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label: military domestic Warfare strategy

 Riding and Chopping: Pande's Prophecy 3.611

Riding and Chopping: Pande's Prophecy 3.611

The Knights' Sad History Game
  • Type: cosplay
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • to update: 2016/03/15 11:15:40
  • size: 1.29 GB
  • System: WinXP/Win7/Win8/Vista
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Mount & Blade : Pande's prediction 》The background is totally empty, and there are quite a few history Gratitude and resentment, especially the sad history of some knights. If you are interested, you can look at the instructions in the game, so that you can better understand the meaning of the game. One of the highlights of this work is NPC lines. Everyone has a distinctive personality.

Game background

Ten thousand years ago, the Titan War laid the foundation for the rise of mankind. After the smoke of a terrible war between ancient ethnic groups has dissipated, there is no magic in the world. And those strong men who once had glory in the legend also disappeared together, and only in the legend can they be seen. Only the indomitable Nuodo Elves have survived to this day, and their once brilliant city has also disappeared, perhaps only one remains.

Version update

1. Fixed the problem of players disappearing from the big map after being loyal to the king.

2. After accepting the challenge task of the Knights, you cannot change the members of the troops.

3. The order in which the knights equip the lyre and lute does not require the achievement of learning the whole poem, but depends on the order in which the poem is learned.

Game features

Featured Knights:

This is also my favorite place. The knights are not only different in appearance and data. They do have their own characteristics, length, history and reality. In addition to national knights and common horsemen, if you choose to stand on your own feet and revive Pande culture, you can form very distinctive walking knights and archer knights, In the field operations, we won't lose anything if we attack cities and occupy territories fiercely.

Huge field force:

This can be said to be a few big dice in Pande's prediction, sometimes even changing the fate of a country, adding many variables to the game. Field army corps often have more than 500 people, sometimes even thousands of people in the late game, and there may also be fast mobile reconnaissance teams around. But is it true that the wild forces are completely eliminated?

In the early days of independent players, a large field army corps is not necessarily a disaster, but may be a life-saving straw. Therefore, the location of independent players and the relationship with the surrounding field forces are very important. It is best to consider the overall situation early.

Progressive battlefield AI:

It can't be said that there are ghosts and ghosts, but at least it has completely got rid of the rough battlefield AI of the battle group. When the battle starts, occupying the mountain and forming an array is the top priority for both sides. Sometimes you will see the tactics of computer circuitous and even luring the enemy. There are also differences between different military tactics. If you encounter Cartu cavalry on the plain, even if there are not many people, you may lose your senior soldiers, Because the formation was not finished, a row of cavalry rifles were killed.

Game Character

NPC Features

When you stand on your own, you can assign NPCs as lords. Some NPCs have unique private soldiers in addition to the cultural soldiers of the player kingdom.

Letterland: Nordo Warrior, Nordo Ranger, Nordo Female Ranger, Nordo Dawn Knight, Silver Fog Ranger, Silver Fog Cavalry, Silver Fog Swordsman.

Baodaisi: Feng Kefu's female cavalry, Feng Kefu's king's archer, Feng Kefu's clare soldier, Feng Kefu's clan people, female sentry, female guard, female mercenary, Feng Kefu's female knight, Feng Kefu's crom guard, Feng Kefu's reserve of able-bodied men, Feng Kefu's Queen's Guard, Feng Kefu's guard archer, and detective heroine.

Sister Bao (Baodaisi): Aggressive. Strong lord, suitable for marshal. With Sister Bao, the national fight is very harmonious.

Roland: Warm and thick. Some people say that he is the real knight of the Dawn Knights, while others say that he is actually the head of the devil. It's good to be enfeoffed for 100 times.

Fox spirit Sarah: grim. This NPC does not recommend enfeoffment. Because they are scum lords. Always thinking of herself.

Donovan: Aggressive. Ten figures in charge of NB. It is suggested that he be promoted and re enfeoffed. Good value.

