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Location: home page  —  Android software  —  application  —  Recreation & Entertainment  —  Love pen and think painting


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Permissions: viewing

The following important permissions need to be called
uses-permission:'android.permission.INTERNET', Allow programs to access network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic
uses-permission:'android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE', Allow the program to obtain the network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
uses-permission:'android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE', Allow the program to obtain the current WiFi access status and WLAN hotspot information
uses-permission:'android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE', The program can read files in the external storage space of the device (built-in SDcard and external SDcard)
uses-permission:'android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE', Allow programs to write to external storage, such as files on SD card
uses-permission:'android.permission.VIBRATE', Allow program vibration
uses-permission:'android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO', A microphone that allows programs to record sound through a phone or headset
uses-permission:'android.permission.GET_TASKS', Allow programs to get task information
uses-permission:'android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW', Allow programs to display system windows
uses-permission:'android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES', Allow access to installed applications from unknown sources
uses-permission:'android.permission.WAKE_LOCK', Allow the background process to still run after the phone screen is turned off

Aibi Sihua 10.0.10 Official Edition

Special area
Software size 35.3 MB
Software language Simplified Chinese
Software scoring
Software type Domestic software
Software Licensing shareware
Update time 2024-05-31
Application platform Android
Software classification Recreation & Entertainment
edition 10.0.10 Official version
Record No Yue ICP Bei No. 2022040948 - 3A
Software manufacturer Zeng Wenjun

Software Introduction Related topics common problem Other versions Download address

Basic Introduction
 Love pen and think painting section first LOGO
Through the application of "loving pen and thinking painting", you can enter a colorful fairy tale world, which is a perfect tool for relaxing your body and mind, relaxing time, and releasing your inner artistic temperament. Look for happiness and wipe out the pressure! Huajun Software Park provides you with the download of Aisi strokes. Come and experience it!

 Screenshot of loving pen and thinking painting

Love pen and think painting software function

"Illustration coloring" function: experience a new coloring method - select digital colors on the coloring page to color, and create a colorful artwork.

More than 100 kinds of unique color illustrations from talented illustrators - The photo assembly is frequently updated, and you will always have new pictures to paint.

Inspiration: Explore beautiful works of art created by many members of the art team, and publish their own works to inspire others.

More than 40 kinds of exquisite preset solid color palettes: choose the most suitable palette, and paint a picture with various soft, low-key or lively colors.

Custom palette: Combine any color you like to create an incomparable work of art.

Multiple painting tools: use the click painting tools to paint in a simple way, or use brushes and pencils to get a real painting experience.

 Screenshot of loving pen and thinking painting

Love pen and think painting update log

The developer GG said there was really no bug this time~

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common problem

 Love pen and think painting

Aibi Sihua 10.0.10 Official Edition
