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Location: home page  —  Android software  —  application  —  Recreation & Entertainment  —  Netease BUFF


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Permissions: viewing

The following important permissions need to be called
uses-permission:'android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES', Allow access to installed applications from unknown sources
uses-permission:'android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE', Allow the program to obtain the network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
uses-permission:'android.permission.INTERNET', Allow programs to access network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic
uses-permission:'android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE', Allow the program to obtain the current WiFi access status and WLAN hotspot information
uses-permission:'android.permission.CAMERA', Allow programs to access the camera to take photos
uses-permission:'android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE', The program can read files in the external storage space of the device (built-in SDcard and external SDcard)
uses-permission:'android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE', Allow programs to write to external storage, such as files on SD card
uses-permission:'android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE', Allow the program to change the network status, such as whether it is connected to the network
uses-permission:'android.permission.VIBRATE', Allow program vibration
uses-permission:'android.permission.WAKE_LOCK', Allow the background process to still run after the phone screen is turned off
uses-permission:'android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS', Allow programs to modify sound setting information
uses-permission:'android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO', A microphone that allows programs to record sound through a phone or headset
uses-permission:'android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE', Allow programs to change WiFi status
uses-permission:'android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION', Allow the program to obtain the longitude and latitude information of the user's error through WiFi or mobile base station

Netease BUFF

Special area
Software size 38.2 MB
Software language Simplified Chinese
Software scoring
Software type Domestic software
Software Licensing shareware
Update time 2024-01-15
Application platform Android
Software classification Recreation & Entertainment
Record No Yue B2-20090191-64A
Software manufacturer Guangzhou Netease Computer System Co., Ltd

Software Introduction Related topics common problem Other versions Download address

Recommended for you: - NetEase software

Basic Introduction
 Netease BUFF section head LOGO
Netease BUFF It is a trading website launched by NetEase that supports Steam game accessories. It aims to provide players with a more real-time, convenient and reliable market environment for game accessories trading. Huajun Software Park provides you with Netease BUFF download. Come and experience it!

 Netease BUFF screenshot

Netease BUFF Software Introduction

Netease BUFF is an official Steam jewelry trading platform launched by Netease for Steam players. This software provides players with a real-time, convenient, safe and guaranteed trading environment for game accessories. It has built-in the hottest game accessories trading service at present. At present, it has launched transactions for Jedi Survival, DOTA2, CSGO and other games, so that you can find what you want online, master all accessories at once, and gold sellers can always serve you.

 Netease BUFF screenshot

Netease BUFF Software features

Rich functions: sale, purchase, purchase, supply, account management, game information, player show, everything

Convenient operation: simple design, clear application hierarchy, simple and intuitive operation

Convenient payment: Alipay and bank card payment are supported

Popular games: support PUBG, CS: GO, DOTA2

Customer support: built-in customer service system, providing you with technical support 24 hours a day

 Netease BUFF screenshot

Netease BUFF update log

1. Some functions have been optimized

2. Solved many intolerable bugs

Recommended by the Chinese military editor:

Netease BUFF is very simple to use, and the optimization of the operation interface makes it easy for you to find the desired function. Come and download it. Xiao Bian has also carefully prepared for you TFun Games Voting Swipe Expert Unbounded community A signature design Youyou Baoshang Account Edition

common problem

Associated Version

 Netease BUFF

Netease BUFF
