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It contains a variety of special forms and documents for personnel recruitment and talent interview. Recruiters can download HR information on their own according to needs, so as to realize the first step of personnel enterprise mutual employment. More>>
Hr can timely refer to the information forms in the toolbox, develop a reasonable and humane salary system, and win in many recruitment enterprises. More>>
Record the main experience, political outlook, quality culture and other contents of enterprises and employees in forms and words as the internal evidence of enterprise culture. More>>
Various forms of attendance forms are provided in the toolbox for HR reference, so as to maintain the normal working order of the enterprise and enforce enterprise discipline. More>>
It includes a series of materials directly related to employee welfare and work nature, such as work content and employee discipline. Help hr implement talent work quickly and professionally. More>>
Hr downloads the appropriate contract template as a contract agreement with talents, which successfully realizes the two-way choice between enterprises and talents. More>>
For the company's business trip, provide relevant business trip regulations, business trip records, etc., accurately grasp the staff's work dynamics, and clarify the company's financial list. More>>
Provide various employee training references, including overseas training, new employee training, etc., to provide enterprises with a variety of training opinions and improve the quality and ability of employees. More>>
A variety of performance appraisal methods and standards provide comprehensive reference for enterprises, positively guide employees' work behavior and performance, and achieve the strategic objectives of enterprises. More>>
Other reference standards for enterprise hr work can be customized and added. More>>
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