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Halo Theme Shop

Array — A finely crafted project by NICETHEME.


Nicetheme works with the Halo team to reconstruct the front-end code of Cosy theme and launch the Halo version. Continuation of nicetheme's consistent high-quality flat design, cms layout on the home page, rounded card design, shadow and blank to improve the overall page ...

PandaPRO Theme HALO

Nicetheme works with Halo team to reconstruct the front-end code of PandaPRO theme and launch Halo version. The overall design style of nicetheme has always been high-quality, flat and simple, with reasonable layout and coordinated color matching. Support responsive multi ...
nicetheme × Halo

Halo ? Powerful and easy-to-use open source website building tool

Rapid construction


Complete functions

Fast response


Quick Start

Use the following methods to quickly experience the latest version of Halo
However, if you want to deploy to the server, it is recommended to browse Official Documents For more help.

$ docker run -it -d --name halo -p 8090:8090 -v ~/.halo2:/root/.halo2 halohub/halo:2.5