Ndart - Minimal Art Little Fresh WordPress Image Theme

A literary and artistic small and fresh WordPress image theme. This theme is very simple. The home page has only three sections, one picture, one text, and one waterfall

This NDART theme is a theme that was completed long ago. At that time, I liked minority literature and art, so I created a small and fresh WordPress image theme. This WordPress theme is very simple, and the home page has only three parts, one picture, one text, and one waterfall.

The green system and a large number of rules and regulations are adopted on the interface, giving a very fresh and artistic feeling, which is a style I like very much.

 Ndart - Minimal Art Little Fresh WordPress Image Theme

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Domestic theme

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2020-10-14 0:49:27

Domestic theme

D2.01 - pomelo peel WordPress article/SEO theme template (invalid)

2020-10-22 23:40:40

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4 replies A Author M administrators
  1.  timiyun

    It's pretty

  2.  Zilong

    Very artistic and beautiful~

  3. It is hoped that domestic wordpress theme developers can create a "true" image station theme with better interaction and optimization, rather than a fake image theme with a picture theme, which is actually a blog theme.
    There can be such content, such as: a single page with multiple images layout, the pictures on the inside page can flow in waterfall or with large image traffic, and it is better to support users to upload pictures.

    • 👻 It's terrible to reach out to the party. If you are not satisfied, you can do it yourself. If you are not satisfied, you can pay someone to customize it until you are satisfied.

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