The warm afternoon sun shines on the campus of A University. The sun shines through the plane trees and green leaves outside the corridor, and drops light spots from the cracks,

Zhen'er's eyes were full of ripples. She gently wrinkled her nose and replied,


Lin Jiamu looked at the girl in front of him, and his side face was still smiling,

"However, I plan to ask the whole class to call me that later, so that I can be closer to everyone."

Zhen'er turned around and looked at him carefully,

In her previous life, she did not like the surname Ran, because it was the place where she and her mother suffered from cold and harsh criticism,

So when she first got to know Linggen and worshipped Lingxiao Peak without any worries, she also asked people to call her Zhen'er directly,

When he heard this, the boy's expression was a little stiff. He didn't speak for a while. After a while, Lin Jiamu continued to move and clean the window in front of him,

"Yes, yes, it's easier to make friends."

The topic seems to be stuck here, and no one takes the initiative to speak again,

Zhen'er has no psychological burden. She finishes her work neatly, throws all the used newspapers into the trash can, dusts her hands, and then says,

"Well, monitor, I have emptied all the rubbish, can I go now?"

Lin Jiamu was a little flustered when he heard the words,

"Yes, yes, I'll go with you."

When he finished cleaning up his things and looked back at the office, he took the initiative to pick up the trash can and greet the girl next to him,

"Really, really, let's go."

He slightly evaded Zhen Er's eyes and strode to the door first,

Zhen Er also nodded, put on her bag and hooked her finger towards the boring balance of staying beside,

Qian Jun immediately burst into a big smile, like a runaway wild horse, and rushed out of the door,

"Oh, oh, oh, I'm going to see the 14th!"

Zhen'er smiled, followed her and walked slowly forward,

Qian Jun believes that human beings cannot see him, so he ignores Lin Jiamu standing at the door and will float across him,