perfect compatibility

International standard UTF-8 code is adopted; Fully compatible with IE6/7/8/Firefox and other browsers

Search optimization, perfect implantation

Whether it is page structure, directory structure, file name, page title, we have fully implanted the benign optimization mechanism of search engine, laying a solid foundation for your website promotion and search inclusion!

Integration of communities and perfect interaction

Independent research and development of UCenter integration system, perfect integration with the world's most powerful community software Discuz (PHP), and easy integration of all Kangsheng Chuangxiang's products

3、 Function introduction

1. System configuration

(1) Site Information

Customize the default template color matching style (6 built-in)

Customize the website background color

Customize the site name, domain name and slogan

Custom configuration website filing number, first and last LOGO, traffic statistics code, copyright information

Customize the homepage SEO title (homepage title structure: website name+website SEO title)

Customize the SEO keyword and SEO description on the homepage

Customize the default area of the website, which will be read as the default city and match with the 51 map location

Customized configuration of company name, company address, fax number, email, customer service phone, customer service mobile phone, customer service QQ, QQ communication group, and website foreground automatic call

(2) System enhancements

Member registration can be closed or opened, and the reason for closing can be customized

Support the IP filtering function, which can limit the information published by the specified IP or IP segment

It supports illegal information filter. Thousands of illegal words are built in to filter user behaviors applicable to the title, content, comments, replies, etc. of information. The filtered characters will be replaced by *

Support the function of verifying questions, freely set questions and answers, and set whether to use it when users register and publish information. This function can effectively prevent the registration machine from registering and mass sending tools

(3) Forum integration

The self-developed forum integration interface integrates Discuz for you for free! The latest version of NT realizes synchronous registration, login, password modification and user deletion of website users and forum users

Just set the forum website to complete the integration

(4) Navigation settings

User defined setting of website column name, connection address, enabling, and user-defined sorting

Support user-defined adding header column navigation, user-defined setting prefix icon, text color, sorting, and user-defined setting whether to open in a new window

(5) Customize shortcut menu

Customize the shortcut menu items in the system management background

(6) Locale

Add and manage the region name by customization. This category name is used by the website uniformly

(7) Substation management

Custom Add Substation Connection

(8) Website Information

Customize, add and manage website information titles and content, such as "About Us", "Contact Us", etc

Support setting whether to display at the bottom of the website

Support the URL steering function, which can directly set the jump to the external address

(9) Site Agreement

Built in member registration agreement, information release agreement, enterprise recruitment agreement, group purchase activity agreement, spontaneous group purchase activity agreement, and reputation store joining agreement are used in the system

Customize Edit Modify Agreement Content

(10) Payment interface

Two mainstream online payment systems are built into the system: Alipay and online banking

Configure the account information to use the payment interface

The payment interface is applicable to the purchase payment, integral recharge, etc. of the system

(11) Home page hot

Customize the popular keywords added and managed on the home page

Support user-defined color, sorting, connection address and window opening method

(12) Announcement management

Customize publishing and manage website announcements

Support customized announcement title color, display sorting, URL steering, and customized publisher

(13) Message management

Manage the feedback content of website messages

Support query and display according to message time and audit time, and support display according to status

Record the time, IP address and approval time of each message in detail

Support customized reply to each message

Batch deletion and batch approval are supported

(14) Other settings

Set other details of the website

2. Background user

(1) User management

Custom Add Background Administrator

Support custom setting password, name, level, custom setting activation, closing or deletion

(2) User group management

User groups, such as super administrators and ordinary administrators, can be customized

(3) Permission management

Support detailed permission assignment of user-defined user groups

3. Membership module

(1) Member type

Members are divided into individual members and enterprise members

Enterprise members are divided into ordinary enterprise members and senior enterprise members

If you select enterprise member type for user registration, you need to fill in the basic enterprise information, and the default registration is ordinary enterprise member

Senior enterprise members are upgraded as ordinary enterprise members and can be given more rights. The website operator can freely use this to provide paid services for enterprises

Senior enterprise members can set the validity period and payment date. After the validity period, they will automatically become ordinary enterprise members

(2) Member authority management

Support user-defined setting of member permissions and functions

Support user-defined setting of whether various operations of members (including adding, publishing and modifying) need to be approved

(3) Default individual member function

The system has a powerful member management center

Support to modify and improve the basic information of members

Support uploading custom avatar

Self service password modification is supported

You can view the score details, and the system records the increase time and reason of the score in detail

Support online recharging and redeeming points

Support publishing and managing life information

Support online purchase of information promotion services and use points for payment

Support viewing and managing purchase orders and online payment orders

Support the initiation and management of group purchase activities, and manage the application of group purchase activities

