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lie stretched out

As long as everyone takes care of their own affairs, the world will become a beautiful world!

I saw a piece of topical content on the Internet these two days, but I don't know whether it is true or not: a boy was pressed to the ground to cut off his genitals because he got pregnant with a minor girl. A 4-second video is also attached, in which a boy lying on the ground with his crotch red with blood can be seen faintly. But this video

Laozi's philosophy of "lying flat" -- Tao Te Ching

This article is only written based on my own understanding of Tao Te Ching, which is purely my personal point of view. If you offend me, please forgive me. Recently, the word "lying flat" has become popular. Its core meaning is probably: no longer work hard, no longer pursue prosperity, just want to eat and wear warm, and live a life in peace. Many dozen

The world may not be good, but I will

This article contains chicken soup, toxic chicken soup and anti chicken soup. Please read carefully if you are allergic to the above contents. Will everything get better and better? Whenever I am free to think about the so-called ultimate problem, I am always pessimistic, although this mood will not last long. I found that some seemingly self-evident truths can't stand scrutiny at all

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