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The following important permissions need to be called
Reinforcement information: no reinforcement or unknown reinforcement
Application permissions (129)
ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION Obtain accurate position, receive satellite positioning information through GPS chip, and the positioning accuracy is within 10 meters
ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION Get rough location Get the user's wrong longitude and latitude information through WiFi or mobile base station, and the positioning accuracy is about 30~1500m
MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS Modify sound settings Modify sound settings information
DISABLE_KEYGUARD Disabling the keypad lock allows the program to disable the keypad lock
CHANGE_WIFI_STATE Change WiFi status Change WiFi status
CHANGE_CONFIGURATION Changing the configuration allows the current application to change the configuration, such as positioning
CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE Change the network status Change the network status, such as whether the network can be connected
SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW Show System Window Show System Window
GET_TASKS Get task information Allow programs to get current or recently running apps
INTERNET Access network Access network connection, GPRS traffic may be generated
ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE Get the network status Get the network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE Change WiFi multicast status Change WiFi multicast status
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Writing to external storage allows programs to write to external storage, such as writing files on the SD card
WRITE_SETTINGS Read/write system settings Allow to read/write system settings
ACCESS_WIFI_STATE Get WiFi status Get current WiFi access status and WLAN hotspot information
READ_PHONE_STATE Read phone status Access phone status
CAMERA Photo permission allows you to access the camera to take photos
BLUETOOTH Connect paired Bluetooth devices using the Bluetooth Allow program
BLUETOOTH_ADMIN Bluetooth management allows the program to discover and pair new Bluetooth devices
GET_PACKAGE_SIZE Get app size Get app file size
MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS Mount the file system Mount and unmount the external file system
RECEIVE_USER_PRESENT Unknown permission
WAKE_LOCK Wake up locking allows the background process to still run after the phone screen is turned off
READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Access to external storage Access to external storage
VIBRATE Use vibration to allow vibration
READ_LOGS Read the system log Read the underlying system log
FLASHLIGHT Use the flash to allow access to the flash
GET_DETAILED_TASKS Unknown permission
REORDER_TASKS Sorting system tasks Reordering system tasks in Z-axis operation
ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS Access location extra commands allow programs to access additional location provider instructions
EXPAND_STATUS_BAR Status bar control allows programs to expand or shrink the status bar
PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS Processing outgoing calls allows the program to monitor, modify or abandon the call broadcast
CALL_PHONE Call allows the program to enter a phone number from a non system dialer
READ_CALL_LOG Unknown permission
WRITE_CALL_LOG Unknown permission
RECEIVE_MMS Receiving multimedia messagesReceiving multimedia messages
RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH Receive WAP Push Receive WAP PUSH information
READ_SMS Read SMS content Read SMS content
WRITE_SMS Write SMS Allow to write SMS
KILL_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES Ending the background process allows the program to call killBackgroundProcesses (String). The method ends the background process
WRITE_SOCIAL_STREAM Unknown permission
READ_SOCIAL_STREAM Unknown permission
READ_PROFILE Unknown permission
WRITE_PROFILE Unknown permission
READ_USER_DICTIONARY Unknown permission
WRITE_USER_DICTIONARY Unknown permission
USE_CREDENTIALS Use certificate enabler to request authentication from AccountManager
AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS Verifying the account allows a program to access the account management ACCOUNT_MANAGER related information through account verification
VOIP_INTERFACE Unknown permission
READ_MSG_PREF Unknown permission
SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM Unknown permission
USE_EXACT_ALARM Unknown permission
READ_APP_BADGE Unknown permission
NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES Unknown permission
READ_MEDIA_IMAGES Unknown permission
READ_MEDIA_VIDEO Unknown permission
READ_MEDIA_AUDIO Unknown permission
BATTERY_STATS Power statistics Get battery power statistics
BODY_SENSORS Unknown permission
BROADCAST_STICKY Continuous broadcast allows one program to receive the next broadcast quickly after receiving the broadcast
GET_ACCOUNTS Access account Gmail list Access GMail account list
MANAGE_ACCOUNTS Management account allows the program to manage the account list in the AccountManager
PERSISTENT_ACTIVITY Permanent Activity Create a permanent activity, which is marked as to be removed in the future
RECORD_AUDIO A microphone that records sound through a mobile phone or headset
NFC Allow NFC communication Allow program to execute NFC short distance communication operation for mobile support
USE_FINGERPRINT Unknown permission
POST_NOTIFICATIONS Unknown permission
CLEAR_APP_CACHE Clear Application Cache Clear Application Cache
WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS Unknown permission
READ_SYNC_SETTINGS Read sync settings Read sync settings, read Google online sync settings
READ_SYNC_STATS Read the synchronization status Read the synchronization status to get Google online synchronization status
SUBSCRIBED_FEEDS_READ Access subscription content Access database of subscription information
SUBSCRIBED_FEEDS_WRITE Write subscription Write or modify subscription database
WRITE_CALENDAR Write schedule reminder Write schedule, but not readable
READ_CALENDAR Read schedule reminder allows the program to read the user's schedule information
READ_CONTACTS Read contact Allow app to access contact address book information
WRITE_CONTACTS Write contact Write contact, but not readable
RESTART_PACKAGES End the system task End the task through the restartPackage (String) method, which will give up externally
SET_TIME Set system time Set system time
SET_TIME_ZONE Set system time zone Set system time zone
SET_WALLPAPER Set desktop wallpaper Set desktop wallpaper
SET_WALLPAPER_HINTS Set wallpaper suggestions Set wallpaper suggestions
TRANSMIT_IR Unknown permission
USE_SIP Using SIP video allows programs to use SIP video services
SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOW Unknown permission
RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED Automatic startup allows the program to be started and run automatically
BIND_DIRECTORY_SEARCH Unknown permission
UPDATE_APP_OPS_STATS Unknown permission
INSTALL_PACKAGES Install Applications Allows programs to install applications
DELETE_PACKAGES Deleting an app allows the program to delete an app
CLEAR_APP_USER_DATA Clear user data Clear applied user data
WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE Unknown permission
DEVICE_POWER Power management allows access to underlying power management
INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS Unknown permission
QUERY_USERS Unknown permission
BIND_APPWIDGET Binding a widget allows a program to tell the appWidget service that it needs to access the database of the widget. Only very few applications use this permission
ACCOUNT_MANAGER Account management obtains account verification information, mainly GMail account information, which can only be accessed by system level processes
PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS Unknown permission
READ_INSTALL_SESSIONS Unknown permission
READ_OWNER_DATA Unknown permission
READ_CELL_BROADCASTS Unknown permission
WRITE_CLIPS Unknown permission
READ_CLIPS Unknown permission
GET_CLIPS Unknown permission
WRITE_OWNER_DATA Unknown permission
ACCESS_GPS Unknown permission
ACCESS_WIMAX_STATE Unknown permission
CHANGE_WIMAX_STATE Unknown permission
BIND_VPN_SERVICE Unknown permission
READ_DEVICE_CONFIG Unknown permission
BROADCAST_WAP_PUSH WAP PUSH Broadcast WAP PUSH service triggers a broadcast after receiving it
BROADCAST_SMS Broadcast when receiving a short message Trigger a broadcast when receiving a short message
FOREGROUND_SERVICE Unknown permission
QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES Unknown permission
HARDWARE_TEST Hardware test Access hardware auxiliary equipment for hardware test

