&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "Hoop, it's finally finished."

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Chris took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled, which was the way he read.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp In the mirror plane world, the time flow rate is different, so Chris doesn't care too much about the concept of time.

&So Chris was completely immersed in the development of the technique.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp In the end, he perfected the soul division and soul sustenance. As for time, he did not know how long it had been.


&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp When reaching the demigod state, many judgments do not need to be verified one by one. In this state, many things already have a vague feeling.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp This feeling is sometimes very accurate.



&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "I myself have reached the demigod state, and the soul has the divinity automatically. With the protection of the mirror dimension, there is no need to fear Sargeras' will."

&When Chris thought of these things, he immediately felt light all over. What remained was until he really solved the problem of Medivh.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "You are ready to exit!"


&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "The enchantment is still there, and there is no sign of breakthrough. It should be OK."

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Instead of dispersing the enchantment, he first cast a 'Nolan Mansion Technique', took a day off in the mansion, and then went out after cleaning up his physical health.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "You finally come out?"

&When Dumbledore looked at Chris's figure, he was stunned for a moment, but his will was still tough, and soon came to his senses.

&But at the moment Dumbledore's heart is not as calm as he looks on his face. At the moment, he faces Chris and feels a kind of pressure on his body.



&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp At that time, he knew that the other side was better than him.

&At that time, Dumbledore did not feel the kind of pressure now emerging. This kind of pressure comes not only from the soul level, but also from the body level.