Section 2: Vue3 develops WordPress setting options - start from the input box and configure basic setting options

In this section, we implemented two input boxes to obtain and modify options, and saved the option values into WordPress through the Save button. There are many codes in this section, but the comments are detailed and ready

Following the above, we have solved the problem of PHP transferring data to JS. Now, we can create two input boxes and a save button.

  • Input boxes store and modify option values
  • The Save button is used to save the option values

Get the value of the option at the beginning of page loading, and use it as the default value of the input box. After modifying the content of the input box, click the Save button to save the value of the input box to WordPress through the REST API get_option() Function to get the corresponding value.

Process introduction

The detailed process is as follows

 Section 2: Vue3 develops WordPress setting options - start from the input box and configure basic setting options

Back end preparation

On the back end, we need to prepare two interfaces:

  • Read the option interface and get the initial value of the option at the beginning of the page
  • Save option interface, click Save button to save options

These two interfaces will be used in the subsequent front-end development. To facilitate your understanding, we will start with the simplest function and gradually increase the difficulty.

We create a new interface.php file in the vue spa folder to place interface related code.
Fill in the following code to create two interfaces

 //Interface document function vuespa_create_api() { Register_rest_route ('pf/v1 ','/get_option/', array (//The full namespace is:/wp-json/pf/v1/ 'methods' => 'POST', 'callback' => 'get_option_by_RestAPI', )); Register_rest_route ('pf/v1 ','/update_option/', array (//The full namespace is:/wp-json/pf/v1/ 'methods' => 'POST', 'callback' => 'update_option_by_RestAPI', 'permission_callback' => function () { return current_user_can('manage_options'); //  Only administrators have permission to modify }, )); } add_action('rest_api_init', 'vuespa_create_api');

Read option interface

We fill in the following

 //Read Option //Only one-to-one data requests are supported function get_option_by_RestAPI($data) { //Convert the passed data to array type $dataArray = json_decode($data->get_body(), true); //New Array $return = array(); //Loop to obtain the value of the corresponding option ID and store it in the corresponding associative array. If the value cannot be obtained, it is empty foreach ($dataArray as $option_name => $value) { $return[$option_name] = get_option($option_name) ?  get_option($option_name) : ""; } return $return; }

Save Option Interface

We fill in the following

 //Save Option //One to one saving function update_option_by_RestAPI($data) { //Judge whether it is an administrator if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { //Convert the passed data to array type $dataArray = json_decode($data->get_body(), true); //Cycle Save Options foreach ($dataArray as $option_name => $value) { update_option($option_name, $value); } //Return success message return new WP_REST_Response(array( 'success' => true, 'message '=>"Saved!" ), 200); } else { //Return failure information Return new WP_Error ('save_error ','save failed!', array('status' => 500)); } }


Now, our interface.php file is ready. We add the following code in vue-spa. php to import the file,

 //Interface require_once plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . ' interface.php';

Front end preparation

We need to use Vue3 and Axios. Of course, any tool you like that can implement the function is ok.

We also need to display two input boxes and a save button in the menu page

Load Resource

modify vue-spa.php In vuespa_load_vues() Function, we need to introduce vue3 and Axios resources. Change to the following code

 //Load the required JS and CSS resources and transfer data function vuespa_load_vues($hook) { //Judge whether the current page is the specified page. If yes, continue loading if ('toplevel_page_vuespa_id' != $ hook) { return; } //Version No $ver = '53'; //Load to top of page wp_enqueue_style('vite', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . ' vite/dist/index.css', array(), $ver, false); //Load to bottom of page wp_enqueue_script('vue', ' @3/dist/', array(), $ver, true); wp_enqueue_script('axios', ' ', array(), $ver, true); wp_enqueue_script('vite', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . ' vite/dist/index.js', array(), $ver, true); $pf_api_translation_array = array( 'route'=>esc_url_raw (rest_url()),//Route 'nonce'=>wp_create_once ('wp_rest '),//Verification mark 'data '=>vuespa_data(),//user-defined data ); wp_localize_script('vite', 'dataLocal', $pf_api_translation_array); // Transfer to vite project } //Load style to background add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'vuespa_load_vues');

Here, in order to make our vue3 JS file get the document node correctly, we change the loading of JS from false to true, so that JS will be loaded to the bottom of the page.

Now, we can use the function of vue3 on the menu page.