Ritdy Blue: grim. As a powerful NPC. It is not recommended to be enfeoffed because of poor personality. It is recommended to stay in the team.

Qasim: Cunning. The prairie mouse. Greed is insatiable, and bullying is cowardly. It is not recommended to seal off.

Alistair: Aggressive. I like fat girls and the right of first night. He has good strength and can be enfeoffed as a lord.

Eliza (Snake Girl): Bad temper (as cold). As a member of the snake worship sect, he has a poor character. Standard scum lord, not recommended to be enfeoffed.

Anson: Integrity. As a team doctor, he needs it. If you don't need him to be enfeoffed, let him stay in the team with intelligence surgery. Personally, I suggest that when you meet a good man, you should assign him out.

Ryan: Aggressive. The last member of Falcon Cavaliers (some people think he is not, it doesn't matter here), please promote him and then give him a sub award.

Noble summary

Honest and kind people can be enfeoffed. The warlike can also be enfeoffed, which is the choice of the main battle faction and the marshal. It is better not to enfeoff those who are cruel and cunning. Such scum will often shrink in the castle after being enfeoffed. We will act together only when we meet our army. Bullies are afraid of being tough and have distorted personalities.

Ten civilian NPCs, character and enfeoffment value:

Joslin: good. This guy has a jazz title but ten real losers. It's time to shoot. How many people's relationships were destroyed at the beginning. No enfeoffment value. This product is very standard as a knight. Pure power type. Intelligence is under the command, and enfeoffment is not recommended.

Diev: good. As a level 30 NPC. The archery is not so good. It is no good to govern. It depends on how you want to develop him. If you plan to stay in the team, develop bows and arrows.. If you are enfeoffment, give him more command and throw it out.

An Dongjia: Rogue. (The first time I saw this property) This product looks like Mathilde. Average level. It is still developmental. But the character is not good. It is recommended to keep the team and not to divide it.

Sigmund: good. Powerful warrior, 400 crossbow proficiency. Maybe they don't have brains but muscles. Intellectual charm slag. No development. It is recommended to keep the team.

Leslie: good. A good character. It is suggested to develop to level 30 and then throw it out to become a lord.

Cavella: good. ditto. But this suggestion gives her a little toss.

Edith: good. It is suggested to develop it and then throw it out to become a lord. It is recommended to ride with bow.

Liwa: Rogue. Human waste. It is suggested to develop and keep in the team.

Juliet: good. This proposal is divided into several parts. Upgrade him with more charm and command.

Fredry: Avarice. (The first time I saw this attribute) It can be trained as a super soldier. It is not recommended to seal off.

Hide NPC

1. Coachman Locke: 3000 Kuan asked the owner of a hotel if there was a carriage with luggage;

2. A JJC maniac: After 800 reputation, I filled the map to find the training ground, and then I was in one of them. It seems that I won't leave. Free to go with you;

3. JS Monra's maid: Xin Jia Er asked for Meng La, and 20 Nuo female rangers changed. You are too hung up.

None of them will update equipment by themselves, but they are good at it. In addition, they help players expand the capacity of items in disguised form, and can help players sell garbage after the war. In addition, they will not sell goods and objects. Food can be kept fresh on them!

Game operation

W/A/S/D key: move;

Left mouse button: attack;

Right mouse button: defense;

F key: action;

Space bar: jump;

E key: kick;

X key: use mode switching;

G key: discard weapon;

R key: switch first person Vision;

Backspace key: View commands.

Minor editorial evaluation

The classic game Ride and Chop has many excellent MODs, and many MODs are as playable as the original. The ride and chop: Pande's prophecy that is brought to you now is a great work. This is a highly original MOD made by players. Many equipment and arms have been added to the original, as well as many new personalized settings. The overall content is very rich. Players who like riding and chopping should not miss it.

