Fruit: Which is better, squeezing or heating?

Source: Agricultural TV Network 2024-03-13 14:49:11

Fruit is eaten raw

You can also use

Juicing and heating methods


Bring a different flavor

Drink juice and

Compared with eating heated fruit

Which is healthier?

01  Is it healthy to drink juice?


Save flow: After fruit is squeezed into juice, nutrition is lost and calories are soaring, which is not easy to be healthy.

The high-speed rotating blades in the juice extractor and the wall breaker cause the damage of vitamins, flavonoids, anthocyanins and other antioxidant components in the fruit. Vitamin C oxidizes after contacting with the oxygen in the air during the juice squeezing process, thus losing its efficacy.

02 Sugar from "Running"

The sugar in the whole fruit is called "endogenous sugar", which is wrapped by the plant cell wall. The body absorbs this sugar slowly. After the fruit is squeezed into juice, the cell wall that holds "endogenous sugar" is destroyed, and the sugar "runs out" into "free sugar". "Free sugar" is very easy to be absorbed by the human body and can quickly increase blood sugar.


Don't underestimate these free sugars. A can of Coke contains 10.6g/100g of sugar, while a cup of freshly squeezed apple juice contains 12.8g/100g of sugar.

It is because the sugar in the fruit "runs" out, so it is more likely to make people fat. You should know that the calories and sugar consumed by drinking a whole cup of juice are far more than eating a fruit.

03  Fruit dregs are more nutritious than you think

After squeezing the juice, the remaining fruit residue contains insoluble mineral elements, dietary fiber and other substances.

Dietary fiber is one of the essential nutrients for human body, which can help the growth of intestinal probiotics and improve the intestinal microenvironment; Slow down the increase of blood sugar after meals; Prevent constipation.


04  To drink juice healthily, you can do this:

Squeeze the juice with a blender. The juice and fruit residue are not separated. Drink the essence of the juice.

Squeeze together with vegetables with low sugar content, such as celery and cucumber, to reduce sugar content.

Control the amount of juice you drink. Fruit juice is delicious, but you must not drink too much!



05  Fruit heating also has unexpected benefits

After boiling and heating, the nutritional components of the fruit will be lost to some extent, and the bioactive substances will also be reduced. For example, heat labile vitamin C will lose a lot after heating. However, the sugar, dietary fiber and minerals in fruits do not change much after high temperature.

However, heating can enhance the antioxidant activity of fruits. The antioxidant substances in fruits include various natural pigments (such as carotenoids, lycopene, etc.), phenols and flavonoids. Heating can change these substances from binding state to free state, thus improving their antioxidant effect.

The heated fruit can reduce the irritation to the intestines and stomach. For people with weak intestines and stomach, cooked fruit will be more comfortable and not easy to cause diarrhea.


Taste the new flavor. The soluble sugar will undergo caramelization or Maillard reaction at high temperature to produce rich aroma. No wonder many people like to eat all kinds of fruit pizza! (Except Italians)

06  Fruit suitable for heating


Roasting, stewing and steaming apples are all popular with many people. Especially for roasted apples, the pulp becomes soft and waxy, the acidity decreases, and the fruit is as sweet as honey when the nutrition loss is small.



Rock sugar Sydney, a classic match. When the weather is dry, a bowl of stewed pear soup or some steamed pears can relieve the throat discomfort.



Eating raw pineapple may "prick the mouth" because the protease in raw fruit is "mischievous", which will stimulate the oral cavity, digestive tract wall, etc. Heating can inactivate protease, so that pineapple does not bite. The most classic dishes are: pineapple pizza, pineapple gooseberry meat, pineapple fried rice and so on.



Use the microwave oven to make delicious hot bananas, and heat the skins together for ten seconds. At this time, the bananas will not rot, but become more sweet.

Roasted bananas are also good. After being roasted, bananas have a dense taste, less water and more aroma after baking.


Eat fruit directly

Nutritional value is better than juice

Or cooked fruit is more comprehensive


Change your way of eating occasionally

It's a pleasure

More unique fruits

Taste and flavor

Wait for you to explore!

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