Given a matrix of n * n, find the k-power of the matrix, that is, P ^ k.
Input description:
 The first line: two integers n (2=n=10) and k (1=k=5), separated by a space, meaning as shown above. Next, there are n rows, and each row has n positive integers. The jth integer in the i-th row represents the matrix element Pij in the i-th row and jth column of the matrix (0=Pij=10). In addition, the data guarantees that the final result will not exceed 10 ^ 8.

Output description:
 For each group of test data, output the results. The format is: n lines and n columns are integers, and the number of each line is separated by a space. Note that there should be no extra space after the last number of each line.
Example 1


 2 2 9 8 9 3 3 3 4 8 4 9 3 0 3 5 7 5 2 4 0 3 0 1 0 0 5 8 5 8 9 8 5 3 9 6 1 7 8 7 2 5 7 3


 153 96 108 81 1216 1248 708 1089 927 504 1161 1151 739 47 29 41 22 16 147 103 73 116 94 162 108 153 168 126 163 67 112 158 122 152 93 93 111 97