How can I disable editing themes and plug-ins- WordPress Tutorial

It is used for demonstration or to enhance website security. This method can enhance website security to a certain extent

This method can Strengthen website security

Why is this【 wordpress Prohibit editing topics and plug-ins] topic?

first For security, the security of WordPress is very important. The permission to edit themes and plug-ins is prohibited. Even if someone comes in, they will not take the theme or plug-in stolen from the website!

second When presenting to customers, for safety, try not to let customers operate the code!

Now let's talk about the tutorial,

Disable online editors for WordPress themes and plug-ins

Add the following code to the wp-config.php file in the root directory of the website:

 //Prohibit online editing of themes and plug-ins define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true );

Forbid upgrading/installing/editing WordPress themes and plug-ins

Similarly, add the following code to the wp-config.php file in the root directory of the website:

 //Prohibit installing/upgrading/editing themes and plug-ins define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS',true);


1. After adding the second code, even the theme setting options cannot be modified, so please set the theme options before adding the code.

2. If the second code is added, it is unnecessary to add the first code.

3. If you have installed some plug-ins that can back up website files, please find a way to hide those plug-ins and prevent all users (including administrators with the highest authority) from operating. Otherwise, others can still obtain files of your website through these plug-ins.

4. Such methods can only increase the security of WordPress to a certain extent, but if people can access wp-config.php, everything above will be in vain!



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