Where is South Devil Literature Network > Online Games > The learning bully system of the brigade mage >Chapter 0060 Golden Sutra of the Sun and Black Sutra of the Dead
&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "Interview Department?"

&Chris said doubtfully to the slightly strong man who called himself Henry.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp The name Henry is really a bit popular. I met a man named Henry in the last world. I met such a person just after the world came here.

&After meeting in the National Museum of Natural History, Chris found a cafe, arranged Su Qing to the other side, and began to talk with Henry.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "Yes, we belong to the Department of Insight, specializing in mythological history, magic creatures and other extraordinary mysterious events."

&As the minister of the department of public opinion, Henry did not use some exploratory means, nor did he hide information in a roundabout way to fight for the control and initiative of the conversation when talking to Chris.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Because these things may be useful for ordinary people, but for the supernatural and mysterious, it is unnecessary.


&Of course, he felt that the minister named Henry had another surge of will and energy in his body. And even he has a very dangerous feeling.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Under such circumstances, Chris did not take the initiative to inquire about others.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "I think you can join the Blog Department."

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Chris took a sip of coffee. He didn't know whether the coffee was authentic or not. He didn't have any research on it.


&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "Yes." Henry nodded, "the dark power of the world is becoming more and more grand, and there is a force ready to move. However, we are just ordinary people. Although we specialize in mythical history and extraordinary mystery, we are not as good as your magician after all."

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Chris smiled, "You are the first person to distinguish between a wizard and a wizard. I was always called a wizard before."

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "I can join, but what good can I do?"

&In the last world, Chris had his own power, but that was in the 19th century, and there was no mysterious group.

&The world is a modern society, and the complexity of modern society is much greater than that of that period.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Therefore, Chris doesn't have much to do with creating his own influence. Now there is a museum department that is delivered to the door. Chris can also wait and see it first to learn more about the inner world before making a decision.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "Our Museum Department has a long history of inheritance, and it still has some collections. If you join our Museum Department, these collections will be open to you."

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Chris caught his eye and said, "Oh, what are some treasures?"


&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&Chris was shocked, "The Golden Sutra of the Sun and the Black Sutra of the Dead in Hamnatta?"