"Read" the Year of the Dragon, "Read" and Enjoy the Future -- Congjiang County Market Supervision Administration launched the "World Reading Day" activity

Source: Agricultural TV Network 2024-04-25 09:09:22

Spring breeze four "read" warm, reading at the right time. On April 22, Congjiang County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau carried out the "World Reading Day" activity with the theme of "Reading the Dragon Year and Sharing the Future" in Luanli Conference Center. The members of the bureau team, all cadres and workers participated in the activity. The chairman of the county Federation of Literary and Art Circles, director of the county financial media center, chairman of the county private associations association and other department leaders were invited to participate in the activity.

At the beginning of the activity, Yang Xiaoqing, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Bureau, made a speech. She highly praised the significance of the activity and earnestly hoped that all cadres and staff of the market supervision system would love to read, read good books and be good at reading, adhere to the principle of "reading one hour a day and one book a month", strive to be a learning cadre of "diligent reading, good thinking and dedicated practice", and keep pace with the times, And jointly create a new situation for the work of the Market Supervision Administration.

This reading activity is rich and colorful, including collective reading, poetry recitation, good book sharing, calligraphy photography and other forms. In the link of "reading together and learning together", all the staff read "The book you have read will eventually make you meet a better person" together, looking for the fun of reading between the lines and absorbing the power of wisdom; In the link of "good poetry, read together", the performers are full of confidence, sound and emotion, and feel the charm of poetry and reading; In the link of "reading good books and sharing", we talked about our reading experience and thoughts, thoughts and insights around the theme of reading; In the link of "good calligraphy, appreciate together", calligraphy lovers displayed calligraphy on the spot, with a strong flavor of calligraphy, and felt the beauty of traditional humanistic charm. The activity was successfully concluded in the guidance comments and ardent expectations of the leaders. The whole activity was warmly communicated and the atmosphere was active, which explained the atmosphere of "the most scholarly can reach far, and poetry and calligraphy can be seen in the belly".

All the way scholarly, life sunshine. The theme activity of the "World Reading Day" aims to use books as a medium and reading as a link to encourage cadres and workers to read and study in the overall situation, make reading a habit and a way of life, be good at picking up the essence of books, and internalize it into a lofty pursuit of value, constantly strengthen ideals and beliefs, temper will quality, constantly improve the level of ability to perform duties, and with a more solid style More pragmatic measures to contribute market supervision power to promote high-quality development of the county.

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