Mango - wordpress paid picture theme

It is a WordPress waterfall theme as well as a WordPress community theme, especially suitable for the use of photo and product display sites.

This is a WordPress waterfall theme as well as a WordPress community theme. It has built-in front-end user center, invitation code registration mechanism, front-end album mode, personalized launch page, hidden content login/comments/specific user visibility, new album, batch upload pictures, favorite articles and other functions. It is especially suitable for the use of photo and product display sites.

  • Theme introduction: details
  • Theme presentation: Demo
  • Theme price: 799 yuan

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If you buy a theme, click the button below to learn more about the rebate!


Homepage Waterfall Flow Information Flow

Waterfall flow design, grand and beautiful

Multiple user interaction experience

User login registration, article collection, article likes, comments

Display the IP address of the comment user

Install building blocks. Comments support displaying the IP address of the commenter

Hide content to make it visible to users

According to the WordPress user role mechanism, it can flexibly control which users have the right to browse and obtain the hidden content of articles

Hide multiple access channels for content

User comments, user attention public account access password, user role control, etc

Highlighted corner marks of multiple articles

The article can be set with top, essence and VIP corner marks, which will be more prominent in the article list and improve the reading amount.


 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
 Mango - wordpress paid picture theme
Domestic theme

Cherry - WordPress paid blog theme

2023-4-24 22:22:39

Domestic theme

Orange - WordPress light imitates the theme of physical style enterprises

2023-4-26 22:20:20

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