LEADING - WordPress corporate theme for service industry

A WordPress corporate theme suitable for the service industry, such as education and training, brand design and other corporate official websites

The Leading theme is a WordPress corporate theme suitable for the service industry, such as education and training, brand design and other corporate official websites.

This is a be based on WPJAM plug-in Modular production 's WordPress theme, Responsive design , adaptive mobile browsing, very flexible background settings, home module can be added or deleted according to their own needs.

Subject authorization: after purchase, it can be bound to three sites, and can be unbound in the background of its own website, which can be recycled.

 LEADING - WordPress corporate theme for service industry

Introduction to rebate

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Screenshot of homepage module

The home page module can be added and used indefinitely, and can be customized.

1. Top of website

 LEADING - WordPress corporate theme for service industry

The website header can customize the website announcement (or close it), customize the website logo, and support the secondary menu for website navigation.

2. Home slide

 LEADING - WordPress corporate theme for service industry

Custom add home slide, mobile pictures can be set independently, custom picture jump link.

3. Article Module-1

 LEADING - WordPress corporate theme for service industry

Call the articles under the specified category to customize the number of articles displayed and the module title.

4. Article Module-2

 LEADING - WordPress corporate theme for service industry

Calling the articles under the specified category can customize the number of articles displayed, customize the module title, and display the video playback icon, which is applicable to video classification.

5. Article Module-3

 LEADING - WordPress corporate theme for service industry

Call the articles under the specified category to customize the number of articles displayed and the module title.

6. Article Module-4

 LEADING - WordPress corporate theme for service industry

Call the articles under the specified category to customize the number of articles displayed and the module title.

7. Article Module-5

 LEADING - WordPress corporate theme for service industry

Call the articles under the specified category to customize the number of articles displayed and the module title.

8. Article Module-6

 LEADING - WordPress corporate theme for service industry

Call the articles under the specified category to customize the number of articles displayed and the module title.

9. Picture carousel module

 LEADING - WordPress corporate theme for service industry

One or more pictures can be customized and displayed in a round robin. The pictures displayed on the mobile phone can be set separately, which is suitable for adding advertisements or popular recommendations.

10. Site Footer

 LEADING - WordPress corporate theme for service industry

The footer can be customized with four small recommendation columns, friendship links, footer logo and description, four groups of footer menus, and website copyright and filing information.

There are also many details, such as classification page, article page, etc., which will not be illustrated by one by one screenshots here. Just go to the demonstration station to build it.

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 LEADING - WordPress corporate theme for service industry

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 LEADING - WordPress Enterprise Theme for Service Industry Npcink
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