Magic refund - WordPress plugin

It supports official Alipay refunds of all WordPress themes, official WeChat payment refunds, query and download refund records to facilitate audit, and can also manage the rights of designated refund employees to improve security.

Based on the actual needs of our company, it supports the refund of official Alipay payment with all WordPress themes, and the refund of official WeChat payment. The refund records can be queried and downloaded for easy audit. It can also manage the rights of designated refund employees to improve security.

  • Open source address: gitee
  • Platform download: download
  • Download: It can be downloaded from the platform above or at the bottom of this page

Comparison of refund logic

Based on the B2 theme, our company's original refund logic is as follows:

Customer → online customer service confirms refund → customer provides collection QR code → customer service records and transfers → financial audit verification

As you can see, the whole process is quite complicated. Our customer service needs to communicate with the customer service for many times. Manual transfer is also prone to errors, which increases the workload of the finance department.

Based on the above situation, combined with the actual needs, a magic refund plug-in was developed.

The optimization process is as follows

Customer → online customer service → order request → background refund → monthly unified financial audit


  • Support refund of official Alipay payment (regular method)
  • Support official refund of WeChat payment
  • Specify refund personnel and limit authority
  • Each refund is recorded in the database and available for download
  • Customizable refund specialist page menu
  • You can customize the option to delete the plug-in and delete the setting information and refund order record data table at the same time

usage method

Enter the setting page

After installing and enabling the plug-in, you can enter the setting page through the setting button, or you can set the plug-in in Settings → Refund Configuration

 Magic refund - WordPress plugin

Fill in the authorization authentication information of Alipay and WeChat according to the prompts

Select your refund employee account on the user page

 Magic refund - WordPress plugin

User permission must be above "subscriber" to appear in the filter. You can enter related words to match

 Magic refund - WordPress plugin

The background interface for the refund operator to log in is as follows

 Magic refund - WordPress plugin

Only orders can be viewed and refunded. (Corresponding administrator authority is required)

Refund operation

In the dashboard, you can enter the order refund interface

 Magic refund - WordPress plugin

You can find the order number you need to refund on your order page and copy it

 Magic refund - WordPress plugin

Here we use WeChat order as a demonstration. We enter the order number into the refund input box on WeChat, and click the query button to query the order.

 Magic refund - WordPress plugin

You can enter the refund reason and click the refund button. After about 10 seconds, the refund is successful, and you can return the relevant information.

 Magic refund - WordPress plugin

Alipay refund operation is similar

Data review

We can see the following record information in the order refund menu of the dashboard

 Magic refund - WordPress plugin

The latest 20 refund records will be displayed here for the refund staff to view.

If you need to view all refund records, click this button in Setting Refund Configuration to download the forms of all refund records,

 Magic refund - WordPress plugin

The form format is as follows

 Magic refund - WordPress plugin

Update records

If you use v1.1.1, you will lose all the setting information of the previous version. Please backup the setting information

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