Study and implement Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era theme education_agricultural television network
  • Improving the level of rural industrial development, rural construction and rural governance is the key task to promote the overall revitalization of the countryside. This year's No. 1 Document of the Central Committee made a systematic deployment of the "Three Improvements". It is necessary to start from the actual situation and the needs of farmers everywhere, focus on doing a number of practical things that can be felt by the masses, and build a livable, employable and beautiful countryside.

    Farmers Daily

    Farmers Daily

    2024-02-08 12:53:59

    2024-02-08 12:53:59

    Farmers Daily

    2024-02-08 12:53:59

  • This year's No. 1 Document of the Central Committee stressed that we should strengthen the two wheel drive of science and technology and reform, and strengthen the measures to increase farmers' income. "Two strengthening" is an important support for promoting the overall revitalization of the countryside. We should promote scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation in a coordinated manner, stimulate the potential of various rural elements and the vitality of the main body, and add impetus and vitality to rural revitalization. Focusing on the central task of increasing farmers' income, we should open up more ways to increase farmers' income, so that farmers can feel more and more gain in the process of rural revitalization.

    Farmers Daily

    Farmers Daily

    2024-02-08 12:53:06

    2024-02-08 12:53:06

    Farmers Daily

    2024-02-08 12:53:06

  • To ensure national food security and prevent large-scale poverty return is the bottom line task of doing a good job in the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and there should be no mistakes. To promote the overall revitalization of the countryside, we must first keep the bottom line, and the basic situation cannot go wrong. This year's No.1 Document of the Central Committee made targeted deployment around the "two guarantees".

    Farmers Daily

    Farmers Daily

    2024-02-06 11:28:06

    2024-02-06 11:28:06

    Farmers Daily

    2024-02-06 11:28:06

  • The total output of grain crops in China's 13 major grain producing areas accounts for more than 80% of the country's total output, which is an important ballast for stable production and supply. However, due to the quasi public goods nature of grain and the low profit rate of the industry, the problem of weak economic strength and financial strength in the main grain producing areas is more prominent. Finance Finance

    2024-02-08 12:51:45

    2024-02-08 12:51:45 Finance

    2024-02-08 12:51:45

  • In 2024, the first document of the central government deployed the key work in the field of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" this year. Adhere to and strengthen the Party's overall leadership over the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", anchor the goal of building an agricultural power, take the learning and application of the experience of the "Ten Million Project" as the guide, take ensuring national food security and ensuring that there is no large-scale return to poverty as the bottom line, and improve the level of rural industry development and rural construction Focusing on improving the level of rural governance... The document draws a clear "road map" for the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in 2024 and the next period from many aspects.

    Xinhua News Agency

    Xinhua News Agency

    2024-02-07 08:42:26

    2024-02-07 08:42:26

    Xinhua News Agency

    2024-02-07 08:42:26
