94 Design Material Network Atmospheric Search Box Block - WordPress Block

An atmospheric search box block designed by 94 is a block with search function, which theoretically supports the search function of all topics.

This is an atmospheric search box block designed by 94. It is a block with search function and theoretically supports the search function of all topics.

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 94 Design Material Network Atmospheric Search Box Block - WordPress Block

How to use

Click the Demo button at the bottom, right click the mouse to view the source code, and copy the code to the place you need according to the code comment, such as the Gutenberg HTML block or the "custom HTML" in the gadget. In addition, remember to look at the code comment

Video Tutorials

B2 full width

B2 is full width, and the number used is the module position minus one. For example, if you place it in the first module, the number used is y=n-1, and the number below is the case of placing it in the first module (1-1=0)

 .home_row_0 .wrapper, .home_row_0 .wrapper .box { width: 100% !important; box-shadow: none; }

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Some codes and tutorials on Npcink come from the Internet, and are only for netizens to learn and exchange. If you like this article, you can Attach original link Reprint at will.
No intention of infringing your rights, please send an email to 1355471563#qq.com Or click on the right Private message: Muze feedback, we will deal with it as soon as possible.
10 replies A Author M administrators
  1.  carlxun

    Muze I made a custom module with the homepage module, but the front end can't adapt. I should set it as a new page (block) or homepage module (custom?)

    •  Muze

      It is recommended to set it as the home page custom module and set it to be visible only on the PC side

  2.  Yiyou Network

    Hello, my friend, the search box has used code, but what's wrong with garbled code?

    •  Muze

      See the tutorial links provided in "How to use"

  3.  nnnn

    Is his background a fixed picture? Can you set multiple no's

    •  Muze

      The background picture is fixed, and only one picture can be configured.

  4.  Sen

    Hello, can this call the html of the homepage module?

    •  Muze

      It is recommended to use the advertising module and fill in the block code. Other deployment methods need to be studied by yourself.

  5.  Beimo

    There seems to be a problem with this. What should I do when searching? S=search content, but you don't know why there is a<in front of it, leading to a search of 404. Just remove the&lt and another&in the code and the following content

    •  Muze

      Thanks for your feedback. The problem has been solved and has been updated to version 1.1.

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