Where is South Devil Literature Network > Online Games > The learning bully system of the brigade mage >Chapter 0091 Firm Foundation and Untouchable Depth (1/2)
&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Chris plans to learn not only the language of angels, but also the language of demons. Both hell and heaven exist in the western fantasy world.


&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Moreover, Enoch and Devil's Word are not only a kind of communication language, but also a way of using mysterious magic spells.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp If you do not know Enoch and Devil, then heaven magic and hell magic cannot be performed. Don't look at the three magic that Chris caught, they can't do magic, they just rely on their physical quality to fight.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp That's because their level is too low to touch the devil magic. Like those leading demons, lord demons, earls, dukes and even monarch demons, which one is not powerful?

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp. All of this must begin and be based on the knowledge of Devil Language.

&Although Chris does not want to be a devil or an angel, it is possible for him to go deep into light and darkness with both languages.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Therefore, he must learn Enoch and Devil Language.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "Yes!"

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp The Queen agreed to Chris's request. Her mouth showed a pleased arc. In her heart, perhaps she had determined that Chris was a magician who sought the shelter of light, and a magician who chose to embrace the light because of confusion.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Holy potion, Enoch, these are the arguments for her idea.



&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp For the soul and soul, the magic related to oneself, no matter which faction, they are cautious and very cautious. This is true of wizard magic, and so is Merlin magic!

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Chris did not find much magic in this regard, which can shield the influence from the heart and soul.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp can only resist with will, and will not be captured by the bright power in the promise.



&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp As Chris learned more and more deeply, the luminous mysterious sphere flashed before his eyes, transmitting all kinds of mysterious knowledge.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "Ding, it is detected that the basic Enoch language has been learned by the host, and the mysterious knowledge+10."

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Enoch and Enough are very extensive, but this kind of extensive is hidden deep outside the surface, and only after in-depth, can it be gradually discovered. And it is similar to Chinese. Enough and Enough have different meanings in different situations, different tones, and different words.


&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp With the prompt of the system, the language of Enoch is completely controlled by Chris. Once again, look at the words of Enoch, which are still mysterious, beautiful, and magical.