Itheme - Simple single column Typecho theme

Itheme - Simple single column Typecho theme

Itheme is a single column theme, a typecho theme based on rouvin, with responsive design and good user interaction.

  • Theme introduction: details
  • Theme presentation: invalid
  • Theme price: 25 yuan

Brief introduction

  • self-adaption
  • Single column design
  • Image lazy loading
  • Thumbnails
  • Article reading statistics
  • No need to install additional plug-ins
 Itheme - Simple single column Typecho theme
itheme - 简洁单栏Typecho主题-Npcink
itheme - 简洁单栏Typecho主题-Npcink

Itheme - Simple single column WordPress theme


Soso - Search Enhanced Typecho Plug in

2020-2-17 7:14:20


Spimes - We Media Blog Typecho Topic

2020-2-18 7:23:12

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