&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "Giant catcher Jack!"

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&Chris's memory is not confused, and he easily turned the story over. Chris, who turned over his memory, was not happy, but also not depressed.


&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Chris knows that the giant fairy tales now circulating in the kingdom are true. However, because of its long history, this story has become a fairy tale, and even many troupes have compiled it into children's dramas.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp The giant in the story has a huge size, almost three stories high. Whether in body shape or strength, they are crushing human beings.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Also, these giants have long lives!



&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp 'Giant Dragon Constitution' medicament can not completely inherit the strong constitution of the main material, but it can also inherit the seventy percent constitution of the main material with various other materials.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Moreover, it will not change its own blood lineage!

&In other words, if successful, Chris will not become such a tall giant, but his physical quality has inherited the seven layers of giants.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp This is what Chris thinks about the plot.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp As for others, Chris has not found anything more beneficial to himself in the Clovist Kingdom for the time being.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Even if it is the crown that can control the giant clan, it is not a powerful magic item at all.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Create with the heart of the giant race as the main body to control the giant race. Chris has more than 20 refining methods.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp After all, with the heart of the other group, it is too simple to control the group.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "I don't know whether this world is also integrated with the plot of other films and TV programs."

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp This is also Chris's true idea. If you want to make up for the three problems about constitution, magic and magic, you can only explore the world deeper.

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp The Kingdom of Clovist alone will not work.


&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "However, I still stay here for the time being. For me, the giant clan is within my reach, nothing more than waiting for a period of time."

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp "When the plot triggers, the magic bean grows."

&Nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Chris was suddenly stunned, "Wait, that magic bean, it seems a bit strange! As long as a bean touches the water, it can grow wildly, and rise to thousands of meters high, a bit strong!"