Read More Login -

Hide part of the article content. To view the hidden content, you need to log in

Official website/download:


Download on this website;

Version: 2.0.1


Extraction code: None
Decompression code: None


This plugin adds more/login/registration forms to your posts and pages. Visitors must log in or register to read more. For users who are not logged in, the remaining text will be protected and hidden. Visitors can register and log in from within the article without leaving the page. The text fades out above the login form, indicating that more text can be read. This can improve the conversion rate.

 Read More Login -

main features

  • Create login/registration forms in posts and articles on pages
  • Visitors can log in from within the article and automatically load the remaining text
  • The text will fade out near the login form, which means more text will be read
  • Easy access to the registration button to register new visitors
  • Email confirmation link sends the registered user rights back to the article
  • For pages and posts
  • SEO friendly, Google search engine can read without logging in

Member processing

  • Login/registration form within the article
  • Registration page
  • Login/Exit Page
  • Profile page
  • Password Recovery Page
  • Email Confirmation
  • Register email notifications for users and administrators

Management Panel

  • Configurable forms and text messages
  • Configurable Links
  • Login/logout/registration/password page redirection
  • Email customization
  • Registration Status
  • Registration statistics
plug-in unit

WndWP - Universal WordPress front-end development framework

2019-4-1 16:14:46

plug-in unit

Supsystic membership - membership plug-in

2019-4-11 15:54:53

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