Easydownload - attachment download WordPress plug-in

A high-end and grand wordpress download plug-in, which can provide an additional page to display more rich content, display your download information in detail, and help your visitors download files better

A high-end and grand wordpress The download plug-in can provide an additional page to display more rich content, display your download information in detail, and help your visitors download files better.

The 3.0 version of the plug-in is not easy to use in the Gutenberg editor, so 3.0 is not available for download.


  1. Download the plug-in and unzip it to 「wp-content/plugins/」 catalog.
  2. Background - Plug ins - Installed Plug ins - Enable
  3. Article editing page - text mode - enable attachment download - fill in attachment information
  4. Everything is ready
 Easydownload - attachment download WordPress plug-in

Attachment editing description

New plug-in attachments are still added under the article editor:

 Easydownload - attachment download WordPress plug-in

*"Preview" is the picture address of the attachment information area of the article page. If it is not filled in, the first picture of the article or the characteristic picture of the article will be automatically obtained.
*If you need to open the QR code reward function on the download page, please click Background Settings Reward Settings Fill in the WeChat or Alipay QR code image link.

The author has also developed a paid version of the download plug-in, which has more functions. You can also have a look.

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Easydownload - 附件下载WordPress插件-Npcink

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Easydownload - 附件下载WordPress插件-Npcink

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2019-1-14 21:55:10

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