Mount&Blade Series

Game name Issue Date size
Riding and Chopping: The Chinese Version of Innsville's Choice Unknown 867.17 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Territorial War Unknown 754.59 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Chinese Version of Leading Heroes Unknown 700.32 MB
Riding and Chopping: Song of Ice and Fire Unknown 1.51 GB
Horse riding and chopping: life credo Unknown 744.98 MB
Horse riding and killing: The Three Kingdoms won the world Chinese version Unknown 673.27 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Chinese version of Canglong Three Kingdoms Unknown 263.01 MB
Horse Riding and Killing: The Three Kingdoms Water Margin Integrated Edition in Chinese Unknown 640.51 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Fifty Years of Human Life Unknown 1.30 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Chinese version of the Ming Expeditionary Force Unknown 1.10 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Chinese Version of the Comprehensive War between Han and Hungary Unknown 623.53 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Engagement Ball Unknown 230.21 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Bright and Dark Beauty Version Unknown 898.02 MB
Horse Riding and Killing: the Chinese Version of the Warring States Period of the United Haze Unknown 821.33 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Chinese Version of Magic World Unknown 357.61 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Star Wars Chinese Version Unknown 625.90 MB
Horse Riding and Killing: No Thieves in the World (Chinese Version) Unknown 487.69 MB
Horse Riding and Killing: British Rulers Unknown 1.36 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: The Wind of War Unknown 297.85 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Chinese version of the leader Unknown 1.73 GB
Horse Riding and Killing: The Three Kingdoms Chinese Version 2015-01-04 865.45 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Chinese version of Xishan at sunset Unknown 1.05 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: The Chinese Version of Chu Han Struggle for hegemony Unknown 819.79 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Battle Group's Viking Conquest Unknown 1.61 GB
Horse riding and killing: real and empty Unknown 624.96 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Perisino Unknown 1.58 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Chinese Version of Fire Shadow and Wind Transmission Unknown 1.05 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Godfather Chinese Version Unknown 688.79 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Imperial War Unknown 1.46 GB
Horse Riding and Killing: Dancing the Marsh Unknown 618.51 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Chinese version of Fengyunjihui Unknown 1.28 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Chinese Version of World War II Chinese Battlefield Unknown 469.93 MB
Horse riding and chopping: 300 Spartans Unknown 356.33 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Asian dynasties Chinese version Unknown 345.68 MB
Horse riding and chopping 1257ad Chinese version Unknown 1.51 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Chinese version of the matchless Three Kingdoms Unknown 611.02 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping 8MOD Collection Unknown 1.08 GB
Riding and Chopping: The Last Day of the Ring Unknown 857.95 MB
Horse riding and chopping 2: Chinese version of Lord 2020-03-31 33.67 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Chinese Version of the Napoleonic War Unknown 1.37 GB
Riding and Chopping: Pande's Prophecy Unknown 1.29 GB
Horse Riding and Killing: Valor Unknown 424.73 MB
Horse Riding and Killing Regiment: I am the Lord Unknown 563.24 MB
Riding and Chopping: Light and Darkness Unknown 798.88 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Fire and Sword Unknown 748.41 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Chinese version of Zhantuan Unknown 1.39 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Modern War of Caradia Unknown 453.86 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: The Lord of the Rings China Turkey War Unknown 222.79 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Chinese version of League of Heroes Unknown 305.15 MB