Prepare input boxes and buttons

We modify the index.js file to the following code

 //vite/dist/index.js const App = { setup() { //Initial value const datas = Vue.reactive({ dataOne: "", dataTwo: "", }); //Get Data const vuespa_get_option = () => { axios .post(dataLocal.route + "pf/v1/get_option", datas, { headers: { "X-WP-Nonce": dataLocal.nonce, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }) .then((response) => { const data =; datas.dataOne = data.dataOne; datas.dataTwo = data.dataTwo; }) .catch((error) => { Window.alert ("Failed to connect to the server or background reading error! Data reading failed"); console.log(error); }); }; //Save Data const vuespa_update_option = () => { axios .post(dataLocal.route + "pf/v1/update_option", datas, { headers: { "X-WP-Nonce": dataLocal.nonce, }, }) .then((response) => { Alert ("saved successfully"); }) .catch((error) => { Alert ("Failed to save"); console.log(error); }); }; //Page initial loading Vue.onMounted(() => { Console.log ("Simple"); vuespa_get_option(); }); return { datas,  vuespa_update_option }; }, template: 'Text box 1:<input type="text" v-model="data. dataOne"><br/>Text box 2:<input type="text" v-model="data. dataTwo"><hr/><button class="button button primary" @ click="vuespa_update_option">Save</button>', }; Vue.createApp(App).mount("#vuespa");

The functions are as follows:

  • Created a responsive variable data
  • Created a data acquisition function vuespa_get_option() After splicing the URLs from the previous section, send a post request and pass in the verification information in the header.
  • Created a function to save data vuespa_update_option() , similar to the above function
  • We load at the beginning of the page vuespa_get_option() Function to take the obtained value as the default value of the input box
  • We provide two input boxes and a button through the template of vue3,
  • The value of input is bound to the variable of data in both directions, and the click event of button is bound vuespa_get_option() Function to save data

Now, refresh the page, you can see the input box we created, make simple modifications, and click the Save button to save the data to WordPress.

Wordpress caches some JS files. It is recommended that you modify the function every time you modify the JS file vuespa_load_vues() Version number information in

Principle analysis

When we enter the menu page VusSpa, observe the console, and there will be a get_option The request of is as follows

 Section 2: Vue3 develops WordPress setting options - start from the input box and configure basic setting options

The request is made, the option value is obtained and used as the default value.

Now, we modify the value in the input box, click the Save button, and the update_option , the contents are as follows:

 Section 2: Vue3 develops WordPress setting options - start from the input box and configure basic setting options

The value I modified has been transferred out, and the message of successful saving is returned.


Like traditional methods, we use get_option To call the corresponding option value.

The options are ready. We start to call them. To display the called data conveniently, we display the option values on the menu page,
We modify the callback function vuespa_menu_page_display() , add the following

 Echo "<h3>Call option value</h3>"; echo get_option('dataOne'); echo "<br/>"; echo get_option('dataTwo');

The following effects can be seen

 Section 2: Vue3 develops WordPress setting options - start from the input box and configure basic setting options

Complete code


 <? php /* Plugin Name: Vue - SPA  Plugin URI: Description: Embed the page built by vue into WordPress and generate interaction Author: Muze Author URI: Version: 1.0.0 */ //Interface require_once plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . ' interface.php'; //Create a menu function vuespa_create_menu_page() { add_menu_page( 'VueSpa option',//This menu corresponds to the title displayed on the page 'VueSpa',//The text to be displayed for this actual menu item 'administrator',//which type of user can see this menu 'vuespa_id',//The unique ID of this menu item (i.e. slug) 'vuespa_menu_page_display',//Name of the function to be called when presenting the menu of this page 'dashicons admin customizer ',//icon - default icon '500.1',//Location ); } // end vuespa_create_menu_page  add_action('admin_menu', 'vuespa_create_menu_page'); //Menu callback - displayed content function vuespa_menu_page_display() { ?> <!-- Create a title in the default WordPress "wrapper" container --> <div class="wrap"> <!-- Title --> <h2><? php echo esc_html(get_admin_page_title()); ?></ h2> <!-- Provide Vue mount point --> <div id="vuespa">This content will be replaced after mounting Vue {{data}}</div> </div> <? php //Show prepared data echo "<pre>"; print_r(vuespa_data()); echo "</pre>"; Echo "<h3>Call option value</h3>"; echo get_option('dataOne'); echo "<br/>"; echo get_option('dataTwo'); } // vuespa_menu_page_display //Load the required JS and CSS resources and transfer data function vuespa_load_vues($hook) { //Judge whether the current page is the specified page. If yes, continue loading if ('toplevel_page_vuespa_id' != $ hook) { return; } //Version No $ver = '53'; //Load to top of page wp_enqueue_style('vite', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . ' vite/dist/index.css', array(), $ver, false); //Load to bottom of page wp_enqueue_script('vue', ' @3/dist/', array(), $ver, true); wp_enqueue_script('axios', ' ', array(), $ver, true); wp_enqueue_script('vite', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . ' vite/dist/index.js', array(), $ver, true); $pf_api_translation_array = array( 'route'=>esc_url_raw (rest_url()),//Route 'nonce'=>wp_create_once ('wp_rest '),//Verification mark 'data '=>vuespa_data(),//user-defined data ); wp_localize_script('vite', 'dataLocal', $pf_api_translation_array); // Transfer to vite project } //Load style to background add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'vuespa_load_vues'); //Prepare the data to be transmitted function vuespa_data() { $person = [ "str" => "Hello, world! - Npcink", "num" => 25, "city" => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ]; return $person; }


