Recently, when performing any upgrade/installation of plug-ins, themes, and cores in China (including mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan), "429 Too Many Requests" will be prompted, causing the operation to fail. The specific reason is that was attacked by a large amount of traffic from home, and the CDN service for home was suspended.

This problem has lasted for several months, which has largely hindered the normal updating of WordPress core and related peripheral products on domestic websites, and the site security cannot be guaranteed. The official WordPress has not taken any measures. For details, please refer to: Is restricting visits from China region

Now, nicetheme has set up a reverse proxy server to proxy Provide solutions for all users whose servers are installed in China: through Building block box Install and enable WordPress Update Image to use all services normally, and indirectly solve the problem of slow background loading.


Q: Is this building block charged?

A: Non member 9.9, members and super members can download for free. Why do you charge? In reverse generation, if you want to buy a server, the traffic is running and the cost is increasing. We need to charge for this building block to pay for updating the proxy server.

Q: Is it safe to update the WordPress version through the building block of Ness?

A: We are trying to solve the user security problem and avoid using other unsafe channels to update Wordpress kernel, version and plug-in.

Installation mode:

  • It is recommended to pause the use of cache plug-ins and turn off the site CDN acceleration before installation.
  • New installation: Download on official website Building block box Plug in and enable it. In the website background, click "Building Blocks ->Building Blocks Box" to install the "WordPress Update Image" and enable it.