WP Polls - WordPress voting plug-in

This WordPress plug-in can be highly customized through templates and CSS styles, and there are many options for you to choose to ensure that WP Polls runs in the way you want. Now, it supports multiple choice answers

WP Polls is a WordPress voting plug-in. This WordPress plug-in can be highly customized through templates and CSS styles, and there are many options for you to choose to ensure that WP Polls runs in the way you want. Now, it supports one question and multiple alternative answers.

 WP Polls - WordPress voting plug-in
 WP Polls - WordPress voting plug-in
 WP Polls - WordPress voting plug-in


Unfortunately, only one question and several answers can be added. In some complex scenes, it increases the difficulty of use.

Some usages

General usage (no widgets)

 <? php if ( function_exists( 'vote_poll' ) && !  in_pollarchive() ): ?> <li> <h2>Polls</h2> <ul> <li><? php get_poll();?></ li> </ul> <? php display_polls_archive_link(); ?> </li> <? php endif; ?>
  • To display a specific poll, use the <? php get_poll(2); ?> Where 2 is your poll ID.
  • To display random votes, use the <? php get_poll(-2); ?>
  • To embed a specific poll into your post, use the [poll id="2"] Where 2 is your poll ID.
  • To embed a random poll in your post, use [poll id="-2"]
  • To embed the results of a specific poll into your post, use the [poll id="2" type="result"] Where 2 is your poll ID.

General usage (with widgets)

  1. go to WP-Admin -> Appearance -> Widgets
  2. You can add a Widget by clicking the Add link next to the Widget widget.
  3. After adding, you can configure it by clicking the Edit link next to Widget.
  4. Click "Save Changes".
  5. Scroll down for instructions on how to create a polling archive.

How to add a poll profile?

  1. go to WP-Admin -> Pages -> Add New
  2. Type any title you like in the title area of the post.
  3. If you use a good permanent link, WordPress will generate a permanent link to the page after entering the title. You will see an Edit link next to the permanent link.
  4. Click Edit, and then click pollsarchive Text field, and then click Save.
  5. [page_polls] Type in the content area of the post.
  6. Click "Publish".
  • If you don't use beautiful permanent links, you need to go to WP-Admin -> Polls -> Poll Options And below Poll Archive -> Polls Archive URL , you need to fill in the URL of the poll archive page created above.

Why don't the answers in my poll add up to 100%?

This is due to rounding problems. In order to round it to 100% all the time, the remaining percentage will be added to the answer of the last poll. To enable this feature, add it to the topic's functions.php: add_filter( 'wp_polls_round_percentage', '__return_true' );

How does WP polling load CSS?

  • WP-Polls polls-css.css Will be loaded from your theme directory, if it exists.
  • If it does not exist, it will only load polls-css.css Default values supplied with WP Polls.
  • This will allow you to upgrade WP Poll without worrying about overwriting the poll style you have created.

Why does the text of the poll appear jagged in Internet Explorer (IE)?

  • To solve this problem, open poll-css.css
  • Find: /* background-color: #ffffff; */
  • Replace:( background-color: #ffffff; Where # ffffff should be the background color of the poll.)

How can I set a separate color for each poll bar?

 .wp-polls-ul li:nth-child(01) .pollbar{ background:#8FA0C5} .wp-polls-ul li:nth-child(02) .pollbar{ background:#FF8} .wp-polls-ul li:nth-child(03) .pollbar{ background:#ff8a3b} .wp-polls-ul li:nth-child(04) .pollbar{ background:#a61e2a} .wp-polls-ul li:nth-child(05) .pollbar{ background:#4ebbff} .wp-polls-ul li:nth-child(06) .pollbar{ background:#fbca54} .wp-polls-ul li:nth-child(07) .pollbar{ background:#aad34f} .wp-polls-ul li:nth-child(08) .pollbar{ background:#66cc9a} .wp-polls-ul li:nth-child(09) .pollbar{ background:#98CBCB} .wp-polls-ul li:nth-child(10) .pollbar{ background:#a67c52} .wp-polls-ul li .pollbar{ transition: background 0.7s ease-in-out } .wp-polls-ul li .pollbar:hover{ background:#F00 }

Show total votes

 <? php if ( function_exists( 'get_pollquestions' ) ): ?> <? php get_pollquestions(); ?> <? php endif; ?>

Show Total Voting Answers

 <? php if ( function_exists( 'get_pollanswers' ) ): ?> <? php get_pollanswers(); ?> <? php endif; ?>

Show total number of votes

 <? php if ( function_exists( 'get_pollvotes' ) ): ?> <? php get_pollvotes(); ?> <? php endif; ?>

Show voting by ID

 <? php if ( function_exists( 'get_pollvotes_by_id' ) ): ?> <? php get_pollvotes_by_id($poll_id); ?> <? php endif; ?>

Show total number of votes

 <? php if ( function_exists( 'get_pollvoters' ) ): ?> <? php get_pollvoters(); ?> <? php endif; ?>

Display polling time by ID and date format

 <? php if ( function_exists( 'get_polltime' ) ): ?> <? php get_polltime( $poll_id, $date_format ); ?> <? php endif; ?>

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