Horse riding and chopping: perfect chaos Unknown 740.12 MB
Horse riding and chopping: war invasion Unknown 987.56 MB
Horse riding and killing: a limited fantasy world Unknown 666.14 MB
Horse riding and chopping: legend of sword wind Unknown 803.92 MB
The Three Kingdoms: The Eastern Han Dying Unknown 868.92 MB
Riding and Chopping: Roman Glory Unknown 1.62 GB
The Crusader's Way of Atonement 0.18 Unknown 1.33 GB
Horse Riding and Killing: An Epic of Faya Unknown 1.61 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Oriental Wolf Unknown 679.47 MB
Caradia's Financial Empire in the Late Sui Dynasty Unknown 755.30 MB
Pande's prediction: a glorious era Unknown 3.26 GB
Horse riding and chopping Chinese version Unknown 351.55 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: French Indian War Unknown 759.08 MB
Horse Riding and Killing: Chaotic Time and Space Unknown 1.08 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Red War Unknown 1.61 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Gone with the Wind in China Unknown 1.78 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Blood and Dust of the Song Dynasty 3.5 Unknown 1.73 GB
Horse riding and chopping: battle group 1.153 Unknown 518.72 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Regiment 1.158 Unknown 524.00 MB
Horse riding and chopping: engagement dance 0.8 Unknown 657.48 MB
Horse riding and chopping: engagement dance 0.92 Unknown 664.28 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: English French Centennial War Unknown 577.96 MB
Horse riding and killing: Chinese version of Final Fantasy Unknown 709.64 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Cataclysm Unknown 1.01 GB
Riding and Killing: Financial Biography of Sui and Tang Dynasties Unknown 1.23 GB
Riding and Chopping: The Kingdom of Women Unknown 58.36 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Chinese Version of the Revolutionary War Unknown 890.50 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Samurai's Sorrow in Chinese Unknown 1.20 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Chinese version of the leading dream of the Three Kingdoms Unknown 731.41 MB
Horse Riding and Killing: The Yellow Scarf Rebellion in the Seven and Seven Kingdoms Unknown 1.33 GB
Horse Riding and Killing: Light and Dark Halloween Special Chapter Unknown 1.73 GB
Horse riding and killing: China's glory Unknown 733.67 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Blood of the West Unknown 1.09 GB
Riding and Killing: Talera Chronicles Unknown 593.61 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Europa 1200 Unknown 1.02 GB
Horse riding and killing: blood and sword Unknown 610.81 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Knight's battle Unknown 673.53 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: The Iron Soul of the Sword Unknown 411.03 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Sand of Faith Unknown 1.53 GB
Riding and Chopping: Pande's Prophecy Version G Unknown 1.28 GB
Horse riding and chopping: the second division of Karadia Unknown 645.38 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Leader 1.4 Chinese version Unknown 1.42 GB
Horse riding and chopping: the last warrior at the end of the curtain Unknown 761.15 MB
Horse riding and chopping: The Three Kingdoms 2.7.1 Unknown 877.25 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Power of the leader enhanced version Unknown 1.73 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Legendary Myth Unknown 2.10 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Battle Group v1.127 Unknown 492.19 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Battle Group v1.166 Unknown 1009.20 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Battle Group v1.167 Unknown 611.82 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Battle Group v1.168 Unknown 1.39 GB
Horse riding and chopping: battle group - crusader Ivanhoe 2015-10-10 1.48 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Fifty Years of Human Life Plus V1.65 Unknown 1.34 GB
