Paul - gorgeous Typecho blog theme

A Typecho blog theme suitable for display and diary writing, which is a rare and very personalized gorgeous theme, is very suitable for Typecho webmasters who like cool effects

One suitable for display and diary writing Typecho Blog Theme In the Typecho theme, this is a rare and very personalized gorgeous theme, which is very suitable for Typecho webmasters who like cool effects.

 Paul - gorgeous Typecho blog theme

Theme highlights

  • Diary
  • Quotations
  • Home
  • Article page
  • Artwork page
  • Comments and replies, different input boxes
  • Like, views
  • Player
  • Music Page
  • Ajax loads more articles
  • No refresh experience in the whole site (maybe only supported by Chrome)
  • Comment on Ajax submission
  • Lazy loading of pictures in the article (Safari failed the test)
  • Ajax login background
  • The Ajax front end submits new articles, bringing a different experience
  • GitHub open source page

be careful

  1. PHP> 7.1
  2. The comments were submitted using Ajax. The test found that there was no exception in sending comments and replies, but the plug-ins monitoring comments such as Comment email reminder Will be replaced. It may be a hook function problem. Please PR if there is a solution. thank you
  3. For those who use AppNode or other panels, please note that the PHP settings of the website allow_url_fopen = On

So gorgeous Typecho Theme It's true, but the following theme is half of it:

Paul - 绚丽的Typecho博客主题-Npcink
Paul - 绚丽的Typecho博客主题-Npcink

Destiny – Double layout, simple adaptive Typecho theme

usage method

home page

There will be 4 options in the top navigation of the home page, which are home page, about, donation and wish. Except for the default display of the home page, the rest will not be displayed according to the following settings.

About page: you need to create an independent page, template selection Home page template , the content is self determined.

Wish page: you need to create an independent page, and select a template Home page template , the content is self determined.

Donation page: you need to create an independent page, template selection Home page template , the content is self determined.

The home page has four columns, namely personal information, the latest blog, recent diary, and works.

Personal information is filled in the settings. The latest blog posts are obtained according to RSS. You can link to another Typecho blog.

The recent diary will show the brief form of the last 4 diaries.

The works are displayed according to their existence.

Journal Page

The journal page is the most important part of this topic. Please be sure to set it correctly.

Journal page: you need to create an independent page and select a template Journal page , the content does not need to be filled in. The number of journals displayed is set in the theme settings. The default is the last 5 journals, and the rest are not displayed. You can load more through Ajax, or you can set password to restrict users to view.

Other pages

The work page is optional. After successful parsing, the work page will be displayed in the first level navigation, and the work bar will be displayed on the home page.

Artwork page

You need to create an independent page and select a template Work Page , the content adopts the following JSON format.

 [{ "Name": "Project 1",//Name "Img": "",//Image address, if left blank, it will be the default image "url": " "//Jump address }, {"name": "Item 2", "img": "", "url": " " }]

JSON5 Copy

Note: If JSON is not specified, if an independent page is used Template of work introduction page , the output will also be parsed

Introduction page

use Template of work introduction page , will output the work on the work page, and output the work on the home page in the following format

 { "project_img": " ",//Work icon "Body": "A simple theme",//Introduction body "imgs": [" "," "],//Work pictures, multiple "info": "this is a simple theme", "url": "//", // preview website "doc_url": "//" // document url }

JSON5 Copy

Note: The title of the work is the title of the article

Quote page

You need to create an independent page and select a template Quotations page , the content is in the following format. (Content -- name, blank lines between each sentence, supporting CSS style)

 Maybe it was fate that made us voluntarily embark on this difficult road, and then slowly search for the joy of life on this thorny and winding path. However, at this time, I found that the truly wonderful and meaningful life probably began when I firmly pursued my dream———— "I hope you will return young after thousands of sails" The essence of life is suffering. I don't pursue the glory and wealth bestowed by heaven, which will make me panic and can't bear it. I just feel that every day when I open my eyes, I find myself still alive, without missing arms or legs, I can also fight through my own efforts and the black humor of fate, and I can also bravely and respectfully fight against difficulties. This feeling is very practical———— "I hope you will return young after thousands of sails"

Bottom player list: edit /src/Paul.js  ,

 var paul_music = new function () { var that = this; this.list = ["520570570", "541432715"];  //  Change to your song ID, Netease Cloud this.action = {}; var status = {playing: 0, lyric: [], lyric_index: 0}; this.setList = function () { var newList = []; ks("[data-sid]").each(function (item, key) { newList.push(item.dataset["sid"]); item.onclick = function (t) { if (that.list !==  newList) that.list = newList; document.body.classList.add("has-player"); status.playing = key;; } }); }; }

