How can I use the import tool to import demo article data- WordPress Tutorial

What is demo article data? As the name implies, these data are provided by the theme developer for users to quickly build the same effect as the demo station, which contains various multimedia content used by the demo station

Many new wordpress users will be curious, what is the demo article data? As the name implies, these data are provided by the theme developer for users to quickly build the same effect as the demo station. They contain various multimedia content used by the demo station, and are produced and provided to facilitate users to quickly get started with wordpress themes.

Q: Why didn't I use the theme?

A: commonly Comparison criteria All of the theme developers will provide demo data for you to use. If not, you can consult your theme author (if you pay for the purchase).

Q: Give me an example

A: Here's a copy currency The WordPress demo data provided by WordPress is used to detect the performance of the theme in various situations. See the introduction for details.

怎么使用导入工具导入演示文章数据? - WordPress教程-Npcink
怎么使用导入工具导入演示文章数据? - WordPress教程-Npcink

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In the WordPress background - Tools - Import, you can see the WordPress importer in the red box below, which is not installed. Click Install. After installation, click Run Importer.

 How can I use the import tool to import demo article data- WordPress Tutorial


Import the data. xml file, as shown in the following figure.

 How can I use the import tool to import demo article data- WordPress Tutorial


After the import is successful, you can see the imported articles in all articles.

be careful: Because the imported data does not contain pictures, the pictures in the article or the thumbnail of the article list may not be loaded.

Importing article data is only for convenience of debugging according to the tutorial. Please delete the demo data after debugging.

 How can I use the import tool to import demo article data- WordPress Tutorial

Of course, in addition, there are some themes that will provide complete and larger compressed packages for use with some plug-ins, such as this wordpress plug-in:

怎么使用导入工具导入演示文章数据? - WordPress教程-Npcink
怎么使用导入工具导入演示文章数据? - WordPress教程-Npcink

All in One WP Migration - all-in-one migration wordpress plug-in

What wordpress themes (paid themes) provide demo data?

怎么使用导入工具导入演示文章数据? - WordPress教程-Npcink
怎么使用导入工具导入演示文章数据? - WordPress教程-Npcink

Muiter - Jane, very simple, very simple style

怎么使用导入工具导入演示文章数据? - WordPress教程-Npcink
怎么使用导入工具导入演示文章数据? - WordPress教程-Npcink

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