 <? php //interface.php //Interface document function vuespa_create_api() { Register_rest_route ('pf/v1 ','/get_option/', array (//The full namespace is:/wp-json/pf/v1/ 'methods' => 'POST', 'callback' => 'get_option_by_RestAPI', )); Register_rest_route ('pf/v1 ','/update_option/', array (//The full namespace is:/wp-json/pf/v1/ 'methods' => 'POST', 'callback' => 'update_option_by_RestAPI', 'permission_callback' => function () { return current_user_can('manage_options'); //  Only administrators have permission to modify }, )); } add_action('rest_api_init', 'vuespa_create_api'); //Read Option //Only one-to-one data requests are supported function get_option_by_RestAPI($data) { //Convert the passed data to array type $dataArray = json_decode($data->get_body(), true); //New Array $return = array(); //Loop to obtain the value of the corresponding option ID and store it in the corresponding associative array. If the value cannot be obtained, it is empty foreach ($dataArray as $option_name => $value) { $return[$option_name] = get_option($option_name) ?  get_option($option_name) : ""; } return $return; } //Save Option //One to one saving function update_option_by_RestAPI($data) { //Judge whether it is an administrator if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { //Convert the passed data to array type $dataArray = json_decode($data->get_body(), true); //Cycle Save Options foreach ($dataArray as $option_name => $value) { update_option($option_name, $value); } //Return success message return new WP_REST_Response(array( 'success' => true, 'message '=>"Saved!" ), 200); } else { //Return failure information Return new WP_Error ('save_error ','save failed!', array('status' => 500)); } }


 //vite/dist/index.js const App = { setup() { //Initial value const datas = Vue.reactive({ dataOne: "", dataTwo: "", }); //Get Data const vuespa_get_option = () => { axios .post(dataLocal.route + "pf/v1/get_option", datas, { headers: { "X-WP-Nonce": dataLocal.nonce, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }) .then((response) => { const data =; datas.dataOne = data.dataOne; datas.dataTwo = data.dataTwo; }) .catch((error) => { Window.alert ("Failed to connect to the server or background reading error! Data reading failed"); console.log(error); }); }; //Save Data const vuespa_update_option = () => { axios .post(dataLocal.route + "pf/v1/update_option", datas, { headers: { "X-WP-Nonce": dataLocal.nonce, }, }) .then((response) => { Alert ("saved successfully"); }) .catch((error) => { Alert ("Failed to save"); console.log(error); }); }; //Page initial loading Vue.onMounted(() => { Console.log ("Simple"); vuespa_get_option(); }); return { datas,  vuespa_update_option }; }, template: 'Text box 1:<input type="text" v-model="data. dataOne"><br/>Text box 2:<input type="text" v-model="data. dataTwo"><hr/><button class="button button primary" @ click="vuespa_update_option">Save</button>', }; Vue.createApp(App).mount("#vuespa");


The current function is available, but there are still some problems

  • Only one-to-one data can be obtained. In some complex scenarios, this data structure is unfriendly
  • At present, Vue3 and Axios files are loaded manually. The loading is slow, which causes the pages to load well. The option content is slightly delayed, flickering, and the experience is not good
  • For simple functions, the giant vue3 is loaded, and many functions of vue3 are useless.
  • There is no such function as personnel filtering, article filtering and classification filtering, which can interact with WordPress,

For the above problems, we will continue to optimize and improve in the next section.


Background user list add nickname display - WordPress add small function

2023-6-25 22:17:00


Section 3: Vue3 develops WordPress setting options - research the front and rear data interaction from the filtering function

2023-6-27 23:21:00

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