Resume entry and talent pool entry are supported

Support photo album creation, photo management and photo upload

Support management of interview invitations received

Support article submission and independent management of articles

Support viewing gift redemption status and record

Support to upload and manage coupons

Support submitting website to website column

Support the management of product reviews, merchant reviews and website messages

(4) Default enterprise member function

Enterprise members have all the functions of individual members

Support publishing and managing recruitment information

Support management of received resumes

Support online submission and management of reputation stores

Support online submission, management of products and review of product comments

Provide detailed records of increase and decrease of reputation value

(5) Membership management

The backstage manages individual members, ordinary corporate members and senior corporate members separately

Support adding members directly in the background

In addition to viewing and editing all the members' information, the registration time, registered IP address, login times and the last login time are recorded

Support user-defined increase/decrease of member points and user-defined setting reasons

The member details record all relevant information of the member (such as published information, published goods, purchased goods, etc.), and fully grasp the member dynamics

Support searching users by user name and displaying users by registration time range

Support deleting, batch deleting, and closing (locking) users

The user's temporary QQ session connection is directly displayed in the user list, facilitating direct communication with members

(6) Advanced Operations

The built-in forum member import interface can effectively solve two problems. First, if you previously used a non DZNT forum, you can convert the original forum to DZNT, and then import member data through this interface to complete synchronous integration with the website. Second, if DZNT is separated from the website to register as a member and the user cannot log in to the main website, the member can be imported to the website through this interface

4. Integral module

(1) Integral settings

Support the name of user-defined points

Support user-defined setting of point exchange proportion, such as 10 points for 1 yuan

Customize the points for purchasing information promotion services

Customize the score required for enterprise members to view their resume contact information

Customize the reward score of user published information

Customize the number of user article submission bonus points

Customize the number of bonus points for users to upload coupons

(2) Distribution of points

Support the batch distribution of points to designated member groups, such as all members, all individual members, all enterprise members, etc

Support the batch distribution of points to designated members

Customize the reason for point payment

Customize the value of points distribution

(3) Score details

When user points change, the system will automatically generate a record

Record the points recharge details, consumption details, reward details and payment details of all users in detail

5. Information module

(1) Information category

The system has seven main information category models, including transaction, activity, real estate, making friends, service, and general. Each model has different form items

Built in 20 information categories, enabling and closing can be set freely

Support user-defined column introduction and column SEO description

Customize unlimited information subcategory

One click clearing of all information under the specified category

Support custom setting whether categories are displayed on the home page

(2) Information release

Support background direct publishing of information

Automatically call different forms to fill in according to the category model when publishing information

Enable verification issues when publishing information

Support the function of counting down the effective time of information

Support message reply function

Support the display of customized setting information on the front page, and support the setting of effective time

Support user-defined setting information at the top of the big column, and support setting the effective time

Automatically identify the user's mobile phone number and display it in Chinese

Automatically identify the user IP address and display it in Chinese

Support the promotion service of online purchase of points. Self service is set as top or front page headline, and will be reset automatically after the validity period

(3) Information management

Information is divided into "audited information" and "unapproved information" for separate management

Support searching and displaying information by time, classification, keyword and user

Support batch approval and deletion of information

Support the management function of user reply information, and support batch approval and deletion

6. Talent module

(1) Enterprise recruitment

It supports publishing recruitment information directly in the background and automatically associating enterprises

Support enterprise members to publish and manage recruitment information indefinitely

Built in powerful and easy-to-use recruitment publishing system

Automatically generate unique position number

Support custom settings to be added to recommendation and homepage hot recruitment

Support user-defined addition of industry classification and position classification

Support searching resumes by industry, education background and keywords

Support the display of resumes according to attention and update time

Online interview invitation is supported

Ordinary enterprise members need to deduct corresponding points for website charges when viewing resume contact information, and only pay points once for resumes with the same number

Senior enterprise members can directly view the resume contact information without deducting points, which can be used as the charging method of the website's package time nature

Support management by industry, position, position keyword and enterprise name

Batch approval and deletion of recruitment information are supported

Support user-defined publishing of famous enterprise recruitment, can also be used as advertising location, and can customize pictures, text titles, and connection addresses

There are four built-in information columns, which support user-defined column names and user-defined information publishing

(2) Talent employment

Support the background to add talent resumes directly

Members can enter and maintain resumes by themselves

Built in powerful and easy-to-use resume entry system

Automatically generate a unique resume number

Positions can be displayed according to attention and update time

Support online direct submission of resumes to enterprises

Support online printing, collection, copying and forwarding of recruitment information

The position is displayed in full association with the enterprise, making it easy to view other position information of the same company

