Chapter 11 of "Sex Addicted Girls (High H)": At the side of her husband, she was criticized by her uncle for "C Double X" and instilled | Sex Addicted Girls (High H) free online reading
Where is South Devil Literature Net > Xiuzhen Immortal Xia > Sex addicted girls (high H) >Chapter 11: At the side of my husband, I was blasted by my uncle for planting

Yao Rui suddenly felt a clatter in his heart, and secretly said that he must be doomed. Although there was no scene of capture, the scene was no different from the scene of capture. After all, the hot Jinng water at his mouth b was still bubbling out, as if he was in a hurry to prove something to Liu Shih.

In the panic of Yao Rui's face, Liu Shi unexpectedly came forward to help her tidy her clothes. Yao Rui's body was in a state of trembling. You should know that the man in front of him was also the prince. Now he personally grabbed himself and gave him a green hat. What would happen to him?

Will he kill himself?

"Xiang, Xianggong..." Yao Rui said in a trembling voice.

The bodyguard over there clearly heard Yao Rui's address to Liu Shih, and immediately opened his eyes and looked unbelievable. So the NV man who was just JW was not a prostitute at all, but the NV man of the Second Prince? Then

With a plop, the guard fell to his knees and begged for mercy again and again, "Spare me, second prince. I don't know..."

"Come on, pull the bodyguard out of here, and kill him!" Liu Shih ordered coldly, but he also sentenced the bodyguard to Si punishment.

In this dynasty, there was nothing about human life in the eyes of the nobility. It was even more common to rush people's lives, especially those who were fangdang and uninhibited like the second prince.

The guard was so frightened that his nose ran down and his tears ran down, but he could not get Liu Shih's pity.

Fortunately, no one else followed him into the rockery before, so only Liu Shih saw Yao Rui's embarrassment after being escorted by JW, and all the servants were exempted from Si's crime.

However, there was some speculation about Liu Shih's obviously unhappy attitude. After all, what else could he do if he was a lone man with few nV and hid in this fake mountain at night?

Yao Rui doesn't care how the bodyguard was killed with a stick. At the moment, she is more concerned about whether she will be killed with a stick. She is more concerned about her own life.

That night, Yao Rui was imprisoned by Liu Shih.

In fact, Liu Shi is not happy about Yao Rui's success, but he is embarrassed to publicize it all over the country. No matter how nGdanG he is, he also needs to face. Moreover, Yao Rui cannot be killed now.

Therefore, Liu Shicai spared Yao Rui's life for the time being. However, Si's crime can be avoided, and he cannot escape.

Yao Rui's so-called confinement is really miserable. He was thrown into the firewood shed and didn't say anything about it. Even his daily meals are all leftovers. It's a world away from the previous luxury food.

Yao Rui has a hard time. She must find a helper, a helper who can save herself from fire and water.

Yao Rui first thought of the little boy who had opened bA0 before and asked him to help him do some errands. Then G would be a big man and save himself.

With such a plan, Yao Rui used one of his hairpins to ask the boy who looked after him to invite Ah Lian.

Allen didn't know that Yao Rui was locked up, or that few people in the family knew that Yao Rui was locked up. It was obvious that Liu Shi didn't want to disturb others.

After Yao Rui played with Ah Lian, he naturally complained a lot. Where Ah Lian could pass the Beauty Pass, he said he would try his best to help him.

After that, Allen took on the task of asking Yao Rui for information.