Altman Fighting Evolution Version

Special area
Software size 43.38MB
Software language Simplified Chinese
Software scoring
Software type Domestic software
Software Licensing shareware
Update time 2024-05-17
Application platform Android
Software classification Other Games
edition Latest version
Software manufacturer Shenzhen Nolan Technology Co., Ltd

Software Introduction Related topics common problem Other versions Download address

Basic Introduction
 The first LOGO of the 0 segment of Altman combat evolution
Ultraman Fighting Evolution 0 The Android version is an action fighting mobile game adapted from Altman. The official version of Altman Fighting Evolution 0 will show Altman and some famous monsters for generations, and players can test their actual ability by fighting against each other. Altman Fighting Evolution 0 game is divided into story mode and battle mode. Players can control Altman and various monsters to fight. Altman Fighting Evolution 02024 free download.

 Screenshot of Altman Fighting Evolution 0

Introduction to Altman Fighting Evolution 0

"Altman: Fighting Evolution 0" is a commemoration of the fortieth anniversary of the birth of "Altman". All generations of Altman soldiers will appear in the game. This time, some dialogue scenes between soldiers and monsters will be inserted. Synchronize with the clock of the PSP, and change the background of the battle stage according to the time zone of the player. Join the "crok continuous action combat" system! If it is in the daytime, it is the scene in the daytime, and if it is in the evening, it is the scene in the night. According to the time, the monster's ability has also changed.

Altman Fighting Evolution 0 Game Advantages

1. In the Super Galaxy Challenge Arena, the out of print head of Caesar Beria will be released for a limited time, and the real prize of Altman's authentic exquisite handmade suit is waiting for you to win;

2. Will join hands with Gauss to incarnate the legendary Altman - Rajedo Altman to protect our earth, and the super galactic battle is imminent!

