Farallon - WordPress single column blog theme

This theme is made in an ancient way and does not rely on the tripartite framework.

This topic has adapted all my plug-ins, and it is strongly recommended to use my whole family bucket.

 Farallon - WordPress single column blog theme

The chrome lighthouse of this topic scored almost full, and the mobile terminal was slightly worse because the picture was too large.

usage method

Menu settings

Themes support two menus, a top menu and a bottom menu.

Suggested modification method: install nodejs on the computer, enter the theme directory, and execute npm install , using gulp Command compilation, self modifiable scss and js Directory.

You can also directly use inline css and js overrides.

CSS variables are supported, and theme colors can be set directly in the background. Sample code.

 :root { --farallon-main-color: #4370f5; --farallon-hover-color: #3a5f9a; }

Inherit old article likes/reads

Editable functions.php FARALLON_POST_LIKE_KEY It is the key of the article likes, FARALLON_POST_VIEW_KEY It is the key of the number of article views. Change the value to your previous value. I believe that most themes/plug-ins use postmeta to store these two values.

How to use the card classification page

Just rename it according to your category alias category-travel.php OK, for example, if your category alias is zine, rename it to category-zine.php

The classic plug-in gadget is recommended for the theme. This theme is not a block theme, so you need to use the traditional setting method.

 Farallon - WordPress single column blog theme

The theme provides some basic settings, which are relatively simple and can be experienced by yourself.

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