JavaScript Copy

Music Page

Note: Due to the limitation of NetEase Cloud, the decryption process is tedious, so self access is adopted token   key   cookie   par

The format is as follows:( be careful , just an example, cannot use this content)

 { "par": "KQlmV7JqpyE+v/SyvueeMNxe3+D8kLxcHulXTM5hpb9v5W4pApGbt+scMt22anE+RkQRUo6BqSPjrHBOGLeupj37azQooH837IgyFEl53mVcN3+GMZd9NRnQia0KJfgORbKbxAtercSGMmU0=", "key": "73d262099e16a6a929b877c2306de2052ce8672c22a767d9807b5a7b0ef8a727f7b58b728e5041fdd180402c9c844ced49e7bf413ac31de4bb3ebfa15031b38d31fcc992314056516bebbb3b700da572f45c959e62b", "token": "0ffcae938ce56b5ccf3833452b", "cookie": "_iuqxldmzr_=32; _ntBcfAzNCT4p1hxpzkwEv; __utma=187553192.2048158810.1535955082.1535955082.1535959925.2;  usertrack=ezq0pFvQf8mQPpjRDbkvAg==; _ga=GA1.2.2048158810.1535955082; __utma=94650624.892957808.1535686861.1542513934.1542787057.58; mail_psc_fingerprint=d0ea7e74138959611e1b07e5c0eb01ec; P_INFO= |1543396067|0|urs|00&99|zhj&1543396040&163#zhj&330300#10#0#0|&0|163| ;  vinfo_n_f_l_n3=bba4c658daa3f963.1.0.1549370539457.0.1549370906136; __remember_me=true; JSESSIONID-WYYY=AyCuuq9H%2FgYMBTTmkOh2s%5CQFWWA1jBqmXDqeBJab86NoIAFS3FIfAQJ8xsc8JWpC38Fhz1ugvyg1Wc0jAgfhgfW%5CY98ey22tG6hqSxC46kr6yueHQOyS9Fi0RXdgdwa5hqlFNAznV%2BUhEHqhrQP0fidc7Jc60SNtX16Z2Q%2FWAwv1nT2K%3A1560508623731; WM_NI=bg9lWN%2Bc6Rrg2JRPhHy3YXKMlF%2BWMv9x pjo988Pb97ArgTkR5DESzW0LMIjaHb1IL5uPh8Gzbv1tHRZOKAJ2RvHfRL4FYkuTa%2B2Ve6eZj7R5RXDn8glk23SWHdFDJzm4STI%3D; WM_NIKE=9ca17ae2e6ffcda170e2e6ee97d85e8d8e9d9bd93b939a8bb7c55b968a8bbabb73f2bca2b0f95fb794aba2aa2af0fea7c3b92aa2b9f78dd646e9bdfab3f16df2969eb1eb44bbed97b9ca47b09ae5b8d07efba8c08bee33fce8a083bc3d83aea9b5ea5af79c8bb4f95df49483aae96b8cbeffaacf3fb 790a8d9c672a2aaff95cb5a9a9185a2c93a92aa8887d148f89a978cf860a3f5feb7e83ea786a6d8d13f92888c8fbb6db0b5fed4d25d8cbc8aa5c972afec9db5cc37e2a3;  MUSIC_U=408c20031ba79321895033c45da31203091430c9e20ac9aa21aafd3328975a88ce3af6f259a118934c02c7efe60b561d114f327788dd6fe3; __csrf=0ffcae938ce56b5ccf3833452bb8045a" }

JSON5 Copy

Fill in the content above directly.

Friendly link page

One line name
One line address

 Quiet Forest Quiet Forest monitoring center Xu Jianhua's Blog Cat and Sunflower Mori color Paul's universe IT grassroots There is no other side rxliuli's Blog One Stop Star Palace on the Sea Eller Page Home Chenxin Blog - Focus on Sharing

Chasing pages

You just need to create a separate page - Zhuifan, and correctly fill in the ID of Bilibili and the digital ID. Such as one million two hundred and thirty-four thousand five hundred and fifty-six No further action is required.

Q & A

Q: Follow up the page and report an error, foreach() Error reporting, error reporting in connection with blog

A: Please check whether the PHP version and cUrl support it. Whether to install openSSL

Q: Error in output article

A: Try to create an article first.

About Maintenance and Updates

Recently, I am fully developing a new blog system, based on Vue+Express, and a more modern blog. Let's wait and see.

In fact, I have said so much that I have no time recently, unless there is a bug. I'm too lazy to fix bugs. How can I use them properly


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Of course, this topic is free. Your wish depends on you.

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Miracles - Simple single column Typecho theme

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Typecho baidu textcensor - Approve sensitive comments Typecho plug-in

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