Riding and Chopping: Blood and Glory Repair Version Unknown 801.21 MB
Horse riding and killing: blood and glory Unknown 791.24 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: The Second Edition of Valencia Unknown 673.29 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Napoleonic Wars 1.158 Unknown 1.38 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Chinese version of descendants Unknown 764.33 MB
Riding and Killing: Pande's Prediction of a New Era Unknown 1.29 GB
Horse Riding and Killing: Dragon Blood Dark Yellow Unknown 1.38 GB
Horse Riding and Killing: War of Spanish Succession Unknown 2.46 GB
Horse riding and killing: the dawn of a new era Unknown 1.06 GB
Horse riding and killing: the Civil War in 1860 Unknown 1.04 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: 1429 Centennial War Unknown 1.09 GB
Horse riding and chopping: 1.6 in the northern hemisphere in the 16th century Unknown 1.73 GB
Horse Riding and Killing: The Three Kingdoms 2.7.6 Phoenix Dancing in the World Unknown 864.16 MB
Horse riding and killing: the Caribbean era Unknown 991.64 MB
Riding and Killing: Dark Age Unknown 934.17 MB
Horse riding and chopping: heirs of legends Unknown 636.21 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Wind of War Map Version Unknown 782.68 MB
Horse riding and chopping: territorial war 0.62 Unknown 751.86 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Star Wars 0.9.4 Unknown 625.92 MB
Horse riding and chopping: fire and sword 1.138 Unknown 740.20 MB
Horse riding and killing: battle group - fifty years of human life 1.71 Unknown 1.24 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Cataclysm 0.2 Unknown 1.07 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Northern Hemisphere V1.3 in the 16th century Unknown 1.41 GB
Horse riding and chopping: British rulers V1.41 Unknown 1.43 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Viking Conquest 1.04 Unknown 1.01 GB
Horse riding and chopping: leader 1.384X power enhanced version Unknown 615.52 MB
Horse riding and chopping: The Three Kingdoms 2.7.4 Unknown 878.22 MB
Horse Riding and Killing: Battle Group - Life Credo 0.61 Unknown 643.77 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Battle Group - Iberia 1200 Unknown 1.15 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Pande's prophecy 2.04 Unknown 489.35 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Talera Chronicles v3.01 Unknown 663.90 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: The American Revolutionary War 1.3 Unknown 1.06 GB
Seven Seven Three Kingdoms Yellow Scarf Rebellion 1.5 2015-12-22 995.16 MB
Riding and Chopping: Song of Ice and Fire 2.1 Unknown 2.04 GB
Riding and Chopping: Pande's Prophecy 3.611 Unknown 1.29 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: The Colony of Caradia Unknown 1.04 GB
Ride and kill the glorious era 1.9 Unknown 2.33 GB
Riding and Chopping: Pan De's Prophecy 3.705 Chinese Version Unknown 1.22 GB
Horse Riding and Killing Regiment: Hand of God Unknown 929.15 MB
Horse riding and killing: Fengyun Three Kingdoms 2.7.6 Flying around the World Unknown 755.72 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Chinese version of War Wolf Unknown 915.82 MB
Horse riding and chopping: 3.0 Unknown 1.09 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Song of Ice and Fire 2.0 Unknown 1.45 GB
Horse riding and chopping: 1257V2.3 Unknown 606.35 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Sword of Damocles V5.0 Unknown 777.68 MB
Horse riding and chopping: the late Ming Dynasty 1.1 Unknown 389.73 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Mongolian King Unknown 525.24 MB
Horse riding and chopping: 1.5 in the northern hemisphere in the 16th century Unknown 1.67 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Sword Pointing Six Countries 0.8 Collection Unknown 1.01 GB
Horse riding and chopping 1.011 Unknown 448.39 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Knight's Battle 4.0 Unknown 741.86 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Cat Treasure 2 (Chinese version) Unknown 658.21 MB
Horse riding and killing: the perfect version of financial biography of the Sui and Tang dynasties Unknown 732.84 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Dongfang v0.400 Unknown 1.44 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Faya epic 0.351 Unknown 1.26 GB