Batch approval and deletion of resumes are supported

7. Mall module

(1) Commodity category

Support user-defined creation of unlimited commodity categories and sub categories

Support user-defined category sorting and color

The secondary classification of commodities supports search engine optimization, and you can customize the SEO title, keywords, and description

(2) Commodity release and management

Support background publishing of goods and enterprise members publishing of goods

The system will record the time, name, IP address and other information of the goods submitted by the merchants

Support custom article number

Support the selection of brands from the brand list and user-defined input of brand names

The brand name entered by the user is classified into "other brands" and displayed in the foreground

Support the selection of merchants from the merchant list, and support custom input of merchant names

Custom set the source of goods to be in stock or out of stock, and the foreground is marked accordingly

Ordering of Customizable Commodities

Customize to set recommendation, promotion and hot sale for goods, and display corresponding icons

Add custom settings to the Consumer Protection Plan

The Consumer Protection Plan displays a series of signs

Support product comments and reviews

After uploading the main image of the commodity, automatically generate three kinds of thumbnails for the website to call

Support classified management by brand, commodity category and attribute status

Support searching and managing products by product name

Support the function of putting goods on and off the shelves

Batch deletion, listing, off listing, promotion, cancellation of promotion, recommendation, and cancellation of recommendation are supported

The supplier name can be customized or selected from the list of franchised merchants. If the latter method is adopted, the commodity will be displayed in the merchant's page

You can customize the description of after-sales service, payment method, delivery/pickup method of goods, or use public settings

Description of public after-sales service, payment method and delivery/pickup method can be set

(3) Commodity brand

Support custom addition and management of product brands

Support the display of goods by brand classification

(4) Commodity purchase, payment and order management

Built in "online transaction", "reservation transaction", "door-to-door delivery" and "door-to-door self collection" 4 transaction methods, and different order filling items appear according to different transaction methods selected

Support selection of commodity quantity and automatic calculation of price

The administrator can modify the price after the order is placed

Customers can choose online payment or offline payment after placing an order

Integrate Alipay and online banking payment systems to easily complete online payment

The order has five statuses: "Waiting for Processing", "Paid", "Shipped", "Transaction Succeeded", and "Transaction Failed"

Order has detailed statistics by status

Order has online printing function

AJAX is used for order details, so it is more convenient and user-friendly to view order details

8. Group purchase module

Support user-defined addition, management and sorting of activity classifications

Support custom setting of display and sorting of activities in websites

The nature of group buying activities can be divided into two types: "initiated by our website" and "initiated by netizens"

Support the display of group purchase activity list by region and activity category

Support activity countdown function

Support customized setting of activity leader and online QQ of leader

Support online registration function

The function of counting the number of applicants and displaying the enrollment list is supported

Support user-defined modification of enrollment number to create virtual popularity

The activity discussion address can be customized

Members can initiate group buying activities online, which will be displayed in the foreground after being approved by the administrator

The group purchase activity has six process statuses to choose from: "Waiting for approval", "Approval passed", "Convening", "About to form a group", "Activity aborted", and "Activity ended"

Online enrollment will be automatically opened when the status is "Approved", "Convening", "About to Group", and will be automatically closed when the status is "Activity Abortion" and "Activity End"

Support query and management by activity classification

Support classified management according to activity status and have data statistics function

Activity enrollment management has three statuses for selection: "Not Processed", "Accepted" and "Invalid Enrollment"

Activity registration management has the function of statistics by status

Batch deletion, approval and activity status setting are supported

9. Word of mouth merchant module

(1) Store addition and management

Support the background to add stores directly, and support enterprise members to register stores by themselves

If stores are added directly in the background, corresponding management members can be set

Support user-defined addition and management of primary and secondary classifications of stores

Support uploading store display pictures

Integrate 51ditu map interface, automatically match to the selected area, and quickly and accurately mark the geographical problems of the store

Support to open custom editing area, built-in powerful HTML editor

Support custom store sorting function

Support associated display of published goods

Support the setting of "Is it a contracting merchant"

The goods released by the contracted merchants and the store page all display the sign of "signing"

It has the function of statistics and classification management according to the type of merchants

Support management by store classification and query by merchant name

(2) Public praise system

Business reputation is a comprehensive data analysis service based on members' comments on businesses and mainly referring to the number of orders and complaints

Support for user-defined word-of-mouth level name,, the minimum number of word-of-mouth values of user-defined word-of-mouth level, and the icon of user-defined word-of-mouth level

You can manually modify the number of likes, dislikes and complaints

Support user-defined modification (increase or decrease) of reputation value of merchants, and fill in reasons

Publicly display WOM value details on the store page

10. Article module

Support member contributions

Support setting whether to add to the front page headlines and recommended reading