3. New unlocking of Zog, the ultimate Warcraft, two Warcraft challenges and corresponding Warcraft synthesis.

 Screenshot of Altman Fighting Evolution 0

Altman Fighting Evolution 0 Game Features

1. Rich superman image design, and classic and diversified monster BOSS options;

2. The plot mode takes Altman as the protagonist, showing the fun experience of classic monster fighting;

3. The playing method tends to be action oriented, and Superman's exclusive stunts can also be released in the process of fighting.

 Screenshot of Altman Fighting Evolution 0

Altman combat evolution 0 introduction

[How to enlarge the move]

Many players may not know how to release some skills in the game. The most important one is the character's big move. Many players are killed by monsters because they don't know how to use big moves after accumulating energy. The following section will introduce detailed methods.

It is the front circle, the middle circle, the bottom circle, the big circle, and the back circle. You should hit the opponent far before sending, otherwise you will be cracked. If the opponent is full of energy, you can also block it). It is the three seven three three game energy slot under the character's blood. When it is full, it will flash (that is, MAX). At this time, press the back circle.

To be specific, 1. Little must kill can only be sent when the energy tank below turns green; 2. You must wait for the energy tank below to turn yellow before you can shoot; 3. Big must kill can only be launched when the energy tank below turns blue, that is, when the energy tank below is full; 4. The front plus circle is small, the bottom plus circle is small, and the back plus circle is big. 5. Another thing is that you can press the back ring to block the enemy when he is going to be killed, but it will consume half of the energy. It is only when the energy tank can hit the enemy when he is going to be killed. Some players may not understand the meaning of O, not the O key of the keyboard; If you are a simulator, (whether it is a PSP simulator on a PC or a chicken simulator on a mobile phone) It is a PC simulator. Check the corresponding keys of your keyboard, click the option, press F11, that is, controls, and the corresponding PSP keys will appear Below the blood volume tank is the energy tank. When it is green, it can be used for small kill, when it is yellow, and when it is blue, it can be used for large kill. That is to say, it corresponds to the "O" key of the handheld computer on the simulator.

[How to obtain the father of Ott]

In the game, the father of Ott is a very popular character. However, players can't use this character from the beginning. They need to complete certain conditions to finish successfully. As for the conditions, you can see the detailed introduction brought by the following editor.

1. When you play the story mode for the first time, choose a character randomly to pass the story mode, and then play the story mode again for the second time. Except for Leo and Monbius, Leo has no hidden plot.

2. The plot of Monbius is different. In the early generation, Saiwen, Jack, Estero, any one of the five people chooses a story mode.

3. After defeating the Hippolyt people, during the first special training, you should first defeat the first character you trained with, and then file it when you hit the second character, and then exit the game, and adjust the system date on your PSP to more than three days. Then continue to carry out special training. At the end of the fight, the story will be different from the original. Then you continue to fight, and there will be violent Baltan people and violent Empire people. After returning to M78 nebula, continue to carry out special training.

4. The last BOSS is the rampage Zofi. After defeating the rampage Zofi, you can get the father of Aote.

 Screenshot of Altman Fighting Evolution 0

[How to defend the must kill skill]

In the game, the player can control the character and release the nirvana skill. However, one thing to note is that the enemy can also release a must kill skill to attack players. It is very important for us to defend the enemy when we are about to realize that he has unleashed a must kill skill. The following is a brief compilation of specific methods.

The attack defense, small and middle moves are pressed, and it is better to squat down to block.

First of all, the energy bar is yellow. When the opponent magnifies, if there is Japanese on his blood bar, press the hit key, which means L, and if it flashes, it means successful defense.

Most of the characters have actions to open. If you can interrupt them, you can interrupt them. Babar people become like you and can't defend, but they can interrupt. Hippolyte wants you to go there. It's the smoke. The past is dead. If you can't defend, you can escape.

Altman combat evolution 0 rounds must kill technique method:

Press when the energy is full (before sending, you should hit the opponent far away, otherwise it will be cracked. If the opponent is full of energy, you can also block it), which is the energy slot under the character's life. When it is full, it will flash (that is, MAX). Press it and add a circle.

Little must kill can only be released when the energy tank below turns green. It can only be released when the energy tank below turns yellow. Big must kill can only be released when the lower energy tank turns blue, that is, when the lower energy tank is full. The front plus circle is small, the bottom plus circle is small, and the back plus circle is big.

Another thing is that you can press the back ring to block the enemy when he is going to be killed, but it will consume half of the energy. It is only when the energy tank can hit the enemy when he is going to be killed.

Altman Fighting Evolution 0 Update Log

The developer GG said there was really no bug this time~

Recommended by the Chinese military editor:

The installation of Altman Fighting Evolution 0 is very simple and powerful, and there is no installation garbage. It is specially recommended for you to download! There are also Girls' front line Sina Games The dragon is in the sky Dark bloodline Adventure King 2 , for you to download!

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