Lifet - Single column WordPress blog theme

A simple single column blog wordpress theme

This is a single column Wordpress Theme The simple single column design, the main color matching of the whole station of Yijian Switch, choose your favorite icon as you like, and maintain the characteristics when it is simple.

  • Theme presentation: Demo
  • Subject author: Muze
  • Theme size: 74.59KB


  • Please back up your database before enabling this topic.
  • The theme is still under development and I'm improving it. Please look forward to it
  • The code comments are detailed and recommended


  • Technology is not good. All of them only refer to external font icons
  • It can't find a place when you don't want to set it, so you use API to set it
  • The first building switches the color of the whole station, with strong customization
  • Simple single column free theme
  • The loading speed is not bad (local test)
  • Set functions around the theme appearance to separate the appearance from the function

Reference for this topic:


 Lifet - Single column WordPress blog theme
 Lifet - Single column WordPress blog theme


  • Download theme file at the bottom of the page
  • Wordpress background upload installation and enable
  • In the background → Appearance → Customize → Lifet Set in.
  • Search page template available

Except for changing the theme appearance, there are no other function setting items. It is recommended to install this Wordpress plug-in

Lifet - 单栏WordPress博客主题-Npcink
Lifet - 单栏WordPress博客主题-Npcink

Magick - WordPress Magick Plugin

Lifet - 单栏WordPress博客主题-Npcink
Lifet - 单栏WordPress博客主题-Npcink

LIFE - Typecho blog theme that can be simplified

to update:


Topic publishing


  • Add: gadgets at the top of the home page, gadgets at the bottom of the home page, gadgets at the top of the log page, gadgets at the bottom of the log page
  • Underline the links in the log page, the color will change according to the main color, and the link text will be adjusted
  • Add top prompt
  • Add Fillet Options
  • Appearance style beautification


  • Add top bulletin board function
  • Partial setting text correction
  • Appearance style beautification

v1.0. six

  • Add QR code
  • Add a word
  • Add simple and complicated switch
  • Use local avatar
  • Appearance style beautification
  • Remove the top bulletin board feature

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Some codes and tutorials on Npcink come from the Internet, and are only for netizens to learn and exchange. If you like this article, you can Attach original link Reprint at will.
No intention of infringing your rights, please send an email to Or click on the right Private message: Muze feedback, we will deal with it as soon as possible.
5 replies A Author M administrators
  1. Expect, normal and good

  2. Emmm.. With all the album functions, there is no picture light box

    • The official version has not been released yet. It must be updated later (. left ▽ left)

    •  Muze

      Looking forward to the official version

    • I figured that I would get next year ( ̄▽ ̄)“

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