Support the setting of large focus news on column pages, support customized pictures, titles, and connection addresses, and can also be used for advertising

Support unlimited articles

You can add, edit, delete and sort article columns by yourself

Support URL jump function

Built in powerful visual HTML editor

Support customization of initial hits

Support user-defined setting of SEO keywords

The number of articles in each column is displayed in the column management. It supports clearing all articles in the specified column

The image supports automatic adaptation to the width, which will not cause the image to be too large and burst the page

Customized sorting of articles

Search and manage articles by column category, article title and article status

Articles can be deleted and approved in batch, and headlines can be set and cancelled in batch

Support one-time review of all articles

Support moving text from column A to column B in batch

11. Article acquisition module

Self developed article collection system (using C # cache technology), which can customize collection rules and collection objects

Support single page collection, batch page collection, manual page collection, and automatic filtering of collected websites

Support regular HTML tag filtering and content filtering

Support management and batch operations such as editing and modifying collected articles

It supports article warehousing by category. After warehousing, articles can be reviewed in article management

"Clear all inbound article records" and "Clear all unlisted article records" are supported

12. Internet navigation

Support members to submit website inclusion

Customize, add and manage common software

Customize common tools for adding and managing

Support user-defined settings of URL categories and subcategories, and user-defined sorting

Built in website favorites

Built in 10000 URL data

13. Album module

Support custom album classification

Support custom album creation

Support review and record detailed upload information

Support uploading from computers, importing from the Internet, and batch uploading from computers

Uploading pictures automatically generates thumbnails, automatically renames, and automatically creates folders for storage by date

Support photo album slide show function

14. Gift exchange

Gift exchange can be used by the website to increase the enthusiasm of members to participate in activities, purchase goods and consume supplementary orders, and enrich the website and improve popularity

Support unlimited gifts

On the gift redemption page, it will automatically judge whether the current score of the member is enough to redeem the current gift. If not, the redemption application cannot be submitted

The effect of the gift exchange page and the form are both AJAX, which makes the technology more user-friendly

When adding gifts, you can set the title, picture, icon, market price, points required for exchanging gifts, and inventory quantity

When the gift inventory quantity is 0, the foreground will not be displayed automatically

All gift lists are listed in the gift management. You can edit, delete, sort, batch and other general operations

You can set whether the gift is redeemed successfully. If the status of gift redemption is set to "Redemption succeeded", the points will be automatically deducted and the corresponding points details will be generated

15. Coupon

Members can upload coupons

Support coupon online printing and preview printing

16. Station master toolbox

Built in powerful website inclusion query system to query your website's inclusion in major search engines in real time

Built in website Pr query

Built in Alexa ranking query

Built in IP, mobile phone number location, ID card query system

Built in domain name whois query and domain name registration query system

Built in website illegal information self inspection system

Built in QQ forced chat and MSN forced chat functions

Built in perpetual calendar, calculator and other tools

Built in Favicons icon online production system, automatically generated in the root directory of the website

Built in domain name expiration and deletion query system

Built in common tools of webmaster, support user-defined addition

17. Template Management

The whole station adopts the layout of DIV+CSS, and the code is completely separated from the template

Support online editing and modifying website foreground template

Support online editing and modifying CSS style sheets

18. Help Center

Built in nine help categories

Support custom setting whether help information is displayed on the home page

19. System others

(1) Advertising management

Different types of advertisements are designed for different website locations, including picture, text, HTML code and slide

The advertising system is simple, easy to use, easy to manage and release

Advertising space supports user-defined opening and closing

(2) Friendly Links

Support adding text links and picture links

Support user-defined sorting, display and hiding

(3) Life treasure chest

Built in icon+text+link form, text+link form

Support user-defined text color and sorting

(4) Forum recommendation

Customized addition and management of homepage forum recommendation

Support user-defined title and connection address

(5) System inspection

Fully test the current server environment and support functions

(6) Login Log

Record the user name, detailed time, IP address and login status of background login

(7) Database configuration

Modify database configuration information online

(8) Backup database

Support online backup of website database, support user-defined backup file name and extension, and automatically store designated folder of website directory

(9) Clean up database logs

One click database log cleaning is supported to save database space

(10) Execute SQL statement

Execute SQL statements online without using the query analyzer

(11) Map Channel

Perfect and seamless integration of Mapbar to form an independent map channel

Automatically identify the system area, and provide local online map, bus transfer query, driving route query, surrounding area query and other services

(12) Static generation

The home page supports manual generation of updates and automatic generation of updates at the scheduled time

All other pages except the home page adopt pseudo static state, which does not need to be generated

(13) System installation

It adopts fool wizard installation, automatically detects the system environment and permissions, and automatically completes the system installation.

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