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October Theme

Personal blog theme and single column design continue NICETHEME's consistent simple style and design. This is the one who often writes, writes essays and records life. Immersive dialog comments make messages between friends easier and faster. ...
¥ two hundred and ninety-nine
Open members and purchase themes at a more favorable price.
Super member price ¥ one hundred and ninety-nine Membership price ¥ two hundred and thirty-nine
Huabei installment
Original design
Lifetime use
Free updates
Return and replacement are not supported
¥ two hundred and ninety-nine
October Theme
Latest version
Recent updates
Release date
Update frequency
Supported languages
Support WP version
Support PHP version

Thematic characteristics

Authorize 1 primary domain name to use

Single order

Permanent free update

Pay once, update without worry

Detailed topic tutorial

Provide specific topic setting tutorial documents

Immersive Comment Dialog

Reset the WP comment mechanism. Comments support AJAX replies and loading

Global Night Mode

Completely different new style, each element on the screen has been carefully designed, elegant and comfortable

Background is changeable

Personalized setting supporting background replacement, light and dark mode

Support Chinese English switching

Built in Chinese and English language packs, Wordpress background language switching, quickly build English websites

2 article styles

Two types of article styles, default and non graphic, meet different needs

List auto load

In the background, you can select AJAX loading and paging to load list articles. AJAX loading automatically loads the first two pages

Thematic induction

The list page can be inserted with special columns of articles, and the dry goods on the website can be seen at a glance

Response and retina

It is applicable to all devices and supports high-quality images and text.

Diversified advertising space

Built in advertising space for article list and article page, set separately for PC and WAP

Modular and easy-to-use theme configuration background

Powerful background configuration framework, clear and orderly setting module, Xiaobai can also quickly configure

common problem

1. We recommend that the server run PHP 7.0 or higher; The database software can be MySQL 5.6 or higher, or MariaDB 10.1 or higher. Server hardware requirements: One core 1G1M or higher. The memory_limit parameter in php.ini should be at least 256m.

2. The server needs to support setting pseudo static rules.

3. Apache or Nginx are recommended as Linux servers. Windows system, please ensure that the above requirements are met.

4. The theme needs to be activated by online authorization. Local area networks and intranet servers (such as nas) cannot activate authorization normally, and do not support the use of domain names or IP addresses on specific ports. Before purchase, if there is anything unclear, please consult our customer service first.

The WordPress theme/building blocks sold by this website are authorized to be used by one website, that is, one order is bound to one top-level domain name. It can be modified 3 times later for free. If the amount of modification is used up, you can purchase the number of modifications.
Note: If the domain name is in the process of filing, please wait patiently for the domain name to pass the filing, or use the filing free server for debugging. The server IP or domain name with special port cannot enable the theme normally.
Member services and theme source code (with reproducibility, transmissibility, copyright reasons) belong to virtual commodity content services. Once granted/purchased successfully, no refund or exchange requirements in any form will be accepted.

1. Long term free use: You can use the WP theme you purchased in a non exclusive and long-term legal form worldwide.

2. After sales consulting service: You can contact us through online customer service and submission of service orders to configure relevant consulting services for topics. The scope of services: work order consultation and answer, regular maintenance and update of topics, bug repair, limited provision of topics compatible with the underlying WordPress framework, and detailed tutorial documents for the use of topics. Does not contain a site . Add/modify/delete any text, picture, logo, function or style in the theme, do not provide theme related beautification/modification/deletion teaching, do not provide third-party plug-in compatibility/beautification, and do not provide solutions to problems such as website data loss caused by server supplier or third-party problems.

3. After sales working time: 10:30-18:30 from Monday to Friday, weekends and legal holidays, you can submit a service form to contact us, and provide services online irregularly, which may take a long time to wait.

4. After sales service description: After sales service is only provided for users who place orders directly on the website. Other channels (such as purchasing on behalf of others, third-party website building companies, and non account holders) will not be able to obtain after-sales support.

A free theme configuration service will be provided within 3 months from the effective date of the theme order. Configure the theme module and website menu according to the effect of the demonstration station. Specific description: https://www.nicetheme.cn/mai-zhu-ti-song-pei-zhi.html

The functions file in the theme is specially encrypted. If you want to add code to this file, please add the code to the file named functions_xxx in the same directory (xxx is the theme name, such as functions_cosy). In addition, other file codes are not encrypted and can be modified normally. If you do not have the ability of secondary development or modification, please do not modify the theme source code without authorization, which may cause the website/theme to be unusable, unstable, bug and other situations. If the topic cannot be used or has problems due to personal modification of the topic source code, it needs to be handled by yourself. Due to the php encryption algorithm, some server security detection will prompt file exceptions, which is a false alarm. Please rest assured.

Within 30 days after the order is successfully paid (if overdue, it will not be supplemented), an electronic ordinary VAT invoice can be issued. If necessary, please submit a service order on the official website and indicate: the full name and tax number of the enterprise, the mobile phone number received, and the email address. Usually, we will issue and send it to the designated mobile phone and email within 3 working days.

If the order you purchased on this website is frozen, it means that you have violated our service agreement: you shall not copy, distribute, sell, rent, disseminate, translate Promise to sell, provide, license, use or otherwise use. Therefore, we have the right to stop all acts that harm the interests of our website. Your order and the authorized domain name will be frozen and removed, and can no longer be used. detailed description: nicetheme.cn/guan-yu-zhu-ti-bei-xie-lu-de-chu-li-ji-gong-shi.html

The website background cannot directly modify the theme copyright information unless you modify the theme file yourself. Generally, you can find the corresponding file in the website background - appearance - theme file editor in the footer.php in the theme root directory, or use the code editor (vscode) on the local computer to globally search for relevant keywords for modification.

The functions detailed in the sales page of this topic/applet are explicitly supported. If a function is not specifically mentioned in the description, it is not included in the topic by default. We do not guarantee the compatibility of the theme with other WordPress plug-ins on the market, unless otherwise stated. For example, the topic does not support the LaTeX/Markdown format. Please find a third-party plug-in implementation/support.

Update log (2)



Topic publishing