Horse riding and killing: diplomatic strategy 4.3 Unknown 557.29 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Mercenary World Unknown 654.53 MB
Horse riding and chopping: the war of pp sauce two thousand and fourteen 582.59 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Franco Prussian War Unknown 1.38 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Chinese version of Dark Wanderers Unknown 175.56 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Chinese version of urban construction Unknown 606.22 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Gone with the Wind Unknown 918.02 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Mercenary World 2.5 Chinese Version Unknown 654.50 MB
Horse riding and chopping: The Three Kingdoms 2.4 Unknown 801.38 MB
Horse Riding and Killing: the Glory of Kangxi Empire Unknown 1.52 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Teutonic Knights Unknown 711.81 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Magnificent Wind of Western Regions Unknown 655.59 MB
Horse riding and chopping: torrent Unknown 787.22 MB
Horse riding and chopping: 0.53 in the overall war between Han and Hungary Unknown 734.51 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Chinese version of Perfect World 2016-05-27 327.21 MB
Horse riding and chopping: fire and sword 1.139 Chinese version Unknown 740.21 MB
Horse riding and chopping: mercenary legend Unknown 685.22 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Hegemony, 268 BC Unknown 585.28 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Chinese version of the Song Dynasty Unknown 1.56 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Zen Return v1.5 Chinese version Unknown 474.60 MB
Horse riding and killing: The Legend of the Three Kingdoms Dragons 3.3.0 Unknown 1.63 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: The Yellow Scarf Rebellion in the Seven and Seven Kingdoms Period 2 Unknown 1.10 GB
Horse riding and chopping: battle group - rise of the undead 0.3 Chinese version Unknown 2.05 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Kangxi Dynasty 0.25 Plus Unknown 1.42 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Chinese version in feudal times Unknown 807.90 MB
Riding and Killing: Colonial Eternal Chinese Version Unknown 849.72 MB
Horse riding and chopping: the last day of the Ring 3.23 Unknown 892.26 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Cataclysm 5.0 Unknown 1.63 GB
Horse Riding and Killing: Making havoc in the Heavenly Palace Unknown 807.90 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Global Version in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods 2019-10-13 911.46 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Origin of the East 2.5 Chinese version Unknown 152.34 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Chilean Revolutionary War 3.0 Chinese Version Unknown 1.07 GB
Horse Riding and Killing Jihad 1.2 Chinese Version Unknown 2.14 GB
Riding and Chopping: Whispers in the Shadow of Faya's Epic Unknown 1.24 GB
Horse Riding and Killing: Medieval Conquest Unknown 2.48 GB
Horse Riding and Killing Foreign Loyal Soul: Manchurian Red Karadia V1.3 Unknown 649.95 MB
Riding and Chopping: Rhapsody of Karadia Unknown 608.75 MB
Horse riding and killing: urban construction 0.675 Chinese version Unknown 602.46 MB
Horse riding and chopping: leader 1.42 Unknown 542.11 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Gone with the Wind 1.04 Unknown 930.71 MB
Horse riding and killing: Fengyunjihui 0.26 Chinese version Unknown 1.25 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Han Dynasty and Rome in Chinese Unknown 1.22 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Nysne Chinese version Unknown 1.41 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Soldiers and Heroes Unknown 540.02 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Danish Civil War 1157 Unknown 1.11 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Caribbean v0.945 Chinese version Unknown 564.56 MB
Riding and Chopping: Pande's Fable 3.611 Unknown 1.18 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: All Saints' War of Light and Darkness v2.812 Unknown 705.11 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Worry free Battle Group Unknown 653.59 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Turkic Warning Unknown 2.25 GB
Horse riding and chopping: a new era of war 70fix3 integrated version Unknown 1.10 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Private Land F Unknown 739.79 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Star Wars 1.0 Unknown 963.85 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Pande's prophecy G3.2X New Era v1.51 Unknown 2.11 GB
Riding and Chopping: The West of the United States Unknown 1.94 GB
Chinese Version of Complete Works of Horse Riding and Chopping Unknown 2.84 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Battle Group - Cataclysm Chapter 3 V1.48 Unknown 1.40 GB
Horse riding and chopping: a world of ice and fire v9.6 Unknown 1.72 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Chinese version of Empire Unknown 989.95 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Battle Group BOSS Invades Her Majesty the Queen Unknown 1.03 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Official Version of Napoleonic War 1.104 2016-03-02 889.30 MB
Horse riding and chopping: blood and sword v1.0 Unknown 661.73 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Battle Group - Mongolian Tribe Chinese Version Unknown 842.21 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Battle Group - 1050 AD: Mercenary Uprising v2.0 Unknown 1.08 GB
Horse riding and chopping: red and blue 1936 - Spanish Civil War v2.1 Unknown 1.60 GB
Horse riding and killing: Romance of the Three Kingdoms x9 Chinese version Unknown 1023.87 MB
Horse Riding and Killing: Zhantuan-1860 American Past 1.5 Chinese Version Unknown 1.05 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Battle Group - Ottoman Empire v2.5 Chinese Version Unknown 1.32 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Wild Karadia Unknown 868.22 MB
Horse Riding and Killing: Regiment - Diplomacy 4 2009-07-16 1.12 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Battle Group - Jihad 2009-07-16 2.35 GB
Horse riding and chopping: battle group - bloody battle 2009-07-16 1.52 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Battle Group - Twilight of the Empire Unknown 1.70 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: History of Heroes Invincible 2009-07-16 1.05 GB
Horse riding and chopping: march to Rome Unknown 1.02 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Chinese Version of Trojan War 2009-07-16 1.91 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: The Story of Caradia Unknown 938.91 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Battle of Karadia Unknown 834.48 MB
Horse riding and chopping: real module Unknown 1.59 GB
Riding and Chopping: Pan De's Prophecy 3.84 Chinese Version Unknown 1.19 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Chinese version of Parabellum Unknown 1.18 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Legend of Heroes - Love of Zhu Hong v0.380127 Unknown 593.82 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Cataclysm Chapter 3 v1.5 Chinese Version Unknown 1.60 GB
Horse riding and chopping: contend for supremacy - peak duel 3.0.82 perfect version Unknown 771.19 MB
Horse riding and chopping: leader 1.433 Chinese version Unknown 543.53 MB
Horse riding and killing: Fengyunjihui 1.0 Chinese version Unknown 1.66 GB
Horse riding and chopping: Cataclysm III v1.86 Chinese version Unknown 1.63 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Chinese Version of 1776 American Revolutionary War 2017-03-27 1.00 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Chinese Version of Crusade 2017-3-28 1.61 GB
Riding and Chopping: Rhapsody of Karadia 1.0 Unknown 614.28 MB
Horse riding and chopping: Sand of Faith 2.3 Chinese version Unknown 3.60 GB
Horse Riding and Chopping: World Chinese Version of War Wolf 2017-03-24 930.69 MB
Horse riding and chopping: 1860 Chinese version of the Qing Dynasty 2017-02-14 887.85 MB
Horse Riding and Chopping: Battle Group - Fasefer v21 Chinese Version 2017-03-31 1.89 GB

All home-made MOD versions are integrated with the original, and players can directly download and install to enter the game!

Official original version of riding and chopping
Mount & Blade: Warband Fire and Sword Napoleonic Wars Viking Conquest feudal lord
Self made MOD by hacking enthusiasts
Qin Dynasty Chu and Han contend for hegemony Sword Finger Six Countries 0.8 Collection

Han Dynasty Comprehensive War between Han and Hungary Military loyalty Han Hun Comprehensive War 0.53

three countries Three Kingdoms Water Margin Integrated Edition The Tripartition Win the world Unparalleled three kingdoms
Three Kingdoms The Three Kingdoms: The Eastern Han Dying Leading the Dream of Three Kingdoms July 7th Yellow Scarf Rebellion in the Three Kingdoms
Three Kingdoms 2.7.1 The Three Kingdoms 2.7.6 Phoenix Dances in the World
The Three Kingdoms, 2.7.4
Seven Seven Three Kingdoms Yellow Scarf Rebellion 1.5
The Three Kingdoms 2.7.6 Flying around the World
The Three Kingdoms 2.4

Sui Dynasty Caradia's Financial Empire in the Late Sui Dynasty Financial Biography of Sui and Tang Dynasties Perfect version of financial biography of Sui and Tang dynasties

Song dynasty Dancing in the marshes the meeting of wind and clouds Gone with the Wind in China Blood and Dust of the Song Dynasty
yuan dynasty Mongolian King

the ming dynasty Daming Expeditionary Force West Mountain at sunset Asian Dynasties The late Ming Dynasty
War Wolf
Wind and Cloud in the Late Ming Dynasty 1.1

Qing Dynasty Glory of Kangxi Empire

Modern times World War II China Battlefield Modern War of Karadia Red War ctm
war of independence Glory of China Sword Shining Iron Soul Blood and glory
Dawn of a new era

Rome Imperial War 300 Spartans Roman glory The Crusader's Way of Atonement
Europe and America Inswell's Choice Leading Hero Territorial war Life credo
Song of Ice and Fire Perisino Engagement dance There are no thieves in the world
British rulers The Wind of War Light and Dark Beauty Version godfather
Leader I am the lord 1257AD Light and darkness
War invasion Engagement Ball 0.8 Faya Epic Oriental Wolf
French Indian War Engagement Ball 0.92 Hundred Years' War between Britain and France Light and darkness Halloween Special Edition
Europa 1200 Sand of Faith Karadia Secession Leader 1.4
Leader 2.0 Power Plus Crusader Ivanhoe Valencia
War of the Spanish Succession
1860 Civil War
1429 Centennial War Caribbean era
War Wind Map
Territorial War 0.62
Fire and Sword 1.138
16th Century Northern Hemisphere V1.3
British rulers V1.41
Leader 1.384X Power Plus
American Revolutionary War 1.3
The colony of Caladia
Hand of God
Sword of Damocles V5.0
Northern Hemisphere in the 16th Century 1.5
one point zero one one
Knight's Battle 4.0
Faya Epic 0.351
Diplomatic strategy 4.3
Cavalry and Empire
Franco-Prussian War
Dark Wanderer
Urban construction
Gone with the Wind and Clouds
Teutonic Knights
Magnificent wind of the Western Regions
Perfect World
1776 American Revolutionary War Crusade Rhapsody of Caradia 1.0 Sand of Belief 2.3 Chinese Version
World Chinese Version of War Wolf

Japan Fifty years in the world The Lan of Unity in the Warring States Period Samurai's Misery The last warrior at the end of the curtain
Fifty year human enhanced version V1.65 Fifty years in the world 1.71
Xiake Shang3.0
Cat Treasure 2
Tiger cub

Animation adaptation Legend of Sword Wind Little Star The Kingdom of Women Dongfang v0.400
Magic Magic World Star Wars Real and empty The Last Day of the Ring
Fire Shadow and Wind Transmission The Lord of the Rings China Turkey War Perfect troubled times Limited fantasy world
Pande's prophecy Glorious era Chaotic space-time Blood of the West
Talera Chronicles Blood and Sword Knight's Battle Pande's Prophecy Version G
Legendary Myth offspring Pande's prediction of a new era
shed blood like water
Dark Age
Inheritor of legend
Star Wars 0.9.4
Catastrophe 0.2
Pande's Prediction 2.04
Talera Chronicles v3.01
Song of Ice and Fire 2.1
Pande's prediction 3.611
Mercenary World 2.5

Brilliant Era 1.9
Pande's prediction 3.705
Song of Ice and Fire 2.0
Special edition 8MOD Collection League of Heroes Blood and glory repair version Napoleonic Wars 1.158
Northern Hemisphere in the 16th Century 1.6
The war of pp sauce

Battle regiment Battle Group v1.127 Battle Group v1.153 Battle Group v1.158 Battle Group v1.166
Battle Group v1.167 Battle Group v1.168 Battle group mod: Iberia 1200
Battle group mod: Life credo 0.61
Battle group mod: Qing Dynasty 1860
Fasefer v21 Chinese version

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