Eyes - WordPress topics of information, portal and blog

A professional information portal blog WordPress theme template, which has two modes of portal and blog, that is, webmaster can choose to use blog appearance or information portal appearance according to website content

At present, there are many wordpress topics of portal type available for wordpress users to choose and purchase. The latest Eyse is a professional information portal launched by Lightning Blog&WordPress theme template, which has two modes of portal and blog. Different modes have different page layouts, giving more usability (redundancy) to webmasters. In addition, This theme supports the customization of the appearance and content of the home page, with a powerful advertising management system and a variety of gadgets

  • Theme purchase: details
  • Theme presentation: Demo
  • Theme price: six hundred and ninety-nine

This theme needs to be improved, and it is not recommended to buy at present.

 Eyes - WordPress topics of information, portal and blog
Eyes - WordPress topics of information, portal and blog

1. The blog+portal dual mode theme supports both blog and portal modes. The webmaster can choose the appropriate appearance according to the richness of the website content.

2. Responsive design 100% adaptive design, website layout can respond to different website layout according to different equipment types.

3. Powerful advertising management system supports picture and code advertising/shortcode advertising/advertising visibility.

4. A variety of gadgets are available, such as popular articles/popular keywords/advertising spaces, to enrich the content of the website sidebar.

Theme function

Responsive design

The eyes theme adopts 100% responsive front-end code - the theme appearance can adapt to different device screen resolutions, ensuring that the website can adapt to any device.

 Eyes - WordPress topics of information, portal and blog

Two modes are optional

One of the most prominent features of Eyes is that you can use this theme to build a professional blog, or a rich news portal.

Portal Mode -If the portal mode is adopted, the theme home page adopts a strong floor layout, which can display more content and customize the layout of each floor. The appearance of the portal mode home page consists of the focus map, the latest, hot and classified floors.

 Eyes - WordPress topics of information, portal and blog
Appearance of portal mode homepage (click the picture to view DEMO)

Portal Mode Next, the first level category also uses a layout similar to the home page, which makes each level category more like a channel rather than a common list like a blog, and the content appears richer and fuller. As shown in the figure below:

 Eyes - WordPress topics of information, portal and blog
Portal mode classification channel (click the picture to view DEMO)

Blog Mode -This mode is more suitable for building professional blogs. The home page mainly displays the latest, hot and classified content in the form of a list. The appearance of the blog mode homepage consists of the focus map, list and sidebar.

 Eyes - WordPress topics of information, portal and blog
Blog mode homepage appearance (click the picture to view DEMO)

Powerful Sidebar

In order to ensure that the sidebar content of the article details page and the category page in the blog mode is more abundant, we have prefabricated four gadgets, namely, advertising space, popular articles, popular tags and website statistics (more gadgets will be added later).

Advertising space -With this gadget, you can add one or more advertisements to the sidebar of your website. You can play this function with the ad management system of the collection theme;

Popular articles -It is used to display the articles with the highest number of viewers in the specified time;

 Eyes - WordPress topics of information, portal and blog
Popular article widget

Popular keywords -Based on the number of WordPress tag related articles, we show the most popular keywords Deep optimization has been carried out. The popular keywords in the sidebar of different types of pages will be displayed according to the classification of the current page Instead of displaying the same popular keywords as the whole;

 Eyes - WordPress topics of information, portal and blog
Hot keyword/tag widget

Website statistics -This gadget is used to display some basic data of the website.

 Eyes - WordPress topics of information, portal and blog
Website statistics widget

More readable

The article details page of WordPress should have stronger readability and social functions, so we have carefully considered this page, including layout, text layout and social buttons.

  • Headlines and feature pictures -To attract the attention of readers with headlines and characteristic pictures as highlights;
  • Typesetting -The font size and line spacing more suitable for reading shall be adopted to ensure the reading comfort of readers;
  • Social button -It provides multiple buttons for comment, collection, like, micro poster and social sharing, and is fixed on the left side of the article, so that readers can quickly participate in social interaction.
 Eyes - WordPress topics of information, portal and blog
Screenshot of detail page (click the picture to view DEMO)

Powerful theme setting function

Provide basic settings, home page settings, social account login, advertising management, custom code and system information, among which:

  • Basic settings -Support basic, navigation menu and footer settings:
    Basic settings: webmaster to theme logo, favicon, default image, theme main color, dark mode switch, Gutenberg editor off, tag display rules, number of automatically loaded pages, number of listed articles, etc;
    Navigation menu: two navigation menus are available, full classification style and simple style. Full classification style is recommended for portal websites, simple style is recommended for blog websites, and menu display classification settings are supported;
    Footer settings: support footer logo, footer menu, social icon, copyright information, filing number, theme and other information settings.
  • Layout settings -Support switching portal or blog modes, focus map settings, and home page display categories.
  • Social login -Support QQ, WeChat and Weibo registration login API interface, this function requires the webmaster to apply for the API interface of three social tools.
  • Advertising management -The theme provides a powerful advertising management system, which configures multiple advertising spaces for the current theme by default, and also supports webmasters to create new advertising spaces; Support image and code advertising; Support Shortcode advertising code.
  • Custom code -Support bloggers to independently configure page headers, footers, CSS styles and statistical codes;
  • system information -It supports one click access to WordPress/PHP parameters and enabled plug-ins to help technicians quickly solve the problem of theme plug-ins.
 Eyes - WordPress topics of information, portal and blog
Eyes Theme Setting Interface

Advertising management system

We have introduced a new advertising management system on the theme of eyes (it will be synchronized to other themes gradually later). It is necessary to make an independent description of this advertising management system here.

  • This set of advertising management system supports the visible setting of advertising, and supports all visible or invisible registered users (more visible types of advertising will be introduced in the future);
  • Several default advertising spaces have been set for the eyes theme to facilitate the webmaster to quickly launch advertisements, and provide group, name, type, location, size and other parameter management;
  • The advertising management system also supports code advertisements and picture advertisements, and shortcode advertisement codes to facilitate webmasters to insert advertisements anywhere on the website (in the future, article editors will be supported to insert advertisement shortcode quickly).
 Eyes - WordPress topics of information, portal and blog
Advertising list of advertising management system
 Eyes - WordPress topics of information, portal and blog
Advertising management system - add and modify advertising space
 Eyes - WordPress topics of information, portal and blog
Eyes - WordPress topics of information, portal and blog

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