Baidu Intelligent Website

Baidu intelligent website building, with zero threshold+low cost+short time, is committed to assisting SMEs users to build websites quickly. The product uses PPT style drag and drop design, so users can design and produce websites through massive template resources without any programming foundation, and easily create five end sites of PC websites, mobile websites, WeChat applets, Alipay applets, and Baidu smart applets. Integrating multiple Baidu search rights and AI intelligent customer acquisition capabilities, it helps enterprises grasp business opportunity information and improve the transformation and promotion effect.


Product advantages

Application scenarios

Massive templates

Marketing promotion

Recommended package

  • Whole network portal

    The five ends of PC website+mobile website+Baidu smart applet+WeChat applet+Alipay applet will be completed at one time.

  • Applet Portal

    Baidu smart applet+WeChat